Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2884: Yang Xu's intention to kill

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Seeing his own tricks, he was instantly cracked by the boy, and the face of the ghost king Zong messenger showed surprise.

After seeing that, the boy not only cracked the trick, but even turned against himself instantly.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth:

"It's really naive, one ants in every district, even trying to bite me back? Young, you are too..."


The emperor of the ghost king sect had the time to speak, and the crystal spear that was shot at high speed was already rushed to the messenger.

At first, the messenger did not put it in his eyes, and he wiped the void in front of him, and a black ghost gas filled out.

The black ghost wriggled, and the void in front of him seemed to be solidified, turning into a black wall, flashing black brilliance, trying to resist the crystal spear.

Everyone around, whether it was the feathered lord or the elder Tianxinzong, fixed their eyes on the black **** wall:

Whether Yang Xu's gun can achieve an effect depends on whether it can break the defense of the black ghost wall.

If it can be removed, if Yang Xu shoots a second sharp gun in an instant, it might threaten the ghost emperor.

Even the third and fourth sharp guns can attack.

But if you can't break the defensive ghost wall, I'm afraid that waiting for Yang Xu is the end of death!

this moment.

Even Bai Ling couldn't help but think of this kind of thought, the whole body of energy surged, ready to take action at any time to protect Yang Xu from fleeing.


When everyone is thinking in this way, the next scene is far beyond his expectations of buying everyone.

So much so that the entire body of the ghost king sect messenger was stunned there, and for a moment, even forgot to respond.

Just above the sky dome, in front of the black wall of the defensive ghost, the crystal spear crystal cleared, almost instantly hit the wall of the defensive ghost.

Then, poof!

Without a thousandths of an instant, the crystal spear will get to the defensive ghost wall and penetrate through instantly.

Even, there is no stagnation!

Such terrible destructive power directly made the ghost king emperor's eyes widened, stunned there:

"This... how is this possible!"

You know, your defense, even the geniuses of the ghost king sect, are praised by the mouth. A defense against the ghost wall, they don’t need three or four moves, they can’t break it!

But the young man in front of him clearly thought of the tide state, how could he penetrate his defensive ghost wall in an instant?

this moment.

Numerous doubts emerged from the mind of the ghost king sect messenger.

So much so that his mind appeared a bit astringent, completely underestimating the power of Yang Xu, a crystal spear.

At the moment when he was stunned, poof!

The crystal spear kept going, and the head of the messenger of the ghost king Zong was instantly penetrated.


The emperor of the ghost king sect, a pair of eyes widened in vain, could not believe the death, he was even killed by this young boy!

The body of the ghost king sect messenger fell from the sky, and the elder Tianxinzong standing next to him, his eyes were scared out:

"This this……"

He was "this" for a long time, and he didn't utter a complete sentence. It was really a scene in front of him, which was far beyond his expectations.

After a while.

Elder Tianxinzong finally trembled, exclaimed:

"You...you... dare to kill the ghost king Zong messenger! The feather emperor's disaster is coming, and the feather emperor is dead!"

He looked down at everyone's eyes, full of sneer and resentment.

In fact, he was more than shocked.

Even the feathered sect masters, they did not expect that Yang Xu, a human young man, could kill the ghost king sect messenger in an instant!

It's a real spike, the other party can't even get back in time!

Such terrifying ability makes Deyang Xu's identity and origin more and more mysterious:

"Yangxu...you...what is your origin?"

"Don't care about the origin, we have to find a way, the Yuhuazong will soon usher in the attack of the ghost king Zong..."

Among the many immortal Taoist sects, the existence of the ghost king sect is the most strange one, with a fierce and overbearing style, but there are no two words for anyone who dares to violate, breaking the door and destroying the sect!

This also led to the reputation of the ghost king Zong, very bad, many sects, are not willing to provoke such existence.

At this moment, Yang Xu smiled slightly when he heard the prompt in his mind:

This ghost king sect messenger, the level is not low, killing him, actually made him instantly upgraded by one level.

I don't know the one next to it. How much experience do you have?

Yang Xu's joking gaze fell on Elder Tianxinzong.

The old thing of Fang Cai seems to be yelling and killing Yuhuazong.


With a pinch of both hands, Yang Xu instantly condensed the second crystal spear in the water fairy spirit.

When he saw the second crystal spear in Yang Xu's hands, "Not good!"

The elder Tianxinzong was shocked.

Without saying a word, turn around and run.

Yang Xu shrugged and smiled faintly:

"Want to run now? Is it a little late?"


The crystal spear in his hand flew out of the air, and came to the elder Tianxinzong in the blink of an eye.

The sharp spear tip, when it touched the elder Tianxinzong's back, bang!

A peculiar rune in the shape of a heart rose from its back, and the blood was filled with light, which actually blocked the crystal spear for a moment.

However, it is only a moment.

In a blink of an eye, the peculiar rune in the shape of a heart suddenly shattered, and the defense was completely dissipated:


The crystal spear will penetrate the body of Elder Tianxinzong directly.

The huge force will even take his body and take it three or four meters away!

"Almost a spike!"

The elders of the Feather Sect, and all the disciples, looked at Yang Xu like a god-man.

In the twinkling of an instant, Yang Xu not only did not seem to consume at all, but his breath was even stronger than before.

This made everyone secretly secretly surprised.

On Yang Xuqingxiu's face, there was a hint of smile:

"Well, the Nianchao Realm is 5 times heavy. These two guys actually made me upgrade to level 2 in a row. It's interesting."

This moment.

He even has the urge to kill the ghost king Zong directly and harvest a wave of experience points. How refreshing should he be?

My current cultivation status is indeed a bit low. Many of the means in memory are temporarily unavailable!

"Sect Master, is there a spirit stone? Borrow a few pieces for use."

Yang Xu spoke to Sect Master Yuhua with a casual attitude. His eyes did not look at him, but in the direction that Elder Tianxin Zong fled:

"Is the ghost king Zong located there?"

Yang Xu asked casually.

Feathering Sovereign, handed a ring filled with spirit stones to Yang Xu without hesitation: "What do you want to do? No matter what you plan to do, don't be impulsive, we can discuss it for a long time!"

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