Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2914: Worry about yourself

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this moment.

Yang Xu is like a beast caught in a swamp.

There is strength in the air, but it can't be displayed.

Not far away, Tianlongjian saw this scene in his eyes, and could not help sneer again and again:

"Huh, is it easy to break away from Brother Yu's vision of the Yuxu Temple?"

To know.

Regarding the cultivation of "The Archaic Impression of Divine Law", Brother Two can be said to be the most proficient in the Yuxu Hall.

At this point, even the stronger masters have to serve.

All things conceived by Brother Two will produce all kinds of incredible changes.

In particular, this Taoist temple is a nightmare for melee practitioners!

"Well, is it disturbing the force field? Interesting."

Yang Xu instantly discovered that he punched a punch in front, inexplicably rushed from behind, hitting his back.

He wanted to rush forward, but the space under his feet changed and appeared on the right.

At this moment, Tianlongjun is like a **** above him, looking down at Yangxu, who is busy.

He sneered:

"I was shrouded in the chaotic force field of the temple. I can't get rid of it."


Tian Longjun pressed his hands down, suddenly, as if there was an invisible big hand, appearing above the Yuxu Sanctuary of Imitation, and it will be crushed severely, killing Xiang Yangxu with great force.

Clang clang...

In the chaotic force field, Yang Xu only felt that terror pressure from all directions swept toward him.

Seems to crush him!

"The method is good, but unfortunately, it's still too young."

Yang Xu's eyes flickered, his hands facing the void in front of him, and suddenly a trace of it:


A law of cutting everything, dividing everything, and tearing everything undulated, bursting out of his hands.

Every finger in Yang Xu's hands seems to be wrapped with the runes of the laws of "cutting technique" and "destroying technique", densely packed, and the chaotic force field of the temple will be visualized and instantly torn.

In front of Yang Xu's cutting power, the chaotic force field is as weak as paper!

"This is impossible!"

Not far away, the look of Tianlong Sword could not help changing:

"How could he destroy Brother Chao's chaotic force field? This is impossible!"

Even Tianlongjun himself couldn't help but look shocked.

Then, press hard with both hands:

"Chaotic force field, suppress me!"

Imagine the Yuxu Temple, a great work of light, and an invisible force field, falling down towards Yangxu, shrouded down.


Yang Xu's hands seemed to be transformed into **** scissors, and the cutting rules were wrapped around, sweeping up all the way:

Sigh! Sigh!

All the chaotic force fields were torn, cut and crushed by him!

at the same time.

The light of Yang Xu's hands flickered in succession, the five elements of divine power gathered in his palm, and gradually turned into two huge five-color Shenshan phantoms.

Tianlongjun's pupil shrank suddenly:

"This is... Wuyue Magic Boxing of Brother Tianlong!"

"Impossible! How can you learn Wuyue Magic Boxing? Don't you just look at it a few times..."

Tianlongjun's words didn't finish, a terrifying five-color **** mountain phantom, wrapped in the breath of Wuxing Avenue, had already rushed to him in front of him.

"Take me a trick, Wuyue Fist!"

Yang Xu's twinkling eyes sparkled like an ancient mountain god, pushing the five-color **** mountain and killing Xianglong Dragon.


The huge power seems to be able to destroy the heavens and the earth, and it will instantly cover the Tianlongjun.

"Is this the power of the law of the avenue? Wuxing Avenue is worthy of being the most fierce and most fierce of the three thousand avenues!"

Tianlongjun's heart flashed with a whimper.

With a big wave of hand, "Tianluo Soul Net!"

Specially restrained the law of the avenue, the magic weapon that can suppress the soul, was immediately sacrificed by him.


Void shrouded in Tianluo Soul Net, there was a trace of ripple trembling visible to the naked eye.

The five-color Shenshan, which bears the brunt, was also shrouded by the Tianluo Soul Net.


The shining five-element Shenhua of the Five Colors Shenshan suddenly dimmed a lot.

When Wuxing Shenquan rushed to Tianlongjun, it was obviously much weaker.

But even so, when Long Jun blocked the punch that day, boom!

The majestic punching force still flew him out in an instant, and the man was in the air, puffing out a big mouthful of blood.

Tian Longjun's expression changed greatly, looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, filled with deep horror:

how can that be?

How could this young man's punch power be so fierce?

Was he like Tianlong Warrior brother, specializing in boxing?

Isn't his hole card the Five Elements Avenue?

Tianlongjun's mind flashed a lot of questions.

"Brother, be careful!"

The exclamation of Tianlongjian sounded.


The second Wuyue Shenquan has already rushed to Tianlongjun.

Yang Xu just shot, but double fists!

Distracted by too much horror, Tianlong Jun was too late to deal with the second magic fist, bang!

The whole person was hit hard by Wuyue Shenquan.


Tian Longjun's so good-looking people couldn't help but utter a scream of embarrassment.

His whole body was instantly shattered by a huge force.

The whole person was exposed in midair.


Bai Ling moved his eyes disgustingly.

Lin Chaozong and several feathered elders, but they all couldn't help laughing, and their faces turned red.

The Dragon Sword suddenly became angry:

"A group of ants, dare to laugh at Brother II? Die!"

The golden light of the Tianlong sword shone around, turned into a golden horse, and the sword screamed to kill Lin Chaozong and others:

He couldn't kill Yang Xu's monster, could he still solve the ants of the Feather Sect?

If it were not for the Feathering Sect, Brother Tianlongxin would not die!

The Tianlong Sword was full of murderous opportunities, and enveloped the Yuhua Sect.

Lin Chaozong and several elders looked at each other, and Qi Qi saw the determination in each other's eyes:


"Anyway, the Yuxu Palace has already been offended!"

Bai Ling, who was dressed in blue, rose into the air in an instant and fought against the Dragon Sword.

And Lin Chaozong and several elders will directly activate the ready battle line:

"Bai Ling!"

Bai Ling immediately led Tianlong Sword into battle.

The proud Tianlong Sword didn't take them seriously and rushed into it.

Suddenly, the surroundings changed color, and a cold sense of crisis enveloped him.

"Um, well done."

Yang Xu saw Tianlong Sword rushing towards Bai Ling and intended to rescue him.

Who knows, the suzerain and elders have already prepared.

"Yuhua Zong dare to fight against my disciples in the Yuxu Temple, take it!"

Tianlongjun was in the sky, slamming, as if sentencing.

Yang Xu smiled:

"Stupid, you say this, it can only aggravate their determination to kill the Tianlong Sword. However, in my formation, the Tianlong Sword cannot survive 100%."

He smiled jokingly towards Tianlongjun:

"Next, you still worry about how to save your own life."


The wings of Poseidon behind Yang Xu were shocked. In an instant, he had appeared in front of Tianlongjun, the halberd of Poseidon in his hand, pierced the void, and fell towards him.

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