Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2915: Poseidon Realm!

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"Contemplate the Yuxu Temple!"

Tianlongjun hurriedly sacrificed to observe the temple, trying to block Yang Xu's halberd.

Yang Xu couldn't help sneering:

too naive.


Imagine that the temple was fragile under the blade of Poseidon's Halberd, and collapsed instantly.


The cold light flashed.

Tianlongjun screamed:

"my hand!"

One of his right arms was directly cut by Yang Xu.

The whole person was splattered with blood and quickly stepped back.

The white jersey just put on was already contaminated by blood and water.

Tianlongjun looked at Yang Xu in horror:

At this moment, he finally felt a complete death threat.

In Qihailing Mansion, a divine light shone with a golden outline.

"Ban Shen Yin, kill!"

Tianlong Jun bit his tongue sharply, a mouthful of blood in his mouth.

In his Lingfu, a fist-sized seal was suspended in front of him, releasing incredible magical waves.


Tianlongjun will be full of essence and blood, and sprayed **** that side of the small seal.

Suddenly, the Beng Shenyin rose in the wind, and a horrible **** light diffused from its body.


The blood-red giant waves swept toward Yangxu like the day of destruction.

at the same time.

The Beng Shenyin resembled a blood-red Taikoo Mountain, which suppressed the ages and suppressed the location of Xiang Yangxu.


The void where Yang Xu is located is like a piece of dough, which is instantly crushed by the breath of the collapsed **** mark.

A series of black cracks, like a spider web, spread from the back of Yang Xu to hundreds of meters.

this moment.

In the eyes of Tianlongjun shot a crazy killing opportunity:

"This Yang Xu has threatened my disciples in Yuxu Palace! Even if I fight for my life, I will kill him here!"

"Never let him, continue to disturb the Yuxu Palace!"

The eyes of Tianlongjun's bloodshot eyes were full of decisiveness.

There is also a faint smile:

It's really ridiculous. I originally thought this was a walk through.

With the power of Tianlong Sword and Tianlong Warrior Brothers, killing this young boy is almost effortless.

Where do you know.

The situation will fall into what it is today.

The young man in front of him is so terrifying!

Even the precious existence like "Five Elements Avenue", he can get it.

There are even fierce treasures like Poseidon's Halberd.

It's hard to imagine how many powerful cards this guy still has?

Tianlongjun suddenly felt that he could not see through Yang Xu at all.

Just like at this moment, even in the face of his destructive magic weapon, Bian Shenyin, the young man always looked faint.

Gu Jingwu's eyes from beginning to end made Tianlongjun feel a great pressure:

"Don't you know the fear of this young man? Or, even if it's my collapse, he still doesn't pay attention?"

how can that be!

You must know that your own Bian Shen Yin is already close to the existence of Taoism!

Without the support of a avenue law, Bian Shenyin could even conceive an instrumental spirit!

"It's a pity that you are going to be sacrificed here by me today, and I will die with the young man Yang Xu!"

In the eyes of Tianlongjun, there was a flash of determination.

Sacrifice a superb Aura, can wipe out a strong enemy for the sect, a very cost-effective transaction!

At this time, Tianlongjun didn't even notice, Yang Xu looked at the indifferent look of the collapsed God Seal.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Xu did not put this magic seal of magic in his eyes.

Even, just at the moment when it was violently pressed down.

Instead, his eyes shone slightly:

【Ding! 】

[The second activation of "Kunpeng Whale Swallowing Destruction"! Do you want to show it immediately? 】

In my mind, a sudden sound of the system sounded.

"Kunpeng whale swallows and destroys power" actually activated the second weight!

The first is the powerful sea god's halberd, which has no destructive power.

It gives Yang Xu unparalleled attack power!

The second level is the Poseidon realm!

With Yangxu as the center, create a field with supreme defensive power!

Any attack that enters this field will be completely nullified and will not cause any harm to Yang Xu!

of course.

The scope of the Poseidon field needs Yang Xu to continue to expand.

At present, the Poseidon field is only a 10-meter radius centered around Yangxu.

"Poseidon Realm!"

Yang Xu couldn't wait to activate the second heavy part of "Kunpeng Whale Swallowing Destruction".

Suddenly, a huge ocean current appeared above his head. Among the ocean current, there was an ancient deity shadow rising up.

This phantom of the gods contains incredible power, and his eyes are overwhelmed by the rolling waves.

Above the sky dome, with Yangxu as the center, a ten-meter square "ocean" was formed.

And Yang Xu is the lord of this little ocean!

"What's the trick?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Tianlongjun's eyes.

Seeing that Beng Shenyin was fierce, he drove down towards the young Yangxu Town.

What makes Tianlongjun feel horrified is that the Bian Shenyin, which can collapse even the void, comes into contact with that blue and mysterious sea area, and it can't even lift the slightest waves!

Yes, in the small ocean centered on Yangxu, there is no wave in the ancient well, and there is no slight fluctuation.

The horror pressure brought about by the collapse of the Shenyin was absorbed by the bottomless "ocean".

Not only that!

When Beng Shenyin was covered by the space of Poseidon's realm, for a moment.


Tianlongjun only felt that his heart was shaking, and the whole person was dizzy, poof!

Spit out a spit of blood:

He had lost contact with Bian Shenyin!

"This is impossible!"

Bian Shenyin gathered his most effort and energy, is his most powerful magic weapon.

Any magic weapon, even the Tianluo Soul Net may lose contact, but Bian Shenyin will definitely not!

But now.

Everything happened in front of him.

Tianlongjun looked at the sea with horror and fear:

"What the **** is this?"

"Can't delay anymore! I'm not his opponent now, I have to bring the information back to the Jade Xudian, and I can't let everyone repeat the same mistakes!"


Tianlongjun made a decisive decision and imagined an illusory **** wing behind him, pushing his body to retreat away in an instant.

This action made Yang Xu in the field of Poseidon quite disappointed:

"Did this retreat? Haven't played with me yet, I still want to try the power of Poseidon."

No way, it seems that I can only go to the Yuxu Temple to find someone to try.

Yang Xu stood in midair and glanced at the Dragon Sword shrouded by the formation below.

At this time, Lin Chaozong and they were fighting hard with Tianlongjian.

I have to say that the disciples of Yuxu Palace were indeed tyrannical, even Lin Chaozong and their team besieged together with the help of formation.

In a short time,   is still difficult to win the Dragon Sword!

"Help you."

Yang Xu punched freely and slammed downwards, a small shadow of Poseidon's halberd, striding over the formation, poof!

Hit the chest of Tianlong sword.

Yang Xu didn't look back, and he followed up in the direction of Tianlongjun's departure: Zhanyuxu Hall!

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