Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2917: Tianlong Ye's lore!

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The entire Yuxu Palace suddenly released a magnificent glory, and an incredible wave of magic filled the entire hall.

Suddenly, everyone in the entire sect was shocked:

"What happened? The temple has turned on first-level alert?"

"Which enemy is so bold and dare to plot against my Yuxu Palace? It has been a long time since the forces dared to provoke the majesty of Yuxu Palace!"

Someone who knows the inside can't help but worry:

"It is not a force that provoked the Yuxu Palace, but a person and a teenager."

"What! A young man? How powerful is he, that the Yuxu Palace has turned on first-level alert?"

To know.

The first level of vigilance in the Yuxu Temple is activated only when the Zongmen faces a strong enemy.

Above the first-level alert, there is another one, which is the special-level alert.

It was activated when the sect was facing the danger of destruction.

"Everyone is ready to meet strong enemies. Just received the news. Brother Tianlongye is not very optimistic about the battle situation!"

Everyone heard it and couldn't help but be shocked:

"What? Even the elder brother can't stop the boy?"

"What kind of person is he, a person of ordinary origin, so terrible?"

Question marks popped up in the hearts of countless disciples of Yuxu Hall.

Yang Xu's side.

An attack of Beng Shenyin will kill most of the brothers and sisters of Tianlong Night, and will destroy the town.

The remaining less than ten disciples all looked at Yang Xu with horror.

Originally they heard that Tianlongjun, Tianlongzhan, and Tianlongjian were all killed by a mysterious teenager. They still don't believe it.

Unless it is the real genius of Nine Domains and Thirteen Lands, can anyone beat Tianlongjun?

Now they are seeing with their own eyes, the other party not only wiped out the second brother Tianlongjun.

Even Master Tianlongye seems to be a bit of an opponent!

"What about your strength? Show it to me, otherwise it will be too boring."

Yang Xu's eyes flickered, looking towards the direction of the Jade Xudian in the distance:

"Your sect should be alert to me? It should be preparing for battle now. You have to do your best to fight for the sect."

Yang Xu's words suddenly shrank Tianlongye's pupils:

This young man, so powerful and confident!

He doesn't seem to be worried at all, the power of my Jade Emperor Palace!

Who is it?

How could the Jade Xudian cause such a horrible existence!

In Tianlongye's heart, there was a touch of regret, and he felt that Yuxu Palace should not be in conflict with this young man.

However, conflict is inevitable.

In this case, let's fight!

Like Yang Xu said, buy time for Zongmen!

At this moment, Tianlong Ye had a trace of death spirit in his heart.

His change of expression fell in Yang Xu's eyes, and he couldn't help admiring it:

"Tianlong Night, you are a respectable opponent. Tianlongjun is also worthy of respect, because he was still thinking of passing the combat intelligence back to the Jade Defence Hall before he died."

"It doesn't need you to say, die!"

Tianlong's body flashed in the night, and turned into a mist to dissipate.

In an instant, within a hundred miles, the night shrouded, as if entering the night.

The sound of Tianlongye permeates the dark night:

"Dear brothers and sisters, staying unhelpful, go back quickly!"

Tianlongye is very clear that only oneself can block Yang Xu. Those other people are not the enemy of Yang Xu's move!

"Want to leave? Don't look back since you came."

Yang Xu's icy voice sounded.

If they are not strong enough, I am afraid that these people will kill themselves, but they will never keep their hands!

"Five Elements Magic Boxing!"

Yang Xu punched the night in front of him with a punch.

"Five Elements Divine Fist" is Yang Xu's new way of combining the "Five Yues Divine Fist" and the Five Elements Avenue on the way to come.

Yang Xu punched this punch, and suddenly a golden flame rose up.

It is like a little golden sun, reflecting the darkness of the night, and it shines brightly.

The next moment, poof!

The violent punch of "Five Elements Magic Fist" suddenly turned into a golden sword, densely packed, and shot towards the direction of the surviving disciples of Yuxu Temple.


There were screams in all directions.

The surviving disciples of Yuxu Palace were killed by Yang Xu before they could escape.

The system prompt in my mind kept ringing, and Yang Xu once again harvested a large wave of experience points.

"Die to me!"

Tianlongye was completely angry.

The night seemed to enhance his power. He seemed like a king walking in the dark night, suddenly flashing in front of Yang Xu.

He came to Yangxu with a punch, and the night in all directions was driven by this punch, sweeping towards Yangxu.


The darkness around the night became more and more intense, almost turning into substance and wrapping Yang Xu.

His thoughts also showed a strange state of ignorance, and the whole person was drowsy, as if he would fall asleep next second.

"Interestingly, is this a mental attack?"

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, and finally encountered interesting tricks.

It's a pity that Tianlong Night's luck is really bad.

It is not good to choose who uses this trick, but it is for Yang Xu!

"Eye of Heart!"

Yang Xu has only one thought, hum!

In the Ling Mansion, the eyes of nine golden hearts suddenly shine brightly.

The sharp and terrifying power of Divine Consciousness not only eliminates all the night attacks of the Sky Dragon Night.

And also released a golden flying sword, rushing out towards the rushing Tianlong night.

"This trick... is Dayan's infinite sword energy!"

Tianlongye recognized this trick.

Obviously, it is also a trick that is not very popular, but it is used in Yang Xu's hand, and it has improved a lot of power.

Puff puff!

Tianlong night couldn't dodge, and was directly penetrated by the countless golden flying swords.


Tian Longye was not nervous, his body just wobbled slightly, and the dark night around him suddenly came together to recover all the injuries on his body.

"Your tricks won't hurt me. I'm immune to all attacks!"

The cold voice of Tianlong Night rang in front of Yang Xu.

this moment.

He finally showed his strength matching his status:

"It's not that easy to kill me! Die!"

It was dark and dark behind Tianlong Yechao, and he snapped and sneered!

A whole body is dark and Fang Tian painted with black flames, shooting out of the night.

He held the halberd in the dark side of the sky, and the whole person was like a pupil of Jiaolong, slashing down towards Yangxu:



The black Fangtian painted the halberd. At the moment of the fall, there were countless huge black halberd tips, just like a meteorite descending, and slammed down towards Yangxu Town.

In this vast halberd shadow, Tianlongye's real killing trick is like a sinister viper, seizing the opportunity and stabbing in an instant.


The black Fang Tian painted the halberd and stabbed Yang Xu's body.

However, what shocked Tianlong Ye was that a little golden awn suddenly burst out from Yang Xu's body! what is that!

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