Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2918: Tianlong night, die!

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The gleaming view of the Jinxu Temple shrouded De Yangxu's body.

Tianlongye's Fangtian painted halberd, can't break the defense of the Jade Temple!

This made Tianlongye unable to help but startle his face:

"You have learned even the Archaic Vision!"

"The Archaic Conception of Immortality" was a masterpiece of the Jade Deficiency Hall, and was even trained to such an extent by this foreign boy.

My own treasure, Fangtian Huaji, can't break the defense!

Five Elements Fist!

Yang Xu Chao Tianlong Ye smiled coldly and punched out.

In an instant, the five-colored divine light shines one after another, dispersing the night, and the void is reflected in all colors.

Boom, boom, boom...

Continuous five-color Shenshan Mountain, surrounded by the five principles of the golden wood, water, fire and earth, dashed towards Tianlong Night.

The huge force will make the void in front of him, and directly cracked.

"not good!"

Barbarian King Armor!

Tianlongye's body was gleaming with golden light, and he heard a clanging sound of metal. His body was covered with a layer of gold armor.

When it was said that sooner or later, the five mountains of five elements, wrapped in horror punches, were heavily bombarded on Tianlongye.

Five violent punches directly blasted Tianlongye out, and his barbarian god's armor burst into a golden aura.

"Interesting, good defense."

Yang Xu stood in the void, his eyes were like two rounds of golden sun, shining with great light.

Tianlong night opposite, was knocked out and smashed into the void, the sky collapsed like a quake.


Tianlong night's fighting intentions did not decline, waving Fang Tianhua halberd, like a black tornado, sweeping Xiang Yangxu.

The rich night around him seemed to be the curtain, and was moved by him.

Around Tianlong Night, a wave of horror representing death was condensed. It seemed that the footsteps of the death came, and all of them turned into death jedi!

The majestic murderous opportunity merged with the night and wrapped Yang Xu again.

Tianlongye wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his face showed a terrifying murderous opportunity:

"Yangxu, your power is very strong, but it is a pity that you should not provoke me to the Yuxu Palace!"

"Yuxu Palace is the king of this world!"

"King of the world? Haha."

Yang Xu was amused, "It's just the little boss in this remote area. If I don't need a little resource, I wouldn't look down upon the jade palace."

In the previous life, he was the emperor of a generation of immortal dynasty, and the real strongman he had seen was unknown.

A small jade virtual palace, in his eyes, can't even count an ant!

With that said, Yang Xu Chao Tianlong Ye ticked her finger:

"Since you think that the Jade Emperor Palace is extremely powerful, come and attack me over there. I will stand still here, you can hurt me within ten seconds, I will turn around and go, and I will never step into the Jade Emperor Palace's sphere of influence again! "

Tianlong night's eyes suddenly flickered:

"This is what you said!"


Behind the sky of Tianlong Night, a magical furnace rose and floated above his head.

In all directions, the spirits of rolling fairy spirits came together frantically and absorbed into the furnace.

A series of energy waterfalls poured into Tianlong Night, and the Fangtian painted halberd in his hand released the black godlike death.

Tianlongye's body suddenly disappeared. In the next second, it was already flashing in front of Yang Xu. The dark Fangtian painted halberd, just like the blade of death, and fell down fiercely.

And at this time.

An amazing scene appeared:

The distance between Tianlongye and Yangxu is increasing.

Seeing Yang Xu take off from his Fangtian painting halberd...

Do not!

It's not that Yang Xu is out!

I was forced to retreat by a magical power!

At the foot of Yang Xu, a mysterious ocean appeared, deep and majestic, difficult to see through at a glance.

As the clear blue water swept through, he was pushed a few tens of meters away by that force!

Yang Xu stood above that sea, his expression faint and motionless.

It is up to Tianlongye how to wave the halberd.

The violent power can never break the shackles of that ocean!

No matter how powerful the attack, after entering the realm of that ocean, it is instantly disappeared invisible!

"How is this possible? What kind of magical power is this?"

It's too evil!

Tianlongye was completely shocked.

Yuxu Hall does not have such a magical power!

At this time, Yang Xu stood in the realm of Poseidon, and once again hooked his finger to the sky.

"Ten seconds haven't arrived, what's the pride! Break me!"

Tianlong night was full of light, and the magical furnace above his head was madly shaking.

Next second.

The blast furnace turned into a flaming volcano, turned towards Yang Xu's head, and smashed it hard.


The sky collapsed, and all the voids were burned by the flames in the furnace.

A surging energy from the top of Yang Xu's head was fierce and fell down.

Yang Xu still has a faint look,   seems to have no worries about this attack.


In the Poseidon realm under his feet, a wave swept up and snorted!

That blaze was directly extinguished, releasing a thick mist.


Tianlongye's pupil shrank suddenly, and the whole person fell into a messy state:

"How is it possible! Even my flaming furnace can't hurt him!"

His flaming blast furnace is a superb weapon, only one step away to evolve into Taoism!

However, even the field of Yang Xu can't be broken!

"Unfortunately, ten seconds have passed and you have no chance."

Yang Xu said lightly.

He stood in the realm of Poseidon and grabbed the void, sonorous!

The ancient and mysterious Poseidon was dragged out of the void by him.

When he was holding Poseidon's Halberd, the Poseidon realm under his feet suddenly appeared in a state of mad boiling.

A strong force backed up from the sea god's realm and poured into Yang Xu's body.

These forces are all attacked by Tianlong Nights and transformed into them!

This is the pervert of the domain of Poseidon!

Not only is the defense strong, but it can also transform the other party's attack into Yang Xu's own power!


The word Yang Xu, the voice has not landed, the body has flashed in front of Tianlong Ye.

"So fast!"

At the moment of Tianlongye, this thought came to my mind.

Above the sky dome, that flaming furnace was transformed into a huge **** mountain, and it went down towards Yangxu Town.

"It's too late."

Yang Xu's sympathetic gaze glanced over Tianlong Night, poof!

Poseidon swept across.

Tianlongye's Fangtian painted halberd is like dough kneaded in front of Poseidon's halberd.

It was directly cut into two sections.

Poseidon's halberd kept passing, passing across Tianlongye's body.


Yang Xu grabbed a hand and grabbed the flame furnace of Tianlong Night in his hand.

Flames of Fire suddenly struggled frantically.

Yang Xu sneered:

"Your master is dead, do you dare to resist?"


Tian Longye's body suddenly split into two halves, and blood spattered.

The flames of flames struggling frantically, suddenly became honest in Yang Xu's hands.

The few surviving disciples in the Yuxu Temple were all stunned. "Send you on the road."

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