Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2922: Abducted Yuxu Temple!

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Clang clang!

The sharp light of the split sky **** sword seems to be able to overturn the entire heaven and earth, and severely cut above the Jade False Temple.

Tian Guanlan was so angry that he didn't vomit bleeding. While urging the Yuxu Temple to resist the Sword of Heavenly Divine Sword, he scolded in his heart:

"My Yuxu Hall has been supporting you for hundreds of years, but I turned my face in a blink of an eye! I don't know how to do this for Daoqi!"

The Sword of Heavenly Sword is only one step away from the birth of the spirit.

Before there was an organ spirit, even if the Taoism condensed out the laws, it was nothing more than the inferior Taoism.

Only after the real spirit is created can the quality of Taoism be continuously improved!

"Help me solve the temple, I can help you when you conceive the organ."

Yang Xu does things, never plays with the false ones, and directly promises to the Heavenly Sword.


The divine sword against the temple was like a stimulant, and the divine power surged.

All the disciples in the Jade Deficiency Hall below regarded it all.

Especially the elders, who have all seen the power of the Sword of the Divine Sword with their own eyes, far less powerful than they are now.

more importantly.

Every time they request the Split Sky Divine Sword to shoot, they must bow prayerfully and sacrifice, but if there is a little disrespect, the Split Sky Divine Sword will not shoot.

Which looks like now!

The young man just said a few words casually, drew a big pie, and the God of Heavenly Sword was like seeing an ancestor.

It doesn't matter if the split sky **** sword works hard, but it hurts Tian Guanlan!

when starting.

He was still standing high, and it seemed that Zhizhu was holding it, and it seemed that Yang Xu would be determined.

Even threatened Yang Xu.

Who knows now, the situation has reversed so quickly.

The God of Sword God is mighty, and the temple is overwhelmed.

Although the Jade Emperor Sanctuary is also a Taoist weapon, it is not mainly based on attacks.

It is full of bright and colorful laws, and even has a tendency to condense out of the avenue.


There is no one complete road to the avenue. Give it a reference.

Seeing that the Jade Deficiency Temple was cracked naked by the Divine Sword, the majestic power declined at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Tian Guanlan was almost crying:

"I'm going, do you want to be so weak? If you don't show any power in the temple, the Yuxu Temple will be destroyed!"

It seems to have heard Tian Guanlan's begging, and the mouthpiece of the Yuxu Temple shouted, and once again burst out a mighty power.


Split Heavenly Sword was directly overturned by it.

Where do you know.

Above the sky dome, a shadow suddenly descended, but it was a huge treasure-like seal of five-colored mountains.

This mouthful of seals was fierce, and there was a burst of smashing and rolling towards Yuxu Hall.

The Yuxu Temple was almost smashed.

Tian Guanlan and several elders were even more forced:

"This treasure seal... Isn't this the magic weapon of the Dragon Battle, how could it fall into Yang Xu's hands?"

"Is the power of Beng Shanyin so powerful? Why can't I remember that it can fight against the Jade Xudian?"

Several elders, look at me, and I look at you, all showing incredible looks.

Because they all thought of a possibility:

Yang Xu has further enhanced the power of Beng Shanyin!

Is this too incredible?

Isn't this kid proficient in refining?

Can actually enhance the power of magic weapon?

this moment.

Several elders in the Yuxu Palace had countless speculations about Yang Xu's talents.

They even have a funny idea:

If this young man could be suppressed and subdued, let alone say that it would be a great value to let him be a magic weapon for all the disciples in the Jade Defender Hall.


An idea is just an idea, they have no power at all.

But Yang Xu has!

A big stick smashed for a while, and Yang Xu smiled, revealing his fangs: "Yuxu Temple, following Yuxu Temple, you have no future. Over the years, you have not even condensed a complete rule. Out, but I’m different, I have a complete world road in my hand, for your reference, to condense myself

The way! "

"How about, do you want to follow me?"

In Yang Xu's hands, the five-colored gods tumbling, the Five Elements Avenue releases an amazing temptation.

After the jade temple was smashed by Yangxu Bengshanyin, it was already a little bit weak, and besides, the Heavenly Sword of Heaven was still beside him, staring at him.

It is really afraid of Yang Xu, this young man.

But now, after Yang Xu hits it firmly, he immediately delivers a sweet date:

Can you give me insight into the Five Elements Avenue?

Help me condense my own laws of the Dao?

Wouldn't I soon be able to condense Qiling and be promoted to Shangdao?

To know.

The Jade Deficiency Temple is different from the weapon that only knows the killing, such as the Heavenly Sword.

Yuxu Temple is able to accept the faith of the entire disciples of Yuxu Temple.

The power of faith has helped it greatly temper itself.

It is only necessary to condense another word of its own.

You can immediately upgrade the quality!

For a time, the Jade Deficiency Temple was suspended in mid-air and no longer moved.

Tian Guanlan is stupid:

"I'm not going? Are you going to fight against the enemy?"

Do you want to be so foul?

Bring such fun?

At this moment, Tian Guanlan was full of unparalleled envy in addition to his unbearable hatred for Yang Xu:

The law of the Five Elements Avenue is simply wonderful!

Even the dazzling Taoist can't refuse the temptation of Three Thousand Avenues!

The law of that avenue is simply magical!

"No! I can't sit back and wait! The jade temple is not reliable, I have to rely on myself!"

Tian Guanlan looked at the beautiful Five Elements Avenue in Yang Xu's hands, and there was endless greed in his eyes:

"The law of that avenue is mine! As long as I can get the Wuxing Avenue, all my efforts are worth it!"

"I will sacrifice myself and get in touch with that existence! You must help me!"

Tian Guanlan's eyes flashed with madness, and finally made a decision:


Above the sky dome, Tian Guanlan's left arm suddenly burst into a bright red blood mist.

In Yang Xu's slightly surprised eyes, bang!

Tian Guanlan's right leg suddenly burst out, also turning into blood mist.

The two groups of blood mist merged into a strange symbol in the void.

To be honest, the elders in Tian Guanlan and the Jade Deficiency Palace did not know this symbol, nor did they know the meaning it represents.

However, Yang Xu is really clear about it:

That's the text of those big demons of Moyuan!

This rune condensed by Tian Guanlan means "offering" in Demon Abyss!

"This idiot, have to sacrifice himself and summon the abyss demon? Ha ha."

Yang Xu's eyes flickered slightly, and he happened to have a mission to kill the monsters of the Demon Abyss.

It turned out that the big devil was really hidden in the Yuxu Hall.

"Yuxu Temple, voila, your master has given up on you, what are you hesitating about? Follow me, I will help you to upgrade the grade, condense the spirit of the device!" Yang Xu's tempting voice sounded again.

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