Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2923: Abyssal Demon

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Yang Xu's remarks were not over.

The ground of the Jade Deficiency Hall below suddenly burst into a cobweb-like crack.

The ground cracked open, and many disciples of Yuxu Hall fell into the ground.

It's too late to escape, hum.

A ray of red light shone through the cracks in the ground, and the disciples who dropped suddenly screamed.

In an instant, there is no breath of life.

"This... what's going on?"

The elders of Yuxu Hall flashed in horror.

They shot one after another, trying to save the disciples who fell into the ground.

However, there is a mysterious power, exuding red strange light, fighting with them for their lives.

In front of the red light, the strength of the elders was as weak as ants.

This made them shocked.

Only Tian Guanlan had lost an arm, but stood indifferently in the void.

Yang Xu smiled coldly at this moment:

"Tianguanlan, you are really cruel. I thought you would sacrifice yourself. How do you know that your arm is just a bait?"

The real sacrifices are those unlucky disciples in Yuxu Hall!

"Don't you feel ashamed to take the disciples as sacrifices, Tian Guanlan? Worthy of their trust in you?"

Yang Xu said coldly.

Some people in the Jade Emperor Hall had vaguely guessed what they saw as the suzerain.

However, hearing Yang Xu said so determinedly.

Key Tian Guanlan has not objected.

The disciples were completely shocked:

Sovereign Lord actually took us as a sacrifice?

Will he sacrifice us to the mysterious existence underground?

This is not taking us seriously!

In an instant, almost all the disciples were cold.

And Tian Guanlan's next remarks made them doubt the Yuxu Palace, which was in full loyalty:

"Huh, since they are disciples of Yuxu Palace, that's the property of Yuxu Palace! As a suzerain, I want to use them, how I use them! No one dares to have an opinion!"

Tian Guanlan's eyes were indifferent, his face full of gloom.

Yang Xu smiled contemptuously:

"Really? They dare not have an opinion? How do I think that is not the case?"

Looking down, he saw a lot of disciples, glaring at Tian Guanlan with coldness in his eyes.

Tian Guanlan's eyes flashed coldly, waved casually, Hulong!

A tyrannical force, containing the law of destruction, directly enveloped the disciples.

Their stunned faces instantly turned to fly ash in that great power.

Tian Guanlan smiled faintly:

"Look, no one objected."

Everyone was terrified, but they never dared to show a little bit of hostility.

Yang Xu shook his head slightly:

"You are crazy."

At this time, the temple's Taoist artifact also seemed to sense the strange change of Tian Guanlan, and suddenly the light shined.

A group of golden gods covered Tian Guanlan like a prison cage and closed him.

The temple artifact, however, flew over from Chaoyangxu.


It is suspended in front of Yang Xu with the Divinity Divine Sword, let Yang Xu's spiritual power enter the magic space.

Compared to the Heavenly Sword, the Yuxu Temple has much larger internal space, but there is only one spiritual imprint in it.

It's a golden mountain, exuding incredible power.

Yang Xu sensed that this mountain brand came from a real fairy.

Unlike the guy with a beastly face like Tian Guanlan, this brand is immensely fraternal and has an atmosphere of orthodoxy.

Even if Yang Xu's spiritual power comes in, he has not been attacked by it, but has a faint welcome.

Yang Xu's thoughts imbued his spirit into this space.

What happened to him unexpectedly, the golden mark in the shape of a big mountain, rumbling and moving, transformed into a magnificent spiritual force, and gathered into Yang Xu's spiritual mark.

A vast thought exploded in Yang Xu's mind: "You can be recognized by the Temple of Jade Deficiency, indicating that you are at least a kind-hearted person... I will not make you difficult, but I will also help you refine the Jade Confucian St. Dian...but I hope Xiaoyou can do me a favor...If I meet a man named Feiyu in the future

Fairy, please also tell me...the fate is over, don’t wait any longer..."

【Ding! 】

[Player Yang Xu triggers the side mission: Haotian Shangzun’s request

Task level: A

Task time: unlimited

Quest reward: 10 rules of the device and spirit cohesion! 10 Spirit Strengthen Runes! 】

Yang Xu didn't have much interest in this task, but in terms of rewards, he still took it.

That fairy's idea suddenly turned into a wave of surging energy and instantly merged with him.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to player Yang Xu, the spiritual power is increased by 10 million points! 】

The surging power has made Deyang Xu's spiritual lake more powerful and more energetic.

The Temple of Jade Deficiency is also a masterpiece of light, and Yang Xu has a feeling of interpersonal communication.

"Damn! The Yuxu Temple also betrayed me! You are all traitors!"

Tian Guanlan shouted angrily, his body trembling repeatedly.

Behind him, a strange rune of blood red appeared, and he wanted to speed up the summoning of the abyss demon.

The Yuxu Temple shrouded his light and tried to eliminate those strange runes.

However, it was unsuccessful.


The vitality of those weird runes was too tenacious, and the closed mask of the Temple of Dexterity was torn apart, and even consumed as a nourishment.

"Hahaha, in front of that existence, all resistance is in vain! It will devour all existence!"

Tian Guanlan's eyes were faint, staring at Yang Xu:

"Today you are dead! The stronger your potential, the thicker your power, the more interested it will be!"

Tian Guanlan has been in contact with that kind of existence for a long time and knows its attributes well.

However, he absolutely could not imagine that, in terms of contact time, the young man’s relationship with the Demon Abyss is tens of thousands of times, and hundreds of thousands of times more.

So when hearing Tian Guanlan's words, Yang Xu couldn't help laughing:

"It can indeed devour everything without fear of all forms of power, but it is not without methods to restrain it."

Yang Xu smiled faintly, and Qingxiu's face was a little determined:

"Coincidentally, there is such an object in my hand that can restrain it."

Tian Guanlan smiled:

"It's a big deal! If that's the case, let's face it and face it!"

Yang Xu teased:

"Let me follow it? Ha ha, can you still control it? What qualifications and means do you have to let it listen to you?"

Big talk!

Yang Xu's words completely angered Tian Guanlan.

He was dissatisfied with the speed at which the person appeared, and the remaining arm suddenly burst.

Turned into a sacrificial rune, speeding up the summoning speed: "Give me speedy appearance and destroy this kid!"

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