Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2924: Seven Kills Monument

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With Tian Guanlan's low roar, the ground suddenly violently oscillated, and a trench tens of meters wide suddenly appeared on the ground of Yuxu Temple.


Magma splashed, a red-red heat flow, an arm with a diameter of ten meters, protruding from the trench.

Then, the other arm also reached out.

The palms of the mountain were torn apart on both sides:


The ground of Yuxu Hall was completely overturned, and all the buildings collapsed.

A huge figure jumped out of the ground.

The elders of the Jade Emperor Hall, all rushing away, looked at the horror figure that covered the sky and could not help but change their faces:

"Are we releasing a... devil?"

The other party's fierce and overbearing evil spirit covered the sky and darkened the sky.

What made the elders even more shocked was that this huge demon, the huge two palms were catching fish around, and the disciples of Yuxu Temple who could not fly away in the future, pinched in their hands and chewed into the mouth:

"Blood! This is the taste of blood, hahaha..."

"Heaven and earth, only me! I am the abyss troll, I am the master of this world!"

"I am finally free..."

The gruesome abyss troll is five hundred meters high. The huge head is like a mountain. Two amazing arms can be used to flatten a mountain to the ground.

Its pair of huge pupils, like two suns, hang in the sky.

But in his pupils, there was a blood red color, like two seas of blood.

The elders of the Jade Emperor Hall, looking at this demon head, felt bitterness of regret in their hearts:

"We released it, did we really do anything wrong? Will this bring disaster to Immortal World?"

It is easy to release, how to imprison it again?

Who can be the opponent of the entire Yuxu Palace?

Sect Master Tian Guanlan, his arms were destroyed at this moment, but his eyes flashed with excitement.

Looking at this huge abyss troll, he looked like his own puppet.

The abyss trolls are more powerful than those of the Quanquan Realm, who are hundreds of times and thousands of times more powerful, making Tian Guanlan very excited.

He looked at Xiang Yangxu with a sneer:

"Look at you not dead this time! The abyss troll is invincible!"


Tian Guanlan flashed in front of the abyss troll, standing above his head, ordering:

"Troll, kill that young man for me! He has a powerful blood in his body, you will love it."


The voice of Tian Guanlan had not yet landed, and the huge palms of the abyss trolls came over to blow him directly.

Tian Guanlan turned into a mass of flesh and blood, dying to death.

"Brother Master is dead! How is this possible?"

"He was killed by the troll! How could this happen? Doesn't the brother-in-law control him?"

The elders of Yuxu Hall were all stunned and their eyes were horrified.

The abyss troll opened his blood basin and sneered:

"Stupid human beings actually want to order the deity, and there is only one way to end!"

"No one can control the consciousness of the deity, the deity is the supreme invincible existence!"

His voice was roaring like thunder, and the elders and disciples of Yuxu Temple were all astonished.

at this time.

The abyss troll looked at Yang Xu with huge eyes.

With the unique technique of the abyss demons, he could see the vigorous blood in Yang Xu's body at a glance.

The abyss troll could not help laughing:

"What a delicious human being! You should be honored. You are my favorite snack since I got out of trouble!"

The abyss troll said, his big hand approached Yang Xu, as if to grab him and eat it.

The elders in the Yuxu Temple wanted to run away at this moment, but they still looked back unwillingly.

When they saw the troll Chaoyangxu shot, they showed pleasure in their eyes:

"Finally, the kid is also dead! Let's bury the brother in charge!"

"It's a pity that the Yuxu Palace will never exist again..."

There are no two artifacts of Split Heavenly Sword and Yuxu Temple.

The Yuxu Palace simply cannot resist other forces, and there is no need to exist.


Facing the attack of the abyss troll.

The elders saw that the boy always stood there indifferently.

There was no fear on his face, and there was no point in trying to escape.

what happened?

Was that teenager scared and stupid?

No way?

In the surprised eyes of the elders and the disciples.

Yang Xu said with a smile:

"Abyssal trolls are invincible in the world? Only you in heaven and on earth? Is that really the case?"


An antique token appeared in Yang Xu's hand, smiling towards the abyss troll with a smile:

"Silly man, can you recognize this thing?"

The abyss troll originally grabbed Xiang Yangxu's big hand, as if he stepped on the brake and creaked!

Stopped directly in the air.

His blood-red eyes widened at once, and even the magical energy behind him seemed to be frightened and faded a lot.

"The Seven Kills Monument...how can you have the Seven Kills Monument?"

"Isn't it already destroyed by the Abyss Demon Ancestor?"

In the tone of the abyss troll, there was panic.

This made the elders and disciples of Yuxu Hall shocked:

"Seven Kills? What is that thing that could make this great demon so terrified?"

Yang Xu smiled and held up the token:

"Obviously, it is not destroyed, otherwise it will not fall on my hands."

The eyes of the abyss troll flashed, and he suddenly laughed:

"Hahaha, it's a pity that you're not him, and you can't use the power of the Seven Kills Monument! I'm waiting for the abyss troll to stop fearing it."

The troll's big hand continued to capture Chaoyangxu, and five huge fingers resembled Optimus God Pillar, it seemed to pinch Yangxu.

Yang Xu said quietly, "Is this really the case?"

With the blink of his eyes, the token in his hand suddenly flashed through Lulu's luster.

The seven divine symbols, which emerged above the token, were seven blood-red "kill" characters.

The pupil of the abyss troll suddenly shrank:

"Impossible! How can you use the Seven Kills Monument? Are you a descendant of him?"

Yang Xu ignored him and waved his token:

"go with."


Among the seven killing words floating in front of him, one of them flew into the palm of the abyss troll.


Touching the killing word, the palm of the troll's steel directly burst and exploded.

The word "kill" flashed a faint red light, without stopping, and got into the troll's thick arm.

Less than a second.

The arm of the troll, from the palm to the shoulder, shattered shoulder to shoulder.

A breath of terrifying troll blood filled the void.


That blood-red kill word suddenly turned into a vortex, absorbing all the blood gas!

In the hands of Yang Xu, the moment when the Seven Kills Monument shines.

The plane of the fairy world, ninety-nine times above the sky.

A man dressed in a royal robe, holding the sun and the moon in his hand, and walking in the eyes of the dragon-shaped avenue, suddenly frowned

"Huh? This breath..." Is he back?

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