Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2925: Old man's reaction

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"Hahaha! Finally back, after waiting for you for so long, you finally set foot on this land again! The future will not be lonely!"


The sun and moon in his hands were exploded by him directly.

A force enough to destroy a planet, but was swirling in the palm of his hand, screaming...

The dark endless plane of hell, under the 18th cycle of reincarnation, in the deep sea of ​​blood.

In the deepest magic ditch, a huge bone dragon was entrenched. It was red all over. Looking closely, every inch of bone was filled with dense text.

Every word, like a blood-red symbol, is deeply imprinted on the body of this skull dragon.

It seems to have slept for hundreds of millions of years, and its blood energy is weak, and if it is a hairspring, it seems to die at any time.


He opened his eyes, the current of the Demon Abyss in front of him, swept away frantically, there was a channel of blood gas, squirting from his eyes, and the sea water around him would evaporate instantly.

This area instantly turned into a vacuum.

Only his dragon-like roar broke the vacuum and kept echoing:

"This is the breath of the master!"

"The master is back! Hahaha, after waiting for hundreds of millions of years, the master finally returns, Immortal World, Nine Nether World, Corpse, your disaster is coming!"

"I have to be well prepared, get all my strength, and work for my master at any time!"

Orderly magic palace.

A woman with a beautiful face and charming eyes has nine divine laws behind her, shimmering in nine colors.

The nine-color divine light gently brushed the void, and the void collapsed into the ancient void.

Then the woman's spoiled body spewed a strange rune, and the collapsed void was ancient and instantly restored to its original state.

Her pair of deep eyes, boring, filled with cold loneliness.


Her phoenix flashed, and her eyes seemed to penetrate through the magic palace and thousands of planes, and saw a familiar figure:

"he came."

"I knew that he wouldn't let me wait too long! This time, will you let go?"

"I don't know, I really don't know, but I will never let go again this time!"


In the fairy universe.

A huge plane city burst suddenly burst into a huge black hole directly tens of millions of kilometers.

In an instant, all the planes around the fairy world were swallowed up.

The huge black hole rose into the sky and turned into a black pill, click!

Was pinched in the hands by an old man in a green robe, it turned out to be a black Go piece.

The old man stood in the void, his eyes old, his face drooping, and he seemed to die at any time.

His murky eyes spanned countless times and spaces, capturing the dramatic change of fate:

"Interestingly, you still found it. The dark blue planet did not trap you."

"Lonely for millions of years, I can finally have a player who is qualified to talk to me, don't let me wait too long..."

The old man in the green robe squeezed the black go piece in his hand and turned it into a chaos.

There are endless genes and lives, and the ancient and time of the years, began to be born in chaos...

In front of Yuxu Hall.

In front of Yang Xu, the Seven Kills Monument shone with a faint red light.

The blood-red kill word collapsed one arm of the abyss troll, and did not stay, but it was like a mountain, suspended above the abyss troll's head.

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"Now I ask you one thing. If you can reach it, I will let you enter the cycle of reincarnation completely. If you can't answer it, work for me until I kill all the trolls. How?"

The abyss troll looked at the blood-red killer in horror, and asked with trepidation:

"Are you talking to me? Can I refuse?"

Yang Xu couldn't help laughing:

"Look, I traveled for hundreds of years in the world, but I was actually affected... I'm sorry, you can't refuse. You are not qualified to refuse."

The pupil of the abyss troll shrank, and there was a fierce flash in his eyes.

"go ahead."

Not far away, the disciples of the Yuxu Temple and several elders were stunned.

I can't imagine that the terrifying and magical troll was easily controlled by this young man.

"Who is he? What secrets are there in him?"

Many disciples have such doubts in their hearts.

Looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, he became more and more curious.

And those elders who have become elite are urging them to:

"Don't look at it anymore! Knowing too much will do you no good, but will kill you! Go away quickly!"

Several elders fled away and left this land.

Some disciples, following the instructions of the elders, urged the momentum away.

But more, driven by curiosity, continued to look at Yang Xu's side.

Just listen to Yang Xuchao troll asked:

"I only ask you one question: who is the person who pulled up the Seven Kills Monument? With the power of your Abyss Demon Ancestor, I am afraid to practice for another ten thousand years, it is hard to be my opponent of the Seven Kills Monument. Who, Pulled up the Seven Kills Monument?"

A daze flashed through the eyes of the abyss troll:

"Don't the Mozu pull up the Seven Kills Monument? We can get out of trouble because of Mozu, he..."

Yang Xu shook his head in disappointment:

"It seems you don't know."

"Can you pass me?"

Troll's huge pupil, look at Yang Xu, and then look at the blood-red killer character above his head.

Yang Xu smiled slightly:

"What do you say?"

"Just know you won't be soft, swallow me!"

The abyss troll swallowed the blood red killing word.

Its belly wriggled violently, constantly changing various shapes.

Yang Xu looked slightly raised:

"Interesting, it seems that you have been capable in these years."

The troll suddenly changed into a dark and evil wind that covered the sky and seemed to want to go away.

Only a gentle sweep, bang!

The sky cracked, and the sky shook violently.

Within tens of thousands of kilometers, everything shattered into powder!

Those disciples of the Yuxu Temple who did not escape because of curiosity were all spared, and they were all shattered into mud!

The troll evil wind swept through these flesh and blood, and the strength seemed to have increased.



In the evil wind, a blood-red kill word, shining brightly, flew out.

Every sign of it turned into a snare, and it covered the troll evil wind.

The troll couldn't get rid of it, accompanied by a flash of blood and thunder!

Turned into a prototype and smashed to the ground.

Yang Xu said lightly:

"Don't worry, die, your soul, I will drive it well."

With a light flick, the Seven Killing God Tablets flew out and took back the seven Killing Words.

A huge phantom, the golden light shining brightly, covered the sky and covered the sun, and came down from the sky town. The abyss troll, the huge flesh collapsed in an instant, and all the magic energy was absorbed by the Seven Killings Monument.

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