Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2926: Yuxu Continent, Yuxu Gate

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The Seven Killing God Tablet flew back to Yang Xu's palm, with a roaring troll brand on it.

It is the soul that is imprisoned.

"With you, it will be much faster to clean up the troll next time."

"Come out and do things."

Yang Xu ordered.

The light gleamed on the Monument to the Seven Killing Gods, and a group of green souls suspended in front of Yang Xu.

Yang Xu's fingertips, a mass of liquid gold condensed out of thin air, wrapped in the green soul.

"Go, get all the valuable treasures from the Jade Emperor Palace."

The green soul flickered, wrapped in liquid gold, and rushed into the ruins.

Today, the Jade Deficiency Palace has been completely annihilated and turned into ruins. Yang Xu is too lazy to toss and hand it over to the troll puppet.

After a while, Kung Fu.

A golden giant, walking out of the ruins, his skin is liquid gold, but only covered with a thin layer.

Going to Yang Xu, the giant Jinguang burst, and a pile of magic weapons appeared on the ground.

The troll soul flew into the seven killings monument.

"The temple, it's yours."

Yang Xu pointed to the magic weapons on the ground and said to the Taoist Temple of the Emperor Yuxu.

The light of the Jade False Temple was swept away, and all the treasures on the ground were collected by it.

"The Five Elements Avenue is entrusted to you for understanding, but you have to help me complete a task."

Yang Xudao.

The Yuxu Temple shimmered slightly, and it was agreed.


The Five Elements Avenue is like a dragon, wrapped around the Yuxu Temple. A rune and the laws of the Yuxu Temple begin to interweave.

A lot of information about the Five Elements Avenue has been absorbed by the Jade Temple...

Feathering Sect.

When Yang Xu came back here, it was already a new look, not only the aura was several times stronger than before.

Moreover, every disciple of the Feathering Sect is radiant and full of vitality.

When you see Yang Xu, all of you are full of respect, and the excitement and admiration come out of your heart.

Even Cheng Zheng, since he was picked up by Yang Xu last time, has been quite honest.

Now that he understands Yang Xu's tremendous contribution to the Feathering Sect, he is also convinced of Yang Xu's heart.

"Bai Ling, leave these magic weapons and resources to Zongmen for distribution. In addition..."

Yang Xu handed the Taoist Temple of Jade Deficiency to Bai Ling:

"This Taoist instrument will recognize you as the master. With the Taoist instrument suppressing luck, the future of Yuhuazong will not be too bad."

"Over the village of Diaolong Village, I also hope that Yuhuazong can take care of one or two."

The purpose of Yang Xu in the beginning was actually to train a "bodyguard" for Diaolong Village.

Bai Ling looked at Xiang Yangxu's gaze, full of reluctance:

"Are you... going away?"

Yang Xu nodded.

"Then tonight... drinking the bar together."

Bai Ling looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, full of begging.

Yang Xu couldn't bear to refuse the goodwill of the beauties.

But he did not want to hurt another woman.

There are still many red faces waiting for him to get back.

And there are probably a lot of eyes in the fairy world, start to stare at yourself...

Early morning the next day.

Bai Ling came to Yang Xu's room in perplexity, and the teenager had disappeared.

Only the Taoist Jade Emperor Temple was left, gleaming light faintly.

Bai Ling held out his hand, and the Yuxu Temple flew to her palm automatically.

"Yang Xu just can't bear to hurt you, he is a good person..."

A thought spread into Bai Ling's mind.

Bai Ling's eyes widened at once:

"You have a consciousness... you want to condense an organ spirit!"

The Yuxu Continent belongs to one of the thirteen territories in the Nine Domains of the Immortal Realm. This continent has a culture of prosperity and prosperity. Every year, there are many Cultivators who have ascended into the Nine Domains of the Immortal Realm.

Yuxu Mountain, Yunxia shrouded, Cangsong Jinbai, Qilin lying stone.

The Yuxu Gate on Yuxu Mountain seems very lively today, and a few strange old faces appear in the hall.

On the futon, an old man was sitting, he made his face, and his eyes were like stars.

And kneeling in front of him, Yang Xuruo could recognize here that it was the elders who escaped from the Yuxu Temple.

"Tian Guanlan, the kid, died like this? It doesn't matter if he died, he even released the beast under the ground?"

The old man with a hefty face, frowning:

"It really is not enough to succeed, but it doesn't matter if he is dead. Even my Yuxumen must be contaminated with cause and effect, killing sin..."

Once the wild beast runs out, it will inevitably harm people and kill the people of Li Min.

Yuxumen can't afford this evil debt!

The old man frowned tightly, pinched his fingers, and his face changed slightly:

"Huh... That wild beast actually... was removed?"

"What? Impossible! How could the wild beast be so powerful? Unless..."

The elders of the Jade Emperor Palace looked at each other, and they all saw the horror in the other person's eyes:

"Unless that boy is strong enough to wipe out the wild beast!"

"Yes, that boy seems to know the wild beast. He calls the wild beast the abyss troll..."

The old man heard the words and raised his brow slightly:

"Oh? It seems that this young man is not in the first place."

Several elders laughed:

"How can a person who has the law of a complete avenue come from a common source."

His voice did not fall.


Outside the door of the hall, a beam of sword light came and rushed into the hall, clanging!

The sword light continually hit the ground one after another, and there were eighty-one flying swords that instantly assembled into a sword fan.

"come back."

A young man in white jumped into the hall, and with a single stroke, the sword fan flew back and flew back into one, flying into the scabbard behind the young man in white.

"Master, what a genius is so powerful that he can surrender to a wild beast?"

The eyes of the youth in white were shining, and the heaven was full, revealing an aura.

But there was a sharp edge between his eyebrows, which made people dare not look straight.

"Qing Cang, how many times have you been told to be restrained! Just don't listen! Did you write all the nine hundred large letters you wrote?"

The old man asked.

Tian Qing Cang, a young man in white, could not help but sneer, "I wrote, chant."

He waved it casually, and a pile of large white paper appeared in front of the old man.

The old man took a piece of paper and groaned, groaned, groaned!

Every word on the paper contained a sharp sword and shot towards the old man.

The old man's eyes glared angrily, and those sword spirits shattered immediately:

"Nonsense! What are you writing about? I let you practice your words to converge the edge, not to let you release! Your sword foundation will be destroyed sooner or later!"

Tian Qing Cang smiled carelessly, apparently not taking Master's words seriously, saying:

"Master, I heard that another burial ground appeared in the north, and this time it is likely to be... the emperor's burial!"

The old man glared:

"Are you able to break into the burial place of a generation of great emperors? Besides, it is ominous for the living to break into the burial ground! Do you want to mix it? Don't even think about it."

The old man knows this disciple well. Tian Qing Cang grinned and stopped talking, but his eyes were spinning, not knowing what to think.

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