Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2940: Zhu Shen Mo Zhen

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"Human, you are very lucky, you can see my body before you die. Let you die with awe of the deity, and you will taste your three souls and seven souls."

The figure of the black robe in that huge arm, breaking through the void, turned into a ray of black shadow, and got into the huge arm.

Suddenly, the movement of the arm with some color turned into a soul, and a burst of violent energy suddenly burst out. The explosion-like loud noise directly destroyed the void and collapsed.

Rippling in space, rippling in the void, the entire cave was subjected to huge shocks and began to rumble and tremble.

Outside the tomb, Tian Qing Cang, with a lot of people, has rushed out completely, standing on the open ground one after another, looking at the trembling mountain belly, his complexion changed.

"Brother Xu Yang is not in danger? Shall we do something?"

Tianqing Cang's friends asked actively.

They have been helped by Yang Xu many times, but they did not return Yang Xu once. Now they also hope to do something.

Unexpectedly, Tian Qing Cang shook his head slightly, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice:

"Xu Yang's current battle is no longer us able to intervene... If I am not wrong, he may face a troll from the abyss..."

This remark came out.

Everyone sucked in a breath of breath. Tianqing Cang's friends were all covered with incredible expressions. His eyes widened with horror that could not be concealed:

"Abyss troll? How is this possible? Isn't that even the strong of the patriarchal level can't confront?"

"I clearly heard before that even some real fairies dare not easily fight against trolls. Their means can easily pollute the fairy hearts..."

For the real fairy, they still have a heart of reverence and longing, but even the fairy does not dare to easily confront the existence, but the young man dare to face alone?

the most important is.

It seems that he is still facing that troll now?

"Qing Cang, if we don't need our help, shall we stay away?"

A few friends thought of the horror of the abyss trolls, they felt a chill, fearing that they would be affected.

While many cultivators retreated, they couldn't help thinking of it, and there were a group of greedy cultivators who didn't come out in the mountains.

Don't know what happened to them?

If these people know that those guys have already exploded and become part of the altar of flesh and blood, I am afraid they will be more grateful for their wise decision.

At the moment, Tian Qing Cang was holding a stone ball, gazing at the huge stone man crouching at the entrance of the tomb:

"Brother Xu Yang gave this thing to himself, must he have his intentions? I wonder if I can use it to help Brother Xu?"

Yes, Tianqing Cang does not want others to intervene, but is worried that they are not capable enough. Not only will it not help Yang Xu, but it will cause trouble for Yang Xu.

But he himself cannot do nothing!

Xu Yang rescued him too many times, Tian Qing Cang did not allow himself to stare like that!


Without warning, an earth-shattering explosion tore the void, billowing smoke like a volcanic eruption, swept up from the mountain cracks, and covered the sky and the sun.

"The mountain collapsed!"

"Is the emperor's burial tradition buried underground?"

"That's the tomb of Shizun, the emperor-level strong man, what a pity..."

In the hearts of the people, they couldn't help passing by with regrets, shaking their heads in exclamation.

And in the billowing smoke, a stream of light like electricity, soared out.


The streamer rolled in the dust and fell into a rolling gourd. After rolling out for more than ten meters, Gudong hit a mountain rock, and then the prototype appeared:

It turned out that the Qiqiao bloodshed, the face is miserable, the embarrassed Ye Jiaolong!

His image at the moment is simply embarrassing and embarrassing, which is in stark contrast with the people present.

More importantly, the breath on his body also slipped to a certain extent, and the whole person's eyes were trembling madly, obviously it was greatly shocked inside.

When Tian Qingcang saw him, the first reaction was to rush forward, with a high tone, and asked urgently:

"What happened inside? What happened to Xu Yang?"

Ye Jiaolong's expression changed, he took a deep breath with his teeth clenched, and then a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, his eyes looked at Tian Qing Cang faintly:

"Are you talking to me? You..."

Before his voice reached the ground, he felt his throat tighten, and an invisible force was like a big hand of a god. He pinched his neck and lifted it directly into the air.

It was Tian Qing Cang who pinched his neck across the air.

After realizing the magical sword technique on the stone wall of Emperor's Burial, Tian Qing Cang felt that he seemed to have an invisible control over the power of space.

So much so that he can manipulate the space, make all kinds of incredible movements, condensing an invisible arm, trapping Ye Jiaolong, naturally nothing.

"Hurry up, how is Xu Yang? Is the gap between him and the abyss Demon Race very large?"

Tian Qing stared at Ye Jiaolong coldly, as if as long as he was hesitant, he would immediately twist off his neck.

This change made Ye Jiao's eyes wide, and he was very uncomfortable:

You know, Tian Qing Cang was far inferior to him in the past, both in strength and in mind, he was crushed by him in all directions.

So much so.

When Tian Qing Cang faced him, the momentum was always at a disadvantage.

And when he took advantage of the tomb inheritance of the great eunuch, he made breakthroughs one after another, and his cultivation base far exceeded Tian Qing Cang.

This distinction becomes more obvious. Often, no matter how he provoked and insulted Tian Qing Cang, Tian Qing Cang will not fight back with him.

but now.

For that Xu Yang, Tian Qing Cang even released a fierce murderous murderousness towards him.

Moreover, Ye Jiao Longsi has no doubt that if he did not tell him the answer he wanted, Tian Qing Cang would definitely kill himself without hesitation!

"Damn it! I clearly am so much higher than you, how can you be so powerful?"

Ye Jiaolong was screaming in his heart, staring at Tian Qing Cang with a bitter and angry look.


He suddenly felt a twitch of his internal organs and a huge force hit his stomach without warning, causing all his muscles to tremble in pain.

Tian Qing Cang's eyes were cold and quiet, locking Ye Jiaolong:

"Tell me, what happened to Xu Yang? If you hesitate for a while, it won't be as easy as a punch! I will tear off all your hands and feet!"

Tian Qing Cang didn't realize that he had been affected by Yang Xu for only a few days.

Unconsciously, he also began to become like Yang Xu, doing things in a straightforward direction. "Xu Yang...he was in the abyss troll's magic circle...Zhushen magic circle!"

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