Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2941: Behind the scenes

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Zhushen Demon Formation?

All the cultivators heard the words and looked at each other, all of them saw the shock in the other person's eyes:

That terrible existence from the abyss, can it still use the power of the formation?

Zhu Shen Mo Zhen, it sounds very powerful, I am afraid that the young man is already fierce, right?

A few friends of Tian Qing Cang couldn't help looking at Tian Qing Cang at the moment, some wanted to comfort a few words, but didn't know what to say.


Tian Qing Cang smiled coldly, looking at the collapsing mountain, and a radian angle was raised in the corner of his mouth:

"If anyone else, I would really think he was dead, but if it was Brother Xu Yang, it might not be that simple to kill him."

Ye Jiaolong snorted coldly, but his twisted face couldn't help but reveal a hint of contempt:

Is Xu Yang so powerful?

Can even the powerful existence of the abyss be able to fight?

Before he escaped, he clearly saw that Xu Yang was trapped in the magic circle by the abyss troll.

Now I'm afraid it's already too much!

Looking at Ye Jiaolong's provocative look, Tian Qing smiled coldly, throwing Ye Jiaolong aside as if throwing a doll.

Ye Jiaolong was too late to react, and was hit heavily by the ground, which stirred up a large amount of dust.

Through the dust, Ye Jiaolong's eyes stared at Tian Qing Cang's back coldly, and because of his anger, his face looked a little too twisted.

"Did he dare to turn his back on himself?"

Ye Jiaolong had anger in his heart, and at this moment, rumbling!

In the collapsing mountains, a loud and loud noise suddenly erupted.

Tian Qing Cang and several friends, their eyes lit up suddenly.

Tian Qing Cang exhaled, yelling in surprise:

"I knew that the Xu Yang brothers would not die!"

It seemed to confirm his opinion. At the moment when Tian Qing's words were still falling, a golden light rose from the sky, and he transformed in the void, showing the figure of Yang Xu.

He was surrounded by golden fire, and the surging energy was like flames, burning around him.

At this moment, Yang Xu was like a **** who came to the world, his eyes were full of looking down, and the void in front of him was like a pair of invisible palms squeezed against each other, bursting into a cobweb-like crack.

With a loud bang, the void was squeezed and exploded, and a huge figure flew out of it, staggering in the void, panic-stricken, with green blood on the corners of his mouth.

It was the abyss troll.

At this moment he stood in the void and looked at Xiang Yangxu with panic and horror, his tone full of incredible:

"How can you stop the attack of Zhushen Demon Formation? What is your origin?"

A pair of aquamarine trolls flashed through a pair of green eyes, trying to see Yang Xu's disguise.


No matter how he promoted the momentum, he could not find any clues.

This kind of action made the cultivators around him change their faces one after another, their eyes filled with horror and surprise, and they couldn't help casting their eyes to Yang Xu:

This young man, even the abyss troll can't help him?

What a joke!

Doesn’t it mean that even immortals will be afraid of the aura of the abyss trolls? Why did this young man look like he wouldn't invade?

Above the void, Yang Xu's eyebrows looked at the troll coolly, and the only surprise the other party brought him was probably the so-called Zhumo Demon Array.

I thought how dare to count my little brother's existence. Unexpectedly, it was so disappointing.

"Did you have an envoy behind the scenes? If so, I'll take you on the road."

The radiance of Yang Xu's palm flashed, and the seven-killing monument came out.

The pupils of the abyss troll suddenly shrunk, looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes full of unspeakable emotions:

"It turns out that... that legend is true... The Seven Kills Monument is in your hands, it seems that you are the son of luck carrying the power of time and space..."

"The power of time and space? Son of luck?"

Yang Xu frowned slightly. This was the first time he heard this.

In the past memories, there is no statement about it. Instead, in the lower bound, Yang Xu saw fragments about the future.

Could it be that Yang Xu in the future is coming out to stir the wind and rain again?

Just as Yang Xu hesitated, the green light flashed in the eyes of the abyss troll, and a strange and obscure wave came out of him.

"Humanity, even if I die, you will always bear the curse of the power of time and space. Your future is a void, even with everything around you, it will change your destiny and become a non-existent nothing!"

"I am waiting for the day you are destroyed!"

The abyss troll said, his body suddenly swelled like a balloon, and in the eyes of everyone surprised, he burst into a blast.

A surging destructive force spreads around the center, and all the mountains where the energy passes are destroyed.

Even some cultivators have been greatly affected.

But Yang Xu and Tian Qing Cang were unmoved. When all the pressure rushed in front of Tian Qing Cang, an invisible sword light appeared, tearing it directly.

The golden glow of Yang Xu's body is like a wall, blocking all the energy.

After being calmed down, the cultivators who were shocked and turned upside down, looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, full of incredible:

"He even forced an abyss troll to explode, is this too scary?"

"What secrets does this teenager have? The legend of the power of time and space, the son of luck, how have I never heard of it?"

"Is this legend only circulating among abyss trolls?"

After a lot of discussion, one after another, it inevitably spread to Yang Xu's ears.

Yang Xu's eyes flickered, but the future figure of Yang Xu passed by in his mind.

The arrogant figure full of killing, tyranny, and negative emotions entangled Deyang Xu with a sense of irritability.

He vaguely speculated that the abyss troll came out of the ban and got rid of the suppression of the Seven Kills Monument.

"If it were you, let them go, it would be a bit stupid!"

In Yang Xu's eyes, there was a flash of coldness.

And at this moment, among the collapsed mountains, a radiant light suddenly burst out, a loud noise rumbling, and a golden building rose from the ruins.

Ye Jiaolong laughed loudly, resounding in the void: "Hahaha! I knew that this emperor's burial inheritance would definitely be mine! I finally found the power and inheritance left by Shizun, Tianqing Cang, you just got a normal Swordsmanship, but I got all the mastery and wealth of Master!

My strength and luck will always be above you! "

In the eyes of envy and admiration, Ye Jiaolong turned into a light and flew into the golden building.

However, with a loud bang, Ye Jiaolong was flicked out by the golden light shrouded outside the building.

Other cultivators, all of them, rushed to the golden building one after another, and all were bombed without exception.

Yang Xu Chaotian Qing smiled: "Go, let's try."

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