Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2942: Little bunny, open the door

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Under the gaze of everyone's burning eyes, Yang Xu took Tian Qing Cang and marched towards the golden building.

People's eyes flickered, and unconsciously, they seemed to hold their breath, and only one thought flickered in their minds:

Even Ye Jiaolong was shocked by the golden building, can Xu Yang and Tian Qing Cang be?

At this moment, Ye Jiaolong's twisted face was also full of unwillingness and doubt.

Seeing Xu Yang and Tian Qing Cang walking towards this side without any trouble, it seemed that they were not in a hurry at all, which made Ye Jiaolong's heart more and more suffocated.

With eyes full of unwillingness and anger, Ye Jiaolong erupted in a wave of horrible atmosphere of long life, and the whole person seemed to become a demon god, bang bang bang!

The void around him even burst into roaring sounds because he could not bear the terror wave:


The ground at the foot of Ye Jiaolong cracked, and the huge anti-seismic force pushed him like a shell into the golden building.

Ye Jiaolong's twisted face was covered with determination:

"I must enter the inheritance of that emperor's burial, all inheritance is mine! I want strength!"

Seeing that Ye Jiaolong was getting closer and closer to the golden building, there was a hint of sigh in the eyes of everyone, and Ye Yelong's gaze was a little more complicated:

I have to say that there is a reason why Ye Jiaolong can be successfully recognized by the eunuch, and this is not so hard and persistent.

No wonder he can have such amazing cultivation behavior now.


No matter how strong the strength and talent are in front of the golden building, Ye Jiaolong this time, even if the power was fully open, could not be connected to the golden building.

Between the golden lights shining, a peculiar power, like a giant hand of the gods, will take Ye Jiaolong's body directly and flew out!


Ye Jiaolong's body crashed into the plasma left when a pool of abyss trolls exploded, which was mixed with the flesh and blood corpses of the abyss troll.

The crowd couldn't help laughing, shook their heads regretfully, and looked at the golden building's gaze, they could not help but dignified more and more:

It is worthy of the inheritance of the emperor's burial level. The power is so powerful, even if it reaches the powerful existence of the longevity, it cannot be resisted without recognition!

Next, it depends on whether they can do it!

The scorching and expectant eyes, almost without exception, all converged on Xu Yang.

Even Tian Qing Cang who followed him, looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes at this moment, was full of endless expectations:

"If the Xu Yang brothers can get the emperor's burial heritage, it would be really good! If he is recognized, then I am willing to quit!"

For Xu Yang, Tian Qing Cang is truly his own person, even if he was betrayed by Ye Jiaolong before, this time he still firmly believes in his own vision.

In the blink of thoughts, Tian Qing Cang came to the golden building.

Seeing Yang Xu standing in front of the golden building, the brilliant golden radiance reflected his plain face without waves.

Unlike everyone else's complicated or excited, expectant, or jealous complex eyes, Yang Xu's expression looked faint, with no change from beginning to end.

This expression made everyone feel strange:

"Why is he not excited at all?"

"It's a strange feeling, how do I think he seems to have known this emperor's burial heritage long ago?"

"I'm going, won't he really be recognized by the emperor's burial?"

In the hearts of the people, the thoughts were complicated.

Tian Qing Cang, who is closest to Yang Xu, frowned slightly at this moment, and wondered if it was an illusion. Only then did he seem to see a trace of recollection on the face of Brother Xu Yang.

It seems to be recalling the past.

This change of expression was fleeting. If he had not been paying attention to the expression of Brother Xu Yang, he would not have found it at all.

"Oh, I can't think of seeing you again. It would be the way. I used to think that as long as I exiled myself, all the causes and consequences would end there, but I didn't expect that even you little guy fell." "The emperor Burial-level inheritance? I never thought that you, a man with a frizzy hair, will also have such considerations when you are doing this, the six golems at the door, I have seen it, you probably want to use it This way, tell me what

Huh? "I know what your kid meant. Rest assured, the lost fairy dynasty is already gone. I will not force it, let the name of the burial fairy be completely sinking into history." But, you, Panhuang's hatred, I must report it, Empress, Black

I will not forgive the betrayal of the Marine Lord. Your kid should know that the thing I hate most is betrayal..." "Alas, there are many old friends, and I don't know where, but the moment the Seven Kills Monument awakened, They should be able to sense my return... Well, no gossip, your kid is always a chicken thief, loves to play tricks, believe

You have also prepared for this temporary sleep. Well, I brought a good seedling to your emperor's burial class inheritance, is it a good face for you kid? "

Countless thoughts flashed in Yang Xu's mind, and pictures of the past flickered and flipped in memory.

Then, in the eyes of the people who were horrified to some incredible, Yang Xu said lightly to this glorious imperial inheritance:

"Are you still pretending to be a ghost? What do you do? Open the door and let him in."

Yang Xu said, beckoning to Tian Qing Cang behind him, beckoning him to come.

All the cultivators in all directions looked at the scene in front of them, but they were completely shocked, especially Yang Xu’s sentence, so that they could open an egg with their mouths open:

"Did I deafly hear it wrong? That boy he... actually used the tone of command for the emperor's burial heritage to let it open the door?"

"This must be an illusion? What kind of existence actually allows the Emperor-level inheritance hole to be opened in one sentence? Is this kid taking the wrong medicine?"

After questioning and taunting eyes, Chaoyangxu gathered in the past.

Only Tian Qing Cang, seeing Yang Xu waving at this moment, walked towards him without any hesitation.


At that moment, his heart jumped, and an uncontrollable thought came deep inside his heart:

The Xu Yang brothers can definitely!

Since he said so, he can certainly let the imperial inheritance begin!

This is an instinctive trust!

And all the following did not disappoint him. Just the moment he walked to Yang Xu’s side, the imperial lineage that flew Ye Jiaolong easily, the rune flashed, and a portal appeared like this. In front of Tian Qing Cang.

Everyone sucked in a sigh of relief: Emperor-level inheritance, was really called to open the door by the young man?

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