Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2943: The treasure of town education, Luna Tree!

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At this moment, all the people took a deep breath, as if they could shake their hearts and swallow them completely.

However, because they were so shocked, they almost all forgot to exhale.

So much so that when everyone opened their mouths and looked at Yang Xu with a stunned face, they suddenly coughed up and coughed uncomfortably:

Yang Xu's shock to everyone is just so amazing.

Among the blood stains of the troll corpse, Ye Jiaolong was covered with blood stains all over his body, a pair of staring eyes, staring deadly at Yang Xu.

Seeing that he had exhausted the power of nine cows and two tigers, he could not break into the inheritance of the emperor's burial. The boy named Xu Yang only said one sentence casually, and even let the emperor's burial be opened.

Moreover, the recipient of the emperor's burial heritage is still Tian Qing Cang, who has not been put in his eyes and has been stepped on the soles of his feet!

Such a huge drop made Ye Jiaolong's pupils bloody, and the bloodshot burst like a cobweb:

Just before, he was already unable to keep up with the strength of Tian Qing Cang and was picked up by his neck.

It was just that the other party learned the unknown sword technique in the tomb.

If he really inherited the inheritance of the emperor's burial, how powerful would it be? How can I turn over?

Don’t forget, it’s Shizun!

The strong man who really won the title of Emperor Zun!

It is much stronger than the inheritance of the broken **** that he inherited!

"Why, why is the person who is recognized not me? Why didn't I know Xu Yang earlier?"

"Why! Why doesn't he need to do anything, he just found a line of emperor-level inheritance? I'm not willing!"

Because he was too jealous and angry, Ye Jiaolong had twisted his dirty face, and it looked even more terrible. In a pair of gloomy eyes, the cold light of the yawning bird flashed.

What he didn't notice is that as these negative emotions burned and exploded in his heart.

The blood and flesh of the trolls wrapped around him gathered towards him gurglingly and drilled into his body.


Ye Jiaolong's body suddenly soared at an alarming rate, blinking to three meters high.

The more the trolls become filthy, the more uncontrollable Ye Jiaolong's emotions and thinking are, the more irritable, angry, and jealous.

So much so.

In all directions, all the blood and corpses left by the trolls' self-explosion were attracted to Ye Jiaolong and gathered towards him.

"What's going on? What happened to Ye Jiaolong?"

"How can those flesh and blood of the abyss demon still move?"

All the cultivators couldn't help but change their faces, and they all showed horrified and fearful expressions.

And just three kilometers away from here, doubts flashed in the eyes of a group of cultivators:

"What's wrong with Jiaolong? Is it the signal to us?"

"Right, Ye Jiao Long Mingming said that when he was threatened by the emperor's funeral or someone snatched it, we will help again, but now no one is going to target him?"

"Something wrong! I sensed that Ye Jiaolong's breath of life is getting weaker... his body is occupied by unknown existence!"

The words of these people had not fallen, all turned into a ray of light, and rushed towards Ye Jiaolong.

When the cultivators saw these people, their faces changed:

"A cultivator of long life again!"

"Taiyin Divinity has actually arranged a backhand!"

"Are they aware of Ye Jiaolong's accident?"

Everyone was suspicious in their hearts, watching the five long-lived Taiyin gods who rushed towards Ye Jiaolong.

There was a moment of wonder on the people's faces, unable to understand what happened.

"Brother Xu Yang, what happened to Ye Jiaolong?"

Several friends of Tian Qing Cang looked at Ye Jiaolong's situation and looked puzzled.

Yang Xu didn't even frown, but smiled and said:

"What can happen is nothing more than a nourishment for the parasites of trolls. It's just that Ye Jiaolong doesn't struggle."

The abyss trolls eat with filth and anger. Ye Jiaolong’s emotions are probably very unstable, so he can be used by the trolls.


Now I want to defeat the eroded "Ye Jiaolong", I am afraid it is not so simple.

Yang Xu smiled at the entrance of the emperor's burial.

Tian Qing Cang has already entered the heritage, the light is shining, the energy is faintly diffused, and no one knows what is happening inside.

Yang Xu looked at the five long-lived masters of Taiyin God Religion and surrounded Ye Jiaolong.

Their faces were full of surprises and doubts, and they did not shoot immediately.

Seeing Ye Jiaolong's eyes, the blood red color gradually turned into a dark, as if enchanted.

Yang Xu shook his head regretfully:

"They missed the best mobile phone meeting. You guys, be careful not to be affected by the battle over there."

He casually reminded Tian Qing Cang's friends.

These people suddenly nodded as the chickens pecked rice. Nowadays, for Yang Xu, they are completely convinced and take their word.

"Something wrong! Can't drag on anymore, do it!"

The five strong men surrounding Ye Jiaolong finally realized that something was wrong, and the black man headed, with a big hand, scratched the void like a curtain and was torn directly by him.

He reached into the void with his hand, and when he came out, there was a silver tree in his palm.

"It turned out to be a sacred object of the Lunar Deity, Luna Tree!"

"Taiyin Shinji even let such treasures be brought out. How much do they value Ye Jiaolong?"

Everyone sighed again and again, dismayed.

Yang Xu raised a corner of his mouth, showing a sneer:

It is not always right to say that you value Ye Jiaolong. If you really value him, you will have to help each other.

What they really care about should be the inheritance of Shi Zun's emperor's burial.

It's a pity that he was kicked by himself and got out of the way.

Thinking of this, Yang Xu could not help but looked up behind him, the huge stone sculpture standing at the entrance:

"Six Dao Golems, when you were cast, it seems that you have borrowed from the Sun God Mountain. I don't know how your Master Shizun has any involvement with the Taiyin God Church?"

Yang Xu felt keenly that the kid Shi Zun might have something to do with the Taiyin **** religion.

Not to mention, idleness is also idleness, give them some advice, the abyss trolls that are full of ghosts are always annoying!

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Yang Xu walked towards Ye Jiaolong.

Several friends of Tian Qing Cang couldn't help changing their looks:

"Brother Xu Yang, are we not guarding here?"

Yang Xu didn't look back:

"Don't you see that the light of the emperor's burial heritage has weakened? The kid from Tianqing Cang has been recognized."

Now it is estimated that the power left by the kid who is refining Fossil Venerable.

At this time, the five masters of Taiyin God Religion were caught in an embarrassing struggle.

Because they found that the omnipotent moon **** tree failed this time, completely unable to suppress the violent Ye Jiaolong! "Several, your repression method is wrong, why not try another method?"

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