Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2949: Fairy skull!

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The golden palace, the magnificence of the gods, and the thousands of colorful pieces, holding Yang Xu's body, rose slowly from the big crack of the black dead soul.

It is "The Archaic Thinking of Swire"!

Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at the scene in mysterious eyes.

They were completely shocked by the temple conceived by Yang Xuguan, especially the sacred atmosphere released by the temple, even as strong as they, could not help feeling a sense of awe from the depths of the soul.

It can be said that it is the nemesis of the born demon.

If anyone in the Jade Emperor Palace sees the existence that Yang Xu contemplates now, he will be absolutely amazed that it cannot be added.

Because the temple that Yang Xuguan came up with is the Yuxu Temple.

However, the breath of this temple is more powerful than the real Yuxu Temple.

"This young man's method is simply incredible. He is either a true genius or a reincarnation of a mysterious strongman..."

"Judging from his knowledge of Luna Tree and Sun Mountain, the latter is more likely. This teenager is definitely related to our Taiyin Shinto."

The strong men of Taiyin God's religion stared at Yang Xu's side, and the surprised expression on their faces couldn't hide it.

They were shocked by Yang Xu's miraculous means.

Seeing the big crack of the dead soul, suppressed by the golden palace, it seemed to feel provoked. The big crack of the dead soul thundered and rumbled, tearing the earth again.

It turned into a bottomless rift of undead, and a black magic gas spewed out of the rift.

The dark magic energy exudes the evil atmosphere of evil sneaks, rumbling and rolling like a magic cloud coming into the world, and Chaoyang Xu swept away there.

For a moment, the black magic cloud covered the sky and surrounded Yang Xu directly.

The cultivators around, especially the masters of Taiyin God, all changed their faces suddenly and exclaimed:


"If you are contaminated by those demonic qi, the young man's mind may be tainted by the demonic qi, and even his whole body will be destroyed..."

"It depends on how the teenager will respond..."

Chaoyangxu gathered together with worried eyes.

Unlike what they had imagined, Yang Xu looked calm and calm in the face of the magical energy that surrounded him.

He was like a noble deity, standing above the golden palace, letting demonic energy swept in.

Seeing the magical energy turned into a devil's claw, Yang Xu was about to be torn to pieces, hum!

A ray of golden runes condensed from the sky in front of Yang Xu, and then, the second rune, the third rune...

In the blink of an eye, there were tens of millions or hundreds of millions of runes, flashing golden light emerged, densely packed into rune waterfalls, falling down around Yangxu.

These golden runes radiate a bright holy light, shining around the darkness.

All the magic energy was isolated, and when I met the golden rune waterfall, I suddenly met the lava like snowflakes, and the la la la disappeared!

"It's a good trick to dissolve ice and snow, this young man really has incredible means."

"This teenager's level is not bottomed out. We were worried about him in vain."

The strong men of Taiyin God's religion looked at each other a few times, and all smiled.

And the cultivators around couldn't help but relax, curious eyes, and once again gathered towards the undead Lord:

What other means does he have?

The young man is so powerful, will the Undead Lord give up?

Seeing his own tricks, he was once again blocked by the human youth, and the flames of anger burned in the dark eyes of the undead master.

His cold eyes stared at Yang Xu desperately, wishing to melt this young man into nothingness directly:

"You really have some means, congratulations, success has angered me! You..."

This time, Yang Xu didn't let the Undead Lord finish his speech.

He was too lazy to talk to this guy again, wasting time.

A cloud of golden smoke suddenly appeared in front of the Undead Lord, and a ray of golden smoke converged toward the center, condensing into Yang Xu's body.

Yang Xu walked out of the golden smoke and stood in front of the Undead Lord, with a slight smile:

"I'm really sorry. I'm in a hurry. You have occupied my friend's body for a long time, and it's not very good for his future cultivation. So..."

"Please die."

While Yang Xu was speaking, his right hand was deep in the front, and his five fingers raised up as if he was grabbing something. His palm was aimed at the space above the head of the Undead Realm:



A shocking explosion, all the cultivators' complexion changed, but they felt that the void in front of them was shaking and shaking.


The space above the head of the undead world suddenly cracked open a black crack.

The black crack quickly spread like a spider web to the surroundings, and with a bang, the space above the head of the Undead Realm shattered like glass.

A golden gleaming blast furnace with golden flames burning around it, like a flame mountain filled with rolling magma, descended from the top of the main body of the undead world.

It was the magic weapon that Yang Xu had just got, the flaming furnace.

The flaming furnace came down and snorted the void.

It is like a golden sun, burning energy, so that within a few hundred miles, they are all caught in a fiery heat.

Almost all the cultivators were shocked by the flaming furnace, opening their mouths one by one and murmured:

"Another pottery...how much of this boy's method is useless?"

"It's unbelievable, a little human teenager has so many powerful cards!"

Even the strong men from the Taiyin God Church cannot be shocked by Yang Xu’s methods:

"Another weapon! The sword he gave to Tian Qing Cang seems to be a weapon too?"

"The lunar tree and the sun mountain of our Taiyin gods all listen to this young man... How many instruments have this young man ever touched?"

They rushed to the sun and cast their eyes in horror and curiosity.

At this moment, the Undead Lord was suppressed by the flame furnace, and the huge weight and scorching temperature caused his back to bend.

It seemed that there were 100,000 gods in the mountain, and the town was down. The huge pressure made his bones clang.

"Damn, the human body is really fragile..."

The Undead Lord has regretted to occupy Tian Qing Cang's flesh.

If it was replaced before, why is he so vulnerable when he has a physical body?

The Undead Lord stared at his eyes, his eyes full of unwillingness, and his big hand snapped into the void in front of him:

"Humans, if you have only this means, it is not enough to suppress me!"

"Immortal skull, come out to me!" Undead Realm's palm condensed a black devil qi, and the black devil qi continued to roll, gradually becoming transparent, and a crystal clear white skull appeared in the hands of Undead Realm.

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