Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2950: Immortal reincarnated!

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At the moment when the fairy skull appeared, a crystal clear glow, centered on the fairy skull, spread like ripples around.

The cultivators who penetrated the body through this radiant light were all blessed to the heart, and had a lot of insights into the avenues and laws in their hearts.

Yang Xu was also exposed to this ray of ray of radiance, and a flash of surprise flashed across his eyes:

This is a real fairy skull!

In the lower realm, Yang Xu had also touched a fairy skull, but it was incomplete and not infiltrated by fairy spirits.

And this fairy skull in the hands of the undead world master is obviously a fairy who condenses the divine personality. Immortal inspiration is integrated into every part of the body, so that even his skull can release his understanding of the heaven and earth avenue.

If this skull is taken by the right way, you can use this medium to increase the speed of self-cultivation of the avenue and the realization of heaven and earth several times.

It is a treasure that the monks dreamed of!


Once it falls into the hands of a demon such as the Undead Lord, the consequences are somewhat serious.

The evil demon outside Tao can not only obtain all the information before the fairy life through some special means.

What is even more incredible is that you can also summon the strongest state before the immortal life through some ancient means of promotion. You have a certain consciousness, but all actions and actions are subject to the order and dispatch of the caster!

and so.

Immortals often regard their deaths as extremely important, and even design traps and places of death to prevent the Xiao Xiao from stealing their bones.

"That's a real fairy skull, from which I felt the breath of the law of the Dao..."

Some sharp-minded cultivators opened their eyes wide and stared at the white bone.

At the same time horrified in his heart, his eyes were all gleaming with unshakable desire:

If you can get that fairy skull, you will get a treasure, and you won't have to worry about future cultivation.

Don't talk about these cultivators.

Even the strong men of the five long-lived environments taught by Taiyin God could not help but swallow secretly, and their breathing became a little short of breath.

Only Yang Xu has a calm and calm look.

Facing the fairy skull, he looked at the eyes of the Undead Master with a bit of coldness:

Yang Xu did not like this kind of blasphemy.

The Undead Realm can ignore these things. In the eyes of everyone, the Undead Realm loosened the fairy skull, and it shone with the glow of light and automatically floated in front of him.

The hands of the undead master quickly seal, one after another black runes, just like a dragon and a black snake, continue to drill into the fairy skull.


On the white and flawless fairy skull, a black crack cracked open, and a plume of magical gas like a black snake, drilled from the crack.

The little black snake drilled in the fairy skull, with a snake mouth and a head-to-tail combination, actually formed a portal. Inside the portal there was a black smoke billowing out, seemingly connecting an unknown world.

"That's... underworld?"

"That portal communicates the Undead Fairy Realm?"

"Is it my illusion, I sensed a strong breath of fairy..."

When the cultivators were surprised, Carrara!

A solid and powerful arm, grabbed from the black smoke, the next moment, bang!

An immense amount of immortal energy burst out of the black portal, like a torrent of water pouring down, and the portal connected by the black snake was directly washed down.

A dazzling light group, magnificent and magnificent, appeared in front of the undead lord.

When Yang Xu saw it, he raised his brow slightly:

"Is it really called out? Is the fairyland version of the dirt reincarnated?"

Seeing that bright light group, the brilliance gradually converged, and a tall and strong figure slowly walked out from the center of the light group.

Wearing a fairy armor and holding a golden war blade, his eyes instantly locked the undead master:

"Did you disturb my sleep after death and call me out?"

The eyes of the undead master flashed faintly and nodded, but there was no response.

The tall fairy's eyes were cold, and his gloomy eyes looked at the undead master from the head to the foot, as if to remember his appearance in his heart:

"Although you occupy the human body and try to hide your breath, in my eyes, everything is invisible to you! The evil demon outsider disturbs the deceased's tactics. After you die, I will settle with you. of!"

The Undead Lord heard the words, frowned, and said coldly:

"Since I dare to call you out, I will not be afraid of your revenge. Even if you have all kinds of reluctance, now you have to obey my orders!"

The Undead Lord said, with his hands sealed, a black chain appeared in his hand instantly, and the other end of the iron chain extended to the golden armor immortal, and fell into the heart of the golden armor immortal.

"Listen to my orders and kill me!"

At the same time as the undead Lord said, the black chain was shaking and the Golden Armor Immortal tried to break free, but there was nothing he could do.

When the hand print of the Undead Realm was finished, the eyes of the Golden Armor Immortal suddenly turned into a dark and hollow color.


His body disappeared instantaneously, and the next moment, a golden cluster of light suddenly condensed above Yang Xu's head.

A golden armor figure flew out of it, and the golden war blade torn the void in his hand, and fell down towards Yang Xu.

There was a trace of struggling and intolerance in the black eyes of the Golden Armor:

"Daoyou, I'm sorry, I can't control myself..."

His eyes and expressions are full of intolerance, but his sword is a young man who beheads and kills him in front of him.

Such a weird scene made the cultivators onlookers all around took a breath of breath:

"Is this the legendary taboo method? It is unheard of to use such a weird method to turn a dead fairy into a puppet!"

"This method only dare to use the evil demon outside path, because the fruit involved is too large, it hurts and..."

Many cultivators sighed so.

Seeing that Jinjia immortal, he beheaded Xiang Yangxu involuntarily, but instead apologized in his mouth.

Yang Xu smiled slightly, "Why, I can't hurt me."

Before the words fell, the golden war blade had already torn Yang Xu's body directly, and there was a muffled noise. "Yang Xu" was like a paper man, and was torn in half instantly.


The pupil of the Undead Realm shrank, and he immediately felt fooled. The next moment, a cloud of smoke appeared in front of the Undead Realm Master.

A blaze of flames spewed out of the smoke, and the void was burned and collapsed.

The undead master quickly printed with both hands, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth:

"Useless, your strategy is seen through by me!"

"Block me!"

With a bang, the void exploded in front of the undead lord, and a tall golden armor figure blocked him.

It was the puppet of the fairy.

Yang Xu urged the flames released by the flame furnace to spray on the Jinjia Immortal. His face still had a sorry look on his face: "I'm sorry Daoyou, I didn't think I would cause trouble after death... Despite killing , I can't feel pain now."

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