Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2951: Necromancer, die

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"I will send this demon to hell, how to concoct him then, whatever you want."

Yang Xu responded to your fairy puppet.

The movement on his hand was not slow, the red flames rolled like a giant wave, and the golden armor on the fairy puppet quickly melted.

A magical rune flew out of the golden armor, covering the whole body of the fairy puppet.

Yang Xu exploded casually, "Let me go."


The dense runes were blocked in front of the Jinjia immortals, forming a protective shield, but when they touched Yang Xu's fist, they were as fragile as paper and shattered instantly.

Yang Xu snapped his fingers, poof!

The two arms of the fairy puppet were directly cut off.

Yang Xu's eyes swept, and two swords flew out, cutting off the legs of the fairy puppet, as well.


The fairy puppet lost action and attack power, fell to the ground, and was burned by the flame.

His expressionless expression, his eyes cast on Yang Xu, but he was full of apology and expectation:

"Dao friends, be sure to thoroughly eradicate such evil doors!"

"do not worry."

The moment you said "Yu", Yang Xu's figure had disappeared from the clouds.

When the word "Fang" exited, the Undead Master was shocked to find that this voice appeared behind him.

And when the word "heart" is spoken, Yang Xu has already been hit hard by the head of the undead.

This palm, imprinted with a golden magic rune, vaguely released incredible power fluctuations, which surprised all the onlookers:

"That rune... seems to contain the breath of Wuxing Avenue..."

"Yes, it is the law of the Dao! This young man really has a complete law of Dao!"

The eyes of Xiang Yangxu suddenly became more complicated.

There are marvels, fears, more curiosity and anticipation.

In Yang Xu's palm, the golden light of the Five Elements Avenue Rune suddenly turned into a verdant color.

The law of the five elements of the wood system contains powerful natural power and life force. The moment when the seal is sealed in the eye of the undead world, there is a loud bang.

The Undead Lord's eyebrows burst into black smoke, and the next second, Tian Qing Cang's consciousness appeared again.

Two of his eyes, one possesses autonomous consciousness, the other is dark, still occupied by the undead master.

A few friends of Tian Qing Cang, seeing this at the moment, could not help opening one after another:

"Qing Cang, come back to consciousness soon, let's go to drink apricot stuffed together!"

"We also want to ask you the tips of Tianyu swordsmanship..."

The clearest memories flashed through Tian Qing's mind.

His self-consciousness has become stronger and stronger, gradually occupying the dominance of the body.

Under Yang Xu's palm, he no longer struggled, but began to cooperate.

"Oops, I lost my autonomy!"

The Necromancer exclaimed.

Yang Xu's joking voice, like a cat play mouse, got into his mind:

"Do you still help roll? If you don't leave, you will be sealed in my friend's body forever. I have a hundred ways to teach him how to refine you!"

This remark came out.

The look of the undead master changed greatly, and he gritted his teeth fiercely:

"Damn! I will come to you again!"

He used all kinds of incredible means, even the precious hole cards like fairy skulls were summoned.


It was still defeated by this human youth.

"Damn it! Kill me!"

The Undead Lord madly seized Tian Qing Cang's physical control, and his hands were sealed.

The fairy puppet, who lost his legs while lying on the ground, has re-condensed his legs at this moment. Under the control of the Undead Master, he slammed towards Yangxu.

The golden light shone all over his body, releasing a shocking wave of destructive power, "Dao friends hurry, I'm about to explode!"

Jin Jiaxian surrendered to Chaoyang Xu while expressing an apologetic wry smile.


A golden palace suddenly wrapped the golden armor.

The Golden Palace, with the Golden Armor Fairies, flew into the air and exploded.

At this moment, the Undead Realm turned into a ray of black smoke, flew out of Tian Qing Cang's eyes, and fled to the distance.

Tian Qingcang's body collapsed directly to the ground and was supported by his friend.

Yang Xu stared at the direction of the Undead Lord's departure, a flash of murderous opportunity flashed in his eyes:

"It's all this way and you still want to run? Should you say you are naive or stupid?"

On the side of the Undead Lord, after turning into black smoke and breaking away from Tian Qing Cang's body, it instantly appeared hundreds of kilometers away.

He was filled with hatred and unwillingness:

"Damn, I will be able to succeed right away. Tian Qing Cang's body has been completely controlled by me, and it can be completely refined in just a few days... just one step away! I will never let you go, that human kid!"

Surrounded by the dark soul of the Undead Lord, like a magic cloud, it is advancing rapidly in the void.

However, without warning, a huge shadow appeared in front of him, Boom!

The Undead Lord bumped into the head and was bounced out of a dozen meters.

He widened his eyes and stared angrily at the shadow:

A stone monument, 100 meters high and tens of meters wide, stood before him.

There is no other content on the stone tablet, only seven blood-red "kill" characters, carved on it.

A whirl of strange and obscure waves permeated from the huge stone tablet.

The Necromancer felt that the stone tablet had some eyes, and after looking at it for a while, his pupil shrank suddenly:

"The Seven Kills Monument! This is the legendary Seven Kills Monument!"

Recalling the legends about the Seven Kills Monument, the Undead Lord only felt cold all over his body:

"It's actually true, and it really appeared here! Is that legend true? On the day that the Seven Killings Monument reappears, will that terrible existence come to the fairy realm again?"

"Impossible! How could that unbelievable human kid be the reincarnation of that existence?"

The more the Undead Lord thought, the more he felt chilling, and his whole body shivered:

What kind of existence did you provoke?

The person who owns the Seven Kills Stele, did he even call him to kill him?

Just when the Undead Lord regretted it, a crack appeared in the void behind him. Yang Xu tore the void and walked out slowly.

The body of the Undead Lord was frozen in midair, and he dared not look back.

Yang Xu couldn't help smiling:

"The perception is still very sensitive. There are not so many attentive people like you among the demons."

His smiling comments made the fear in the hearts of the undead masters grow almost crazy by a geometric multiple:


The Undead Lord was surprised to find that because he was too nervous and frightened, his voice was so hoarse that he was speechless.

"Send you down."

For the Undead Lord, Yang Xu didn't have any idea of ​​communication. He waved at him with a bang, and the flames of flame were like a **** mountain, suppressed. The undead lord was directly taken into the blaze of flames, and the scorching red divine flame kept burning him into nothingness.

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