Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2953: Calculate the saints

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Among the black halls.

Make the minister high on the Obsidian throne, and the six stalwart powerhouses below, bow their heads and say respect, with respect.

"The plan has failed. The plan for the layout of the continents has failed completely, and our deadlock is likely to have been exposed."

The general on the throne, a glimmer of coldness flashed in his eyes:

"I am going to the mainland of Immortal Kingdom to find out."

"What? Wang is going to bury Yuxian Dynasty? I'm afraid there will be danger. Buryxian Dynasty is the most unpredictable one of the 13 continents. My dead state has not yet recovered. If Wang is going now, I am afraid There will be a life crisis!"

The six strong men all changed their expressions, their faces were worried, and they all advised:

"Wang, even if you want to attack the funeral celestial dynasty, you have to make perfect preparations. The zombie country has just begun to wake up, and it will be useless..."

"No need to say more, I have decided."

The general's big hand waved, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth:

"You don't know yet, the celestial dynasty of the fairyland continent has been destroyed, because of the fall of the emperor of the celestial country, the celestial dynasty of the celestial country fell up and down, fell apart, and all the masters walked and died."

As soon as the general made his remarks, the six strong men changed their faces one after another:

"How is this possible! The funeral celestial dynasty dominates the mainland, casts nine gods, suppresses the ten directions, and the emperor of the immortal country has the resources of the sky, how can it fall?"

The stupid country repairers have always admired the strongest, even if they were once enemies of the funeral dynasty, but they respect the emperor of the immortal country.

But now.

The fall of the Immortal Kingdom Emperor caught them off guard.

It seems that they had expected such a reaction long ago, and the general did not mind, even he couldn't help but sigh:

"There are rumors that the Emperor Xianguo discovered some secrets and could not reverse the situation. After laying down countless backers, he condensed the reincarnation of the reincarnation..."

"But there are also rumors that the Immortal Kingdom Emperor was betrayed by his second-hand leader, completely sealed into the bottom of the reincarnation prison, and suppressed into the abyss demon domain!"

The general's remarks made the six strong men suddenly move their hearts:

"King, we just killed a few Demon Cultivators to get the news: The Abyssal Demon Realm has indeed been in turmoil for centuries. The seven killing monuments used by the Immortal Kingdom Emperor to suppress the Demon Realm disappeared bizarrely a hundred years ago. world……"

"Haha, I had expected this to be the case. So I had to go to the mainland of the fairyland."

The general sneered: "I'm going to see some old people on this trip. At first, the emperor of the Immortal Kingdom was strong and invincible. The old people were forced by his obscene power to dare to resist. But now, my stupid country has come back and experienced a whole. Nine thousand years of accumulation, even the saints

That group of birds have been used by us, and the stalemate will rise again and seize the continents. "

The general rose from the Obsidian throne, a tall body resembling a black mountain, standing tall:

"While I am away, you have refined the Taoism I gave to you, and when I return, you will attack the mainland of the Immortal Kingdom and avenge your hatred in one fell swoop!"

Ten thousand years ago, the humiliation brought by the burial of immortal dynasty must be washed away!

"Wang assuredly go, we will definitely guard the zombie country!"

Six strong men bow down.

The general looked at the six subordinates who were kneeling down on the ground, nodded in satisfaction, hesitated, waved his hand, and sneered!

A ray of black lightning, condensed from his hand, pumped into the void like a whip.

A turquoise light crackled across the void, drawing a crack in the space.

The general pointed a finger, the crack was torn open a huge mouth, there is a mysterious space spiral slowly rotating.

In the respectful eyes of the six powerful men, Chen Chen stepped into the spiral of space and disappeared.

The six strong men still can't afford to kneel.

After ten minutes.

They looked at each other and climbed up from the ground.

"Unexpectedly, Wang actually was ruined by the fellow General."

"General Wolfman's ambition, even wanting to seize the stalemate, stealing authority, do I really want to succumb to him?"

"Ah, what if you don't succumb to him? The king of the talented man has been ruined, awakening can't, the six of us, who has the confidence, can lead the stalemate to go down?"

This remark came out.

Six people fell silent.

On strategy and means, the ruler is the most prominent of the seven.

Even before the stalemate fell into a deep sleep, the generals were the king's left and right arms and dedicated many strategies.


The nine-thousand-year sleep of the stalemate and the calculation of the saints are all after the king and the generals discussed it.

"I can't think of a seemingly loyal fellow like Generals who would betray the King."

The six strong men fell into silence.

It was at this time.

A stalemate, corpse entangled, waving rotten wings, rushed into the report:

"There is a boy with a strange origin who has entered a stalemate. Many stalemates are not opponents of this person!"

"He also said in his mouth, to see our king!"

Six strong men sneered one after another:

"Different demon races, unless they are their ancestors, are not eligible to see the king of my dead country!"

"Eh... Chief Qiqiu, that young man doesn't seem to be a demon race, he doesn't have devil qi, he seems to be a human."

As soon as this statement came out, the six of them changed their faces:

"Humans? Impossible! Non-Devil Clan can't walk in my stalemate! Ordinary cultivators, as long as they touch the corpse gas on the mainland, they have no strength and are no different from mortals..."

Looking at the tangled look of his subordinates, the six strong men waved their hands:

"Go down and tell them to observe carefully and report any new discoveries immediately."

After dismissing his men, a trace of dignity appeared on the faces of the six people:

"I'm afraid that the young man is not a small man who can walk in a zombie country. Since ancient times, few people have been able to do it except the ones buried in the immortal dynasty. You, do we want to open the eye of the moon?"

"The Eye of the Moon can strengthen the strength of my stalemate, and can control the whereabouts of the boy at any time!"

"But without the general's order, can we make a decision privately?"

"Well, even if the general is here, he will open the eye of the moon. Because of the reason of the emperor, he has always been the most feared and hated humans!"

The edge of the dark continent.

Yang Xu converged the wings of Poseidon, and the area of ​​Poseidon unfolded around. The pale green corpse floating in the void could not touch Yang Xu at all.

He looked around, looking at the black coffin on the ground.

Every coffin was opened from the inside. This expected scene made Deyang Xu speechless:

"Is the holy clan's fools all using their brains to strengthen the feathers on their wings? Didn't even see such an obvious calculation?"

If it weren’t for his own coincidence, he hit the undead lord, I am afraid that the zombies’ plan would really succeed.

By the time.

Not to mention a holy clan, I am afraid that the burial of the immortal dynasty at the peak moment and the launch of the army of the immortal country may not be the opponents of the stalemate! Immortal world nine domains thirteen land, the people of Li Min's lives will be a foregone conclusion!

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