Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2954: Martial arts

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Yang Hao approached an open coffin.

The dark continent is shrouded in darkness all day long, and the only light it has is the light of the moon.

But Yang Xu's eyesight was still clearly seen, and the inner wall of the coffin was branded with demon runes one after another.

It seems that it was written by animal blood, and it has dried out and become a dark color.

Yang Xu casually sensed, and the remaining breath in the coffin frowned slightly:

The body that once stayed in this coffin has at least the cultivation of long life.

The dead body of this zombie country with long living environment may have been awakened and become a member of the army of zombie countries.

And coffins like this, densely packed in all directions, display countless.

Yang Xu couldn't help but smile bitterly. The long-lived cultivator is already an extremely powerful master in the cultivation civilization like Yuxu Continent.

And how powerful is an army composed of all the masters of Changshengjing?

The probability that Yuxu Continent can resist is less than one-thousandth.

And be aware.

Among the thirteen territories in the nine domains of the fairyland, the Yuxu continent is considered to have a medium strength among the thirteen continents.

Not even it can withstand the army of stalemate.

The fall of the continents is almost a foregone conclusion.

"I can't think of it. Ten thousand years ago, the funeral dynasty resisted the attack of the zombie country. After ten thousand years, the zombie country actually made a comeback. Only this time, without the funeral celestial dynasty as a vanguard, the immortal continent might also want to Occupied..."

Thinking of the passing pictures, Yang Xu couldn't help feeling annoyed.

at this time.

Behind a boulder in the distance, there was an obscure wave, accompanied by a smell of corpses, and a zombie popped out of the top of the ten-meter-high boulder.

"Well, it's a stupid, long-life practice."

Yang Xu's eyes flashed slightly, and at this time, Bang Bang, and three generals appeared on the boulder.

Looking at the four martial arts with good breath, Yang Xu frowned:

In the past.

The stalemate of the stalemate is still extremely rare. They are powerful and invulnerable, and they can also manipulate the magic weapon of the corpse gas to pollute the cultivator.

However, although the Wushu is powerful, the cultivation base is extremely low. The Wushu of the Changsheng Realm is almost nothing.

Like now, the stupidity of Changsheng Realm jumped out of four heads casually.

This made De Yangxu feel the seriousness of the matter.

The first stupidity appeared, lingering around the rotten corpse, and a pair of rotten eyes stared at Yang Xu:

"Offend my stalemate territory, take it!"

A hoarse voice came out of his mouth, and with a whimper, he pulled out the sword from his waist.

As a result, the sword has already decayed in the long years, and upon contact with the air, it instantly turned into powder and dissipated in the void.

Behind the other three heads of frigidity, they also pulled out their swords, and the ending was no exception, all decayed.

Yang Xu smiled:

"It seems that your plan only strengthened yourself, not strengthened the sword."

He shook his head ridiculously. In this way, it would take some time for the stalemate to attack.


The four martial artists were irritated by the smile on Yang Xu's face.

Turned into four foul winds, swept over to Yang Hao.

at this time.

Above the sky, the moon hung high, a blue halo flashed slightly.

This change was extremely rapid and was not noticed by anyone at all.

In the main hall of the Zombie Kingdom, a light curtain appeared in front of the six strong men through the magic circle of the Eye of the Moon.

Yang Xu's unattractive face appeared on the light curtain.

The six strong men cannot help but look at each other:

"This is that human youth?"

"It's too young, right? He didn't revise his face through cultivation. This should be his true age."

"Four martial arts have surrounded him, let's see what he can do."

Six strong men, their faces sneered:

The plans of Wang He and his generals made the strength of the soldiers of the zombie country almost all have a leapfrog promotion.

The four corpses came out at random, all of them reached the level of martial arts, and the cultivation base even reached the longevity!

"That kid is estimated to be torn to pieces soon!"

Looking at the picture in the light curtain, the six strong men secretly said.

However, the next scene that struck the eyes made the six stunned.

As you can see in the light curtain, the four heads were ossified into four yellow evil winds, wrapped around the body odor and rushed towards the teenager.

Faced with their offensive, the expression on the young man's face was calm and calm, without any fear.

more importantly.

He did not step back, and looked at the five zombies curiously.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom...

Those four heads were stiff, coming fiercely, and they looked like they were boiling, but they couldn't do it within ten meters of Yangxu.

Around Yangxu, there seems to be an invisible wall that directly blocks the four martial arts.

Despite the four-headed stiffness, how to strike, how to attack, can never break through that layer of invisible barrier.

In the view of the six strong nations in the main hall, it is such a picture:

The fierce four martial arts fiercely spread their claws at the teenager across ten meters, but refused to move forward.

This made them all dumbfounded:

"This boy actually has field protection?"

"So young, it is impossible for Xiu to reach the mixed cave?"

The Chaodong Realm, which is one level higher than the Changsheng Realm, has touched the know-how of the law of space and can condense a chaotic cave.

But it is not something that ordinary people can do to cross from the longevity to the mixed cave.

The six of them have now reached the mixed cave, but it took a lot of resources and spent a full of nine thousand years to complete the plan.

How could this young man be so young?

For a time.

All six of them fell silent, with a bit of bitterness in the corners of their mouths:

What have we done for thousands of years?

"If the teenager really reached the mixed cave realm, there must be a secret hidden in his body, we must seize him and seize his secrets and opportunities!"

The six of them looked at each other and saw the greed in each other's eyes.

Naturally, Yang Xu didn't know that his performance of "Poseidon's Realm" would arouse the complicated psychology of the six snoopers.

After freely experimenting with the power of Poseidon, he nodded in satisfaction:

"It seems that the Poseidon realm is more than enough to deal with these inflexibility."

After letting go of his mind, Yang Xu no longer wasted time. After revoking the Poseidon realm, all four martial arts rushed towards him frantically.

Yang Xu waved with his hand, and four golden swords rushed out like a thunder, flashing from Wu Zu.

Four heads flew directly into the air, and the headless body fell to the ground.

Yang Xu listened to the system prompts in his mind and had a chance to respond in the future. A voice appeared above his head: "It's good, I haven't seen such a sharp swordman in a long time."

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