Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2973: Ghost ship!

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Endless ocean.

There was no cloud in the sky, and it seemed deeper and deeper.

The ocean can't see the bottom, even the sun's light is absorbed by it, and the darkness looks down.

As if hiding an abyss, it makes people feel uneasy.

The spirit beast whale blue child has a rune halo beneath it, holding its huge body in the air.

Yang Xu and Lan Kerr sat cross-legged above the whale's head.

They traveled fast between the sky and the earth, above the ocean.

A ray of lingering air surrounds Lan'er's huge body like a huge silver light cocoon flying.

"Yangxu, are you not curious about our deep-sea family?"

Yang Xu has not spoken to her for a long time.

This made Lan Kerr feel a little depressed.

At the same time, he became increasingly curious about Yang Xu:

In the past, whether it was a strong man in the deep sea or other young immortals, when she met her, she was all attracted to her attention.

Even do everything possible, want to say a word to her.

If you can get her contact information, it is even more joyous.

However, Yang Xu did not scorn her.

Even Lan Kerr had a feeling that Yang Xu had no interest in her at all.

This made Lan Kerr feel frustrated.

"I am naturally interested in the deep-sea family, otherwise I would not know to go with you."

Yang Xu spoke.

Lan Kerr would like to say something.

Yang Xu couldn't help interrupting her, laughing:

"Blue girl, I have spent a lot of time fighting Longteng, but I also gained a lot of fighting sentiment. I want to take this opportunity to sort it out, so can you give me some time?"

Lan Kerr's eyes widened.

This kid is really annoying me!


Lan Keer got angry and ran to the side to chat with the spirit beast Lan'er.

Yang Xu was quiet and sat there, continuing to sort out the gains from the battle with Dragon.

Before, he encountered a dragon corpse with an [infinite puppet system], which controlled a part of the power of Puppet Avenue.

After Yang Xu beheaded him.

I got a part of the power of [Unlimited Puppet System], which can be used to strengthen [Unlimited Upgrade System] and enrich its database and computing capabilities.


Yang Xu also got a tenth of a puppet avenue!

After integrating this part of the puppet avenue with the complete puppet mastery.

Yang Xu suddenly found that its power soared exponentially, and its actual combat capabilities were greatly enhanced!

Not only that.

Yang Xu also received a full 1 million life source energy!

The flesh is strengthened once again, and the life potential is further strengthened!

"The origin of Kunpeng whale swallowing and destroying power is the ocean. I will seize the opportunity to dig out the secret of this magical power in this trip of the deep sea family.

Yang Xu had a hunch that this time the deep sea party will never be smooth sailing.

Under sea level.

A thousand meters deep in the ocean.

A group of sea cultivators, led by a strong young man, followed Yang Xu all the way.

"General Lan, what's so strange about that human kid that made the princess walk with him?"

The strong Hai people inquired about the young strong.

The young strong face is like a crown jade, sword eyebrow star, extremely handsome

But in a pair of eyes, the color of thought always flashed.

It is one of the four geniuses among the young generation of Hai nationality, Lan Ruoxing!

Lan Ruoxing looked up at the sea, his eyes flashed with dignity:

"That young man is extremely extraordinary and must not have any disrespect and underestimation for him!"

"You came a little late before, and did not see this young boy's powerful scene, he... opened his mouth a fairy weapon!"

As a princess admirer and bodyguard, Lan Ruoxing worried about the princess's safety, so she followed along.

When he saw that the princess's car and Linger, the blue pet, were actually expelled.

Anxious in his heart, he immediately lurked in the past.

As a result, I saw that Yang Xu exerted thunder means, just like the gods came down to the world, and the scene of the domineering dragon, the domineering beheading!

that moment.

Lan Ruoxing realized the power of this human youth.

Even worse!

The halberd of the sea **** in the hands of this young man, even Lan Ruoxing has the urge to kneel!

"The princess led him to the deep sea, maybe it was a great opportunity for my deep-sea family!"

Lan Ruoxing said secretly.

It was at this time.

Inexplicably shaking came from the ocean.

Lan Ruoxing's current movement method was affected, and his body could not shake in the ocean.

The strong sea clan who walked with him could not help changing his face:

"How is this going?"

They have lived in the ocean since childhood, and have long been familiar with ocean undercurrents and even earthquakes.

Such fluctuations in front of me are by no means ordinary forces!

"Everyone be careful, there is a strange energy that appears in the deep sea..."

Above the sky.

The huge body of the spirit beast Lan'er also shook without warning.

Even Lan Kerr couldn't help shaking his body.


This kind of tremor cannot be escaped from the soul and the flesh!

Lan Kerr's beautiful face could not help changing.


Yang Xu opened his eyes and sensed an unusual breath:

"Are enemies near?"

He looked at Lan Kerr:

"Do you have this kind of energy in the deep sea?"

Lan Kerr shook his head again and again, his face pale:

"I don't know why, this force seems to be able to completely suppress or imprison my body and soul...I'm breathless..."

When she was talking.

Goo, goo!

On the sea level beneath the whales, corpses of sea tribes floated.


Lan Ruoxing tore the sea level, rising into the sky, and snorted towards Lan Kerr:

"Princess run away! It is the legendary ghost ship!"

Lan Kerr's complexion suddenly changed:

"What? Angel ghost ship? Isn't that only exist in the legend?"

Her voice did not fall.

Seeing the sea level below Lan Ruoxing, a shadow quickly became larger.


Yang Xu's body flickered suddenly, and the wings of Poseidon stretched out, and only one flickered, lifting the young man.

Under the blue beast of the spirit beast, the brilliance flashes, the rune releases the magical power, and the speed is instantly pushed to the extreme:

Clang clang clang!

It was like a rocket rushing forward, tearing the sound barrier and making a sound of breaking the sky.

Yang Xu turned his head and saw a tremendous noise on the sea level. A huge ship like an aircraft carrier appeared on the sea level.

The huge ship is covered with moss, corals and other sea plants.

What surprised Yang Xu was.

As the hull continued to tremble, the **** rustled down, revealing a snow-white hull.

The snow-white hull, unstained with dust, has a ray of sacred symbols, shining densely on it.

On this giant ship.

Yang Xu felt a strong divine breath.

It seems that there is a paradise.

"You just called it... a ghost ship?"

Yang Xu asked the young man.

Lan Ruoxing was shocked, first thanked Yang Xu for his life-saving grace, and then a little solemn:

"To be precise, its name is called the Angel Treasure Ship, and the legend is that it is the treasure of the angelic saint...but it means disaster to my Hai clan, and the Hai clan people call it the ghost ship..."

Lan Ruoxing's face flashed with deep worry:

The ghost ship that specifically restrained the Hai people appeared again. Does this mean that the disaster of the Hai tribe has really come?

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