Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2974: Ancient Burial Zone

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The appearance of the Angel Treasure Ship affected not only Yang Xu and Lan Ruoxing.

With this treasure ship as the center, the sacred breath instantly spread to hundreds of kilometers.

The influence of Bao Ship covers a whole sea area.

All the sea creatures that come into contact with this force only feel the soul trembling and cannot breathe.

Soon he lost his life!

Above the surface of the sea, the corpses of air-drenched sea clan.

Some sea clan strongmen who were born with spiritual wisdom and can practice have sensed the existence of angel treasure ships.

They madly urge momentum, and under the control of fear, they flee from this place!


There are also some more powerful sea cultivators who did not dodge this power, but moved towards the angel treasure ship quickly:

"Is this breath the legendary... breath of a ghost ship?"

"Rumors are indeed true, this ghost ship of the Holy Angel Clan is simply the nemesis of our sea clan, the disaster of the ocean!"

Many strong men, anxiety flashed in their eyes.

Some Haizuo Xiong, who have ulterior motives, have a strategy in their eyes:

"If this treasure ship could be controlled, wouldn't the entire ocean and all the sea tribes be under my control?"

The unsatisfied sea clan and forces use the treasure ship to directly kill!

A strong shark family, surrounded by the terrifying breath of long life, a blood-red killing intention haunted him.

He led the men and rushed in the direction of the angel ship:

"Be sure to take full control of that ghost ship!"

The shark young master shark swept the sky and secretly said.

"The ghost ship of the birdman has appeared again, and has been silent for nearly ten thousand years. Why did it suddenly appear? For my Hai clan, we must investigate clearly!"

A white-haired old man with dark eyes and a cloud of black cloud around him hurried towards the angel ship.

The same scene happened in almost every corner of the nearby sea.

Angel Treasure Ship.

Yang Xu clearly felt that a strong breath is constantly gathering towards this place.

He slightly picked the corner of his mouth and sighed:

"It seems that the strong people of your sea clan are very interested in the angel treasure ship."

Lan Keer's pair of beautiful eyes are constantly flashing, looking at the dense sea clan corpse covering the sea below, her eyes flashed with strong intolerance and pain:

"The ghost ship is indeed a disaster for my sea clan! Yang Xu, do you have a way to destroy it?"

She looked at Yang Xu with expectation:

"With your mighty supernatural power and the sea clan's sword, you can do it..."

Yang Xu has not answered yet.

Lan Ruoxing interrupted Lan Kerr:

"Princess, Master Yang's halberd is from the power of the ocean, and this ghost ship is specially for restraining the sea clan. If Master Yang hastily shot, I am afraid there will be danger."

Lan Ruoxing's sword eyebrows and staring eyes, his face upright, these words actually made Yang Xu look at him more.

Lan Kerr was reminded and took it for granted:

"Nang Yangxu, don't take action to protect yourself. We have to find out why the angel ship appeared suddenly!"

As a princess of the sea tribe.

To protect the people of the Hai nationality, Lan Kerr believes that he is duty-bound!

"Mr. Lan, can you tell me the origin of this ghost ship? Why did the Angels ship specifically target the Hais?"

Yang Xu felt strange.

There is no hatred for no reason. Although the group of birdmen of the angelic holy clan has always claimed to be high above them, deliberately targeting such a clan will ruin their reputation.

They generally don't do such things.

But for the Hai tribe, he made such an existence as the angel treasure ship.


Yang Xu could also feel that a more powerful force was hidden in this angelic treasure ship, which was not released.

Once released.

I am afraid that the entire sea area will suffer irreparable losses!

This also led Yang Xu to confirm the speculation in his heart more and more:

This angel treasure ship is probably an existence comparable to a fairy.


It is a fairy in itself!

"It's an ancient burial zone! Angel treasure ships appear on the ocean because of the ancient burial zone!"

A trace of dignity appeared on Lan Ruoxing's face.

The four words "Ancient Burial Prohibition Zone" seem to have a special magic power, so that Lan Keer, who has always escaped her temperament, can't help but reveal a bit of bitterness on her face.

"An ancient burial restricted area is a Jedi that exists in the deepest part of the ocean. According to legend, it is one of the battlefields of the ancient **** war. There are too many secrets hidden in the ancient burial restricted area, but its location is too dangerous. Even the strong sea clan cannot get close."

Lan Ruoxing knew the Hai tribe's past very well, and his eyes were full of anger:

"Holy angels have always regarded the world as their duty, and the timing is used as an excuse to plunder resources and beliefs from everywhere! Ten thousand years ago, the group of birds proposed to help the Hai people, purify the ancient burial prohibited area, and clear the ancient burial. Of course, the evil forces of the restricted zone, my Hai tribe will not allow..."

Lan Ruoxing said that there was a bitter smile on his face.

In fact, without him going on, Yang Xu can guess the following things.

What is the pride of the angelic clan's group of birds, without the permission of the Hai clan?

There is no place where they can't go in the heavens and the world, anyway, they have the power!

Since then.

A treasure ship specially aimed at the strong sea clan and able to easily suppress the resistance of the sea clan was created by the angels.

After the Angel Treasure Ship entered the ocean, it went all the way, killing some strong sea clan who stopped it.

With the responsibility of defending the realm, the Hai clan launched the war between the Hai clan and the angel clan, and countless powerful Hai clan fell into the sea.

The Angel Treasure Ship was eventually destroyed by the Hai tribe and fell into the depths of the sea.

Thousands of thousands of years have passed.

The Hai people's history has gradually been forgotten.

But I didn't expect it.

The Angel Treasure Ship actually reappeared above the ocean!

"That group of birds is deliberately waging war!"

Lan Ruoxing gritted his teeth, his eyes full of murderous opportunities.

Lan Kerr was also in tears in his eyes, surrounded by fighting intentions.


Yang Xu smiled and shook his head:

"It may not be that the angelic tribe is back, let's go, let's go to see the true face of the owner of this treasure ship!"


Yang Xu unfolded the area of ​​Poseidon and wrapped Lan Ruoxing and Lan Kerr.

The wings of Poseidon gave a slight shock, he seemed to fire a shell and led the two towards the angel ship.

In all directions, there was a tremendous noise, and figures of the strong sea clan emerged from the ocean and stood in the void.

They all looked at these three figures of Xiang Yangxu, their eyes full of doubts:

"What is that kid doing? Is he going to hit the ghost ship?"

"It's naive. Although the bird people of the angelic tribe are not authentic, the treasure ship they made is extremely impressive, comparable to a fairy!"

"That human kid can't break the ghost ship protection..."

There was a lot of discussion resounding from all sides.

Or curious, or taunting eyes, all followed Yang Xu, watching him approach the angel treasure ship.


On the Angel Treasure Ship, a protective shield shrouded in radiance and holy light was shrouded.

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