Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2975: Flowing blades like fire!

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All the strong people of the sea tribe do not think that Yang Xu can enter the angel treasure ship.

Only Lan Kerr and Lan Ruoxi can trust in his eyes.

Since Yang Xu has done it, he can do it!

They hid in the realm of Poseidon and followed Yang Xu completely.


The figure of Yang Xu galloping down collided with the protective cover of the treasure ship.


Ripples appeared on the protective shield of Angel Treasure Ship.

All the strong sea clan can not help but sneer:

"I knew that this little human could not do it."

"Huh? What is that?"

A strong man stared at Yang Xu, the halberd of the sea god, wondering.

Seeing Yang Xu holding Poseidon's Halberd, he suddenly stabbed:


The protective cover was torn with a hole.

Yang Xu's figure flashed and appeared inside the treasure ship.

"how can that be?"

"The protection has been quietly tried by me, even if it is the power of the mixed cave realm, I can't break it with one blow!"

"That weapon in human hands is weird!"

Under the eyes of Shark Tornado, a trace of greed flashed, staring at Poseidon's Halberd:

Not to mention anything else, this weird sword must be snatched!

From that halberd, he sensed the power that moved his heart!


It allows you to imprison your cultivation for a long time, break through again, and take it to the next level!

"Come with me!"

The shark's wind turned into a gust of wind, and the treasure ship swept away that day.

He is not the only strong sea clan who thinks the same way.

An old man with a tall body and wide shoulders and thick back flashed at the entrance torn by Yang Xu.

His figure flashed and he entered the treasure ship.

Shark Tornado can't help but gritt his teeth:

"Let this old thing take the lead!"


In all directions, all the strong Hai people gathered, and wanted to enter through Yang Xu's torn entrance.

On Yang Xu's side, after entering the treasure ship, he opened the area of ​​Poseidon, and Lan Ruoxing and Lan Kerr suddenly recovered their freedom.

A few dozen meters in front of them, on the disguise of Angel Treasure Ship, stood angel masters one by one.

They are all handsome men and beautiful women, a pair of white wings draped behind them, each haunting the atmosphere of the mixed cave!

"So many angel masters!"

Lan Kerr exclaimed.

How can the three of them be opponents?

"No! The breath on them is not a saint!"

Lan Ruoxing found something wrong.

Yang Xu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and glanced at Lan Ruoxing with appreciation:

"Good observation."

His big hand waved violently, shout!

An energy wave containing light attributes, with Yang Xu as the center, exploded in an instant.

The energy wave spreads throughout the Angel Treasure Ship deck.

I saw the angelic clan strong, screaming sternly.

When they touched the bright energy wave, their white wings exuded black smoke.

The sacred wings and sacred armor, hula, turned into fly ash, all dissipated.

Instead, there are black mottled armor covered with dense seafloor microorganisms.

And their handsome faces have also turned into pale skeletons.

A pair of empty eye sockets, twinkling ghost ghost fire, stared at Yang Xu three people.

"They turned into skeletons?"

Lan Ruoxing whispered.

Lan Kerr was crying:

"Even if they are turned into skeletons, they still have the breath of a mixed cave!"


Those skeletons seemed to be annoyed that Yang Xu had exposed their true colors, and all Chaoyang Xu could not help but come over.

Such scenes made the strong Hai people who rushed to enter, unable to help their movements stagnate.

No one rushed in.


The tall old man who rushed in, and the young shark tornado, retired after being busy!

Such a scene fell into Yang Xu's eyes, and he couldn't help being happy:

It's better not to come in!

Save me to grab it!

Yang Xu sensed that the inside of the treasure ship seemed to hide something that moved his heart.

The energy fluctuation is not small, it should be a treasure!

"There are so many gangsters who are too lazy to deal with each one."

Yang Xu now has nearly 2 million life source energy.

His heart moved:

"Lin Hong, have you rested long enough? Come out and work."


A long red sword appeared in Yang Xu's hands.

It has a long and narrow blade and a red flame around it.

It felt like a blazing flame, condensed into a long knife in Yang Xu's hands.

Lan Kerr and Lan Ruoxing, as Hai people, were naturally repulsive to fire.

Can not help but two or three steps away from Yang Xu at this moment.

What surprised them was.

The crimson long knife transformed into a red ball of fire in Yang Xu's hands.

A tall woman with a crimson kimono walked out of the fireball.

Her face was cold, her eyes were bottomless, and she stared at Yang Xu faintly:

"You haven't let me shoot in a long time."

Yang Xu grinned:

"I have too many ways, naturally you don't need to take action. But now this group of enemies happens to be what you are good at."

The spirit of the sword is like a sword, and the spirit of the sword is red!

"Can your current strength fight against the cave?"

Yang Xu communicated with Li Hong in his heart.

As a sword spirit, she communicates with Yang Xu:

"You have a complete Five Elements Avenue, which can help me, and my strength can also be improved."

"Okay, lend it to you."

In the palm of Yang Xu, a ball of light filled with the law of the avenue flew towards Li Hong.

The strong sea clan, including the shark tornado, all have their eyes widened:

"Complete Avenue Breath!"

"This human kid not only has the artifact of the Hai clan, but also has a complete rule of the road!"

In the eyes of the shark tornado, the fire of greed is burning:

He decided not only to **** the boy's edge, but also the rule of the road!

If this kid dare not follow, just kill!

The idea just popped up.

In front of Yang Xu, the woman in the red palace dress suddenly burst out with a avenue of meaning around her.

A mysterious and obscure wave permeates the entire angel treasure ship.

So much so.

The skeletons that surrounded him couldn't help but stagnate slightly.

"Don't waste your time, go ahead."

Yang Xu stood there and said lazily.

Li Hongbai gave him a glance:

"Look at the Fifth Avenue Avenue for one shot."

A flash of red light turned her into a long red knife.

It is different from before.

The long and narrow blade of the knife no longer only wrapped in red flames.

There is a more breath of Five Elements Avenue.

The five-color energy of golden wood, water, fire and earth flows around the blade.

Next second.

The scene of making all the sea clan strongmen stunned appeared:


The long knife suddenly flashed in front of a skeleton.

The blade only flashed through the skeleton.

On the pale skeleton of the skeleton, a red flame suddenly burned.


The skeleton turned into a fly ash!

It's not over yet!

The flying knife flickered again and again, creating an arc of light in the void, and all the skeletons were burning with flames. Skeleton strongmen who have reached the mixed cave realm have no resistance against the flow of fire!

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