Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2982: Zhen Shi Jing

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Hate Heavenly Demon King's whole body is enchanted, trying to block Yang Xu.

"Go away for me."

Yang Hao smiled coldly, and slapped toward the hatred Heavenly Demon King.

This palm, the energy roared, and the violent gas turned into a huge palm, and it bluntly hit the hate devil.

Hate Sky Demon King flashed coldly in his eyes, trying to resist.


On that huge palm, there were flashes of five colors.

A breath of Five Elements Avenue, wrapped in the power of heaven and earth, rumbling and rolling.


Hate Sky Demon King was slapped and flew out by Yang Xu.

The black mixed cave above his head was entangled by the power of the five elements, making a snorting explosion and white smoke.

Hate God Demon King was shot by Yang Xu with a frightened expression on his face.

The monks in the distance were also shocked:

"How is this possible? In a long-lived environment, he slaps and flew into the mixed cave realm?"

"Well, it's the existence of the Hundred Caves that couldn't stop Yang Xu's slap?"

Everyone looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, all filled with incredible expressions.

Even Ge Tiandu, who has always been proud, is incredulous.

He asked Bai Liuli in surprise:

"Do you see it, how did he do it? How could that palm be so strong?"

Bai Liuli smiled bitterly and sighed:

"This is the power of Wuxing Avenue... refining Wuxing Avenue to its peak, you can access the power of heaven and earth."

Bai Liuli sighed:

"At this point, the space avenue of my virtual palace is still a bit different from the Wuxing Avenue."

That being said.

But Bai Liuli was not too envious.

After all, Space Avenue also has places beyond Wuxing Avenue.


Bai Liuli glanced at the sea below the fierce beast.

At this moment, Yang Xu was also standing in the void, looking down at the spider-shaped beast.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and he didn't put this guy in his eyes:

"Any cat or dog, dare to come to this world."

He pointed it out casually.

Slender fingers do not have any power.

Lan Ruoxing, Lan Kerr and they couldn't even feel the slightest energy fluctuation.

However the next second.

The fierce beast that was so fierce that it could tear apart from the space burst into a burst of blood.

A blood hole appeared on top of its huge head.

Like a sip of blood spring eyes, Gudong's blood was flowing.

It gave a painful roar.

The vitality in the body passes at an alarming rate.

Yang Xu's eyes lightly scanned the little black tower suspended in midair.

Take a quick stroke towards the black tower:


A five-element chain of gods flew out of the palm and wrapped around the tower.

The little black tower seemed to feel the danger and could not help but struggle frantically.


Is Yang Xu's power free from it?


It was entangled in the chain of five elements and pulled into Yang Xu's hands.

Boom, buzz!

In the little black tower, a violent and fierce wave of magical energy was released.

Yang Xu smiled:

"Are you still not convinced? If the Furugu Pagoda is here, I promise to keep you in order."

"Exactly, I'm going to meet the guy soon, so I'll treat you as a gift."

In the palm of Yang Xu, a black rune flashed across, lingering all the breath of the seal, and the black pagoda was immediately sealed.

It is the great technique of sealing.

The little black pagoda shrouded by the seal of great skill, still wanted to struggle.

Yang Xu squeezed easily, click!

A crack appeared on the little black tower.

"If you don't want to get rid of it, just be honest."

Yang Xu is authentic.

The little black tower suddenly became honest, and the seal of the Great Rune on his body gradually fell silent.

The black pagoda shrank slowly, gradually becoming a jujube core, and was easily put away by Yang Xu.

"Return my magic weapon to me!"

Hate Heavenly Demon King is furious.

Seeing the helpers he summoned, one by one was surrendered by Yang Xu.

He was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

When the palm of the hand turned, a black book appeared.

This black book haunts a breath of death.

As soon as it appears, it releases the wave that the born person is not near.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the black classic.

Yang Xu's eyes flashed slightly, looking at the black classic with surprise:

"Well, to live to death? What is this magic weapon, contains the power of life in death?"

Unlike other people, Yang Xu sensed the power of life in that black classic.

There is also an incredible wave of energy hidden deep in that classic.

Hate God Mojun sneered again and again:

"You are all dead! I will let you all turn into a text in the ancient scriptures of the town...No, you don't have this qualification, at most it will turn into half a text!"

Zhenshi ancient scriptures?

Yang Xu stared at the black classics.

Hate God Mojun sneered, and grabbed his hand toward the ancient Shijing, trying to open it.


The Zhenshi ancient scriptures flashed black, and even though the Hateful Demon King exhausted his milking power, he could not touch the pages of the Zhenshi ancient scriptures.

"What's going on? Why can't it be opened? That dog thing lied to me!"

Hate God Demon screamed angrily.

After another toss, there was still no way to hate the devil.

There was an awkward breath in the air.

Hateful Demon King threw out the black classics violently:

"One waste, I was deceived by that dog thing!"

The black classics flew into the air, and everyone looked at them with a dim eye.

But I saw that the ancient classics of the black classic town flew around in the void and fell towards the sea level below.

Seeing it will fall into the ocean.

Above the sea, a small vortex appeared.

A white hand appeared in the whirlpool, holding the town's ancient scriptures firmly in his palm.

As the vortex continues to expand.

The master of the arm slowly emerged from below the sea surface.

He is dressed in ordinary white clothes, and looks like an ordinary mortal.

His face looked like he was twenty years old, and when he looked again, he looked like he was thirty years old, and when he looked closely, he seemed to be forty years old again.

There was a strange arc in the corner of his mouth. At first glance, he seemed to be smiling at you, but when he looked carefully, it seemed to be a sign of anger.

His face was fair, his eyes were clear, and there was no trace of magical energy on his body.

The man in white is holding the black classic book of the ancient world of the town with his hands, striding slowly into the air, and standing opposite Yang Xu.

Hate God Demon King saw that figure, could not help but gritted his teeth:

"Do you dare to lie to me with dog stuff, this town of ancient scriptures will not work at all!"

The man in white did not return his head, and said with a smile:

"It doesn't belong to you, you naturally can't exert its power."

Don't wait to speak to the devil.

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Then you seem to be its owner? The Zhenshi ancient scripture sounds very powerful."

The man in white couldn't help but smile slightly:

"It's not particularly powerful. But..."

He glanced at Yang Xu, Bai Liuli and others:

"But killing you should be enough."

Bai Liuli, Ge Tiandu and others had their pupils shrink slightly.

The men in white speak plainly, but they feel a weird pressure.

It's as if what he said will surely come true.

The black manuscript in the hands of the white man opened silently all night.

There are golden ripples from the black ancient town of the ancient scriptures.

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