Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2983: Heavenly King!

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The golden ripples passed by, and everyone felt the soul dizzy.

Next second, puff, puff!

The practitioners seemed to be making dumplings, falling from the sky and falling into the sea.

Ge Tiandu didn't block the golden ripples, his head fainted and fell from the sky.

Bai Liuli was surrounded by the breath of Space Avenue, with seven, forty-nine magic rings behind him, and the light flashed.

The golden ripples spread to the moment before him.

It passed through his body without any effect.

Bai Liuli stretched out his finger and took a tick.

The void seemed to have invisible big hands, holding Ge Tiandu, Lan Kerr and Lan Ruoxing together.

Bai Liuli looked over to Xiang Yangxu:

"This newcomer seems to be proficient in law attacks, can it be done?"

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows, looked at the white man, and smiled:

"Yes. You can protect a few of them."

From the white man, Yang Xu felt a trace of threat for a long time.

If you fight.

He may not be able to take care of Lan Kerr and Lan Ruoxi.

Bai Liuli took everyone, and his figure disappeared completely.

"Where to go! Leave me!"

Hate God Demon King slammed into the void, trying to block it, but fell into a void.

Not even a piece of Bai Liuli's clothing corner could be touched.

Hate Heavenly Demon King could not help staring at Yang Xu, with a trace of grimace on his face:

"You are the only one left, and you want to fight against us two?"

"Brother Yang is left alone, can he deal with those two strong enemies?"

Bai Liuli took Lan Kerr and brought them to a safe place.

Lan Kerr could not help asking.

Bai Liuli smiled and brushed through the void.

The runes of space are condensed, and a glorious mirror is presented in front of them.

What is shown in the mirror is the picture of Yang Xu facing the devil and the man in white.

Hate God Mo Jun sneered unscrupulously.

Suddenly, he Chaoyangxu rushed to the past:


His whole body was filled with magical energy, and the sky above him fell down.

In the hands of the Hate God Demon King, the magic light flashed and a long black knife appeared.

The law of resentment lingered on it, and the knife flashed like a black dragon, killing Xiang Yangxu.

There was a helpless smile on Yang Xu's face:

"Why don't you learn a lesson."

He slaps it and shoots it out.


The knife cut by the Hateful Demon King was directly destroyed.

Yang Xu's figure flickered and appeared in front of the Hate God.

The pupils of Hate God Mojun shrank and felt a dangerous breath.

Heavenly Taoist Fist!

Yang Xu hit with a punch.

The goal is not to hate Heavenly Demon King, but to hate the sky above Heavenly Demon King.

"The wrong target has been hit. The most solid body of the Hundong Realm is the Hundongtian. Why doesn't he directly hate the Heavenly Demon King but want to start his hunkongtian?"

Ge Tiandu looked at the picture in the mirror, anxious.

Lan Kerr's eyes were bright:

Since Brother Yang did this, there must be his reason!

"Obviously, he just wanted to abolish the Hateful Demon King, and didn't want to kill him directly."

Bai Liuli broke through Yang Xu's plan.

Seeing the picture, Yang Xu punched with a punch, and actually mobilized the power of the world.

The law of Heavenly Dao is majestic and majestic, condensed into a fist seal, and slammed heavily on the sky of the devil who hated the devil.


Hate sky demons black gangster sky, rumbling trembling, like being struck by lightning.


This confusing sky can't bear the power of "Tian Dao Shen Quan", and it bursts directly.

All the chaotic matter flew out of the cracks.


Hate Heavenly Demon King spouted a big mouthful of blood, and the whole body cracked open a mouth of blood——

The meditation of the cultivator is connected with the life of the cultivator.

The sky is broken, and the body of the cultivator will also be broken!

The spirit of hating the heavenly demon king quickly diarrhea.

The whole person fell into a state of depression and fell to the sea.

"Is this solved?"

"Only one punch?"

Lan Ruoxing and Ge Tiandu were terrified.

Lan Kerr smiled:

"I knew that Brother Yang was the best!"

Bai Liuli smiled slightly, did not speak, but looked at the man in white through the mirror screen.


The man in white seemed to find something, suddenly looked up and looked at Bai Liuli through the mirror.


Yang Xu's figure flashed in front of the white man:

"Don't read it, your opponent is me."

The white man withdrew his gaze and locked Yang Xu:

"Your fist is called Heavenly Dao, but it combines the essence of the five elements of heaven and earth. It seems that you have a complete Five Elements Avenue in your body."

The man in white lightly flipped open the black book in his hand. On the white book page, there was an ancient text, which shone with golden light.

He looked at Xiang Yangxu:

"If you are willing to offer Five Elements Avenue, I can help you out."

Yang Xu smiled:

"Help me out? How can you do it?"

The man in white is not angry, "You should have heard of the ancient road of Tongshen?"

Yang Xu's face suddenly changed.

The picture that was dusted deep in the corner of memory flashed through my mind.

The long-term picture, after a long time, even if it is personally experienced, it makes Yang Xu feel the feeling of watching other people's life.

"Have you ever been through the ancient road of Tongshen?"

Yang Xu frowned slightly, somewhat skeptically.

The white glass on the mirror side is also somewhat skeptical:

"He's been to the Tongshen Ancient Road? It's impossible. No one can enter the Tongshen Ancient Road and come back alive! Even if the gods are born, they will fall into it!"

Bai Liuli remembered the ancient legends he had seen in the forbidden area of ​​the Imperial Palace.

His face could not help showing shock.

In the picture, the white man shook his head frankly in the face of Yang Xu's doubts:

"I am naturally not qualified to enter the Tongshen Ancient Road, but I know the location of the Tongshen Ancient Road. Not only that, I also got it..."

The man in white gently turned the pages of the black classics.

On the pages of the snow-white book, there is a breath of order in which everything is in order.

"Tiandu Dharma King, don't talk nonsense with him. I am now in a state of instability. It seems that there are signs of crumbling~! Solve this boy immediately and help me rebuild the sky of the cave!"

The voice of hatred and wickedness of the heavenly demons came.

The white man, the king of heaven, couldn’t help smiling, ignoring the hatred of the heavenly demon king, but flicking on the ancient scriptures of the world:


A golden Sanskrit, flashing the meaning of the ancient Buddha, flew out of the snow-white pages.

It was suspended between Yang Xu and Tiandu Dharma King, twisted and twisted one stroke at a time, and gradually turned into an ancient word "Bing".

Suddenly, a suffocating breath came out of that soldier's character.

"Give you the last chance to hand over the complete Five Elements Avenue, and I will send you away, otherwise, I am afraid you will really fall here."

Tiandu Pharaoh looked at Yang Xu with a smile:

"It is very difficult for you to have the current cultivation as the realm, not to mention your talent, there should be a bright and great future, so why bother to die?"

"Hand over Wuxing Avenue, then leave, you can start over..."

The voice of Heavenly King Dharma King is full of charming waves.

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