Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 409: Become a slave!

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Chapter 409 Become a Slave!

Yang Xu stood like a **** standing in the sky, a cold voice, high above.

Like a deity's sentence.

The Red Spear first wanted to laugh, but the pain in his broken arm made him frown.

His mind flashed quickly:

"It's just that knife, I have absolutely no ability to respond. And depending on the situation, that horrible energy fluctuation seems to be related to this Yang Xu."

"This Yang Xu is too lucky. Although he doesn't want to admit it, he does get too much favor from God. Is this time a blessing in disguise?"

"If it is true, then I have no chance to win. Even if I use my strength to get out of the realm of the cave, it will be difficult to resist! That volatility is too scary!"

"But my Red Spear King will not easily admit defeat! Want Fire Spirit Spring, hehe, Fire Spirit Spring is hidden by me in a very secret space, no one knows except me! This is the cost of my negotiation! "

Thoughts flashed through my mind.

Seeing the red spear king's complexion uncertain.

Yang Xu immediately understood this guy's plan.

"Human, your name is Yang Xu, right? I want Fire Spirit Spring, I can give you some, but..."

"I want the Fire Spirit Spring, not some."

Yang Xu coldly interrupted the Red Spear King:

"Fire Spirit Spring, all, hand over. If you don't, you will die."

"Impossible! I..."


The Red Spear King's words were not finished, and his left arm flew into the air.

Blood shot, and the red spear king's forehead slipped with cold sweat.

Brush and pull!

As a last resort, he operated energy, two golden flames, condensed into two arms all over the body, and grew out.

But the horror on his face couldn't hide it at all:

Just before that, he did feel the power of terror!


Red Spear King's lips twitched a little.

"I said, you have no room for bargaining. Hand over the Fire Spirit Spring and spare you from death."

The Red Spear King is still hesitating.

Yang Xu shrugged slightly, and the residual fire waved with his hand.


From the side of the Red Spear King, a flash of fire cut through.


The sky is falling apart!

The cave house of King Red Spear evaporates directly under the fire light.

A dark gully 100 meters deep spreads to the endless distance.

I can't see the end at a glance.


The pupil of Red Spear suddenly shrank:

"Really that strength!"

"How is this possible! Son of Destiny, I really provoke the Son of Destiny!"


Red Spear King fell to his knees, his face full of despair:

"Even if I open up the full power of the cave heaven, it is not your opponent!"

"Your knife is too powerful! Can you tell me, what is this power?"

"No comment."

Yang Xu answered coldly.

The red spear king's eyes flashed suddenly, there was an accident, but more was anxious:

"Not fooled at all! Not even a little information tells me that he is guarding me, why is he guarding? It means that his strength is not strong enough to guarantee his invincibility!"

"The power is so terrifying, why is he still prepared? Could it be that he can't maintain this state for a long time? I still have a chance!"

King Red Spear's eyes lit up sharply.

In some ways, he is really similar to Yang Xu.

For example, never give up until the last moment!


Will Yang Xu give him this time?

"Red Spear King, although I am strong now, I cannot maintain it for a long time."

Yang Xu's words made the Red Spear King chuckle in his heart and stood up:

"What do you mean?"

His face was shocked.

Yang Xu smiled indifferently:

"I mean, since my strongest state can't be maintained for a long time, before I become weak, I will definitely kill you without leaving trouble."

"So, you have thirty seconds left, decide immediately."


At this moment, Red Spear King felt that he was completely seen by Yang Xu.

My own plan, nothing to hide from Yang Xu!

Thirty seconds!

After more than thirty seconds, he will be chopped off!

Red Spear King's eyes flickered only once, poof!

This time, he volunteered to kneel to the ground.

"I am willing to admit defeat, I am willing to succumb!"

In the eyes of Red Spear King, flashing in madness:

As long as you are still alive.

Everything still has a chance!


At this time Yang Xu fluttered lightly, which caused all the hope of the Red Spear King to destroy everything:

"Open your mind and open your heart, I will show you a puppet."

"What! No! I don't allow it!"

The Red Spear King yelled out loud.

He has long heard of the horror of puppetry.

As one of the three thousand great techniques, the great puppet technique is based on the puppet law between heaven and earth, forcibly controlling any existence, and making it obey the impulse of the caster.

But this is not the scariest.

The most terrifying thing about puppet art is:

Once your heart is wide open, let the energy of the puppet rush into it.

The puppet mastery can lay the puppet brand on your mind.

And being puppet branded, your IQ, talents, emotions, etc. will not be affected.

But your entire body and mind will be around the caster.

You can't have any thoughts of hurting, violating, calculating.

You will become a puppet with magical and independent abilities!

Your independent personality will be completely lost!

"I don't want to be your puppet, I won't give you the Fire Spirit Spring!"

The Red Spear King shouted.

Yang Xu smiled contemptuously:

"If you don't hand over the Fire Spirit Spring, you don't even have the qualification to be a puppet."


The remnant fire swayed.


The red spear king's legs evaporated directly.

He paralyzed and wriggled on the ground.

Yang Xu's countdown was like a call of death, and echoed in his ear:

"You still have ten seconds to consider, 10, 8, 5, 2..."

"Stop, stop! I am willing to succumb! Fire Lingquan, I will pay!"

Yang Xu's unique counting method made the red spear king cry without tears.

It became the last straw that crushed him before death:

"I am willing to give in, I will give you the Fire Spirit Spring!"

"Just be willing to pay, open your heart, don't play tricks. My knife is not vegetarian."

As soon as the eyes of the Red Spear were closed, the portal opened wide:


Yang Xu shook his hands and played a puppet technique.

Puppet runes, like black tadpoles, rushed into the heart and brain of Red Spear.

Yang Xu played puppets three times in a row.

The puppet energy in the body of the Red Spear is scoured frantically and branded.

a long time.


Red Spear King stood up and smiled bitterly towards Yang Xu:

"Okay now, I can't really start thinking about you. From now on, I will become your slave."

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"No, you should be thankful. The original shame that you imposed on me, I want to kill you directly! Later, I want to kill you with a knife, it's too cheap for you."

Yang Xuyou stared at the Red Spear King:

"Become a slave, at least be alive, right?"

Red Spear King smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"Well, everything is done. I hope I can serve you long enough and can't threaten you. You can lift my puppet brand."

"Relax, I can give you freedom when the time comes. I'm afraid you won't want to leave at that time."

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