Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 410: Son of Destiny

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410 The Son of Destiny

At the request of Yang Xu, the Red Spear King first took him to take the Fire Spirit Water.

Between a space, the two escaped into it.

The flame energy, which is dozens of times stronger than the outside, swept turbulently.


This flame energy is not hot.

Instead, it is like warm water, covering the whole body and moisturizing every cell of the body.

The end is magic.

Red Spear King wrapped in the breath of Fire Spirit Spring, with a look of enjoyment:

"Every time I immerse myself in this breath of fire spirit, I only feel heavenly and I don't want to leave at all."

"So much so, seal it inside, I have never been here again!"

Red Spear King looked at Yang Xu solemnly:

"Persuade you to take the fire spirit spring water and go fast, don't be obsessed with it!"

Yang Xu smiled and approached the Fire Lingquan Pool in front:

"You don't dare to come in because you are worried about being overly indulged in the comfort of the Fire Spirit Spring and not thinking about progress. You have no confidence in your willpower."

"But I will not."


Yang Xu's eyebrows, the spiritual lake sparkling golden light.

Red Spear King's face suddenly changed:

"There is such a terrifying spiritual power! How could it be that you haven't even reached Dongtian Realm, and you are so young, where does this terrible spiritual power come from?"

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"It's very simple, because I am the Son of Destiny."

Can travel to this world.

Also comes with an invincible [unlimited upgrade system].

Isn't this the Son of Destiny?


A pond appeared.

About one meter square, gurgling spring blisters.

It was all liquid flames.

It emits strong energy fluctuations of fire elements.

But what makes Yang Xu discolored is that the Fire Spirit Spring also has a strong vitality.

A golden ray of light flashed above the Fire Spirit Spring.

Cloud steamed Xia Wei, colorful sublimation.

Yang Xu held up one by one, and scared the Red Spear King yelling:

"No! The temperature of the Fire Spirit Spring reaches one million degrees, people who are waiting..."

He didn't finish.

Just froze again:

Seeing Yang Xu not only easily took up a handful of spring water.

It took a sip of it!

Red Spear King's eyes widened, and his face was incredible:

"How is this possible! Your body can withstand such powerful heat!"

"Are you relying on the flesh to block the tide of flames?"

The Red Spear King dared not imagine.

Can withstand millions of degrees of high temperature.

How powerful is Yang Xu's control over flames?

The Red Spear King became more and more afraid.

But deep inside, there was even a trace of excitement.

It seems that the stronger Yang Xu is, the more face he has.

After all, be a puppet for a peerless powerhouse.

It's better than being loyal to a pig!

When the Fire Spirit Spring entered the body, Yang Xu felt immediately that his body's pores of sweat were all open.

Those harmful gases in the body are expelled from the body.


In Yang Xu's body, the sound of sea waves roared.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, physical strength +10000! 】

Yang Xule:

Fire Lingquan is really good!

With only one sip, the flesh strengthened so much at once!

Nothing, keep drinking!

In the complex eyes of Scarlet King stunned and distressed.

Yang Xu took thirteen sips.

When drinking the fourteenth mouth.

The harmful gases in the body are exhausted completely.

Total body strength

With an increase of 110,000, it will no longer improve.

"Broken! The Fire Spirit Spring is not used that way. After refining the Fire Spirit Spring, you can make your current body useless. You drink so much, enough for me for half a year."

The Red Spear King shouted.

But he didn't say it, he urged:

"Quick some spring water and go, and stay here again, I'm afraid I don't want to leave."

Yang Xu smiled:

"Take some and leave? Haha, I said I was here to take the Fire Spirit Spring away."

"Impossible! Fire Spirit Spring is not an ordinary thing. Don't think that you can use a bottle and jar to put it all away!"

The voice of King Red Spear just fell.


Above Yang Xu's head, the eight-phase world emerged.

In the world of Lihuo, Lihuo avatar turned into a trace of white fire flying out, flashing on Yang Xu's side.

Yang Xu smiled and said:

"Look at these eight worlds, can't you let down the Fire Spirit Spring?"

"It's this magical power again... No, these eight worlds are not magical powers! It's too horrible, it doesn't evolve into magical powers, it has such power, if it evolves into magical powers, how terrible should it be?"

The Red Spear King marveled again and again.

And just at this time.


He stared at one of the world:

"I'm wrong? It's the breath of Jiuyang Shenshui! It's Jiuyang Shenshui. With it, my cultivation can be improved to a higher level! Break the long-standing bottleneck!"


Red Spear King looked at Yang Xu with glowing eyes.

He opened his mouth wide and closed it again.

Then Zhang Da.

But he couldn't say a word.

Because the Red Spear King suddenly realized that from the beginning to the present, Yang Xu really had too many things beyond his expectations.

So many treasures, so many adventures.

Only God's darling can have it!

Since then.

King Red Spear is convinced of Yang Xu's status as "the Son of Destiny"!

Two days later.

Yang Xu practiced again in the flames and tides.

He pulled out the two Yi Luosheng door.


With a flash of light, he completely disappeared.

He disappeared with him, as well as the Red Spear King, and all the belongings and resources he had accumulated.

Of course, there is Fire Spirit Spring.

When Yang Xu appeared at Moyun Cliff.

Yuen Long was also unbelievable:

"Impossible! How could you come back alive?"

Yang Xu smiled:

"Why can't I come back alive? Yuen Long, have you done what you should do?"

This is the secret code that Yang Xu activated the puppet brand in Yuen Long.

Yuen Long's cold eyes suddenly became confused:

"Did I do what I should do?"

Eyes brightened:

"I did it. I did everything you told me."

"Okay, next I will tell you what I want to tell you..."

"What, Yang Xu's guy really came back? And he successfully got the Fire Spirit Spring?"

In the Mirror Shadow Rune, Yi Tianheng's voice strongly suppressed his anger.

Yuen Long also said indignantly:

"Yang Xu's **** thing! I don't know what point Mo Yunya took in him, even gave him Dunguang Feizhou and the broken mirror!"

"Broken mirror? What broken mirror, should it be Huoyun Mirror?"

Yi Tianheng was slightly surprised.

Yuen Long asked very cooperatively:

"how do you know?"

"Fire Cloud Mirror has great hidden power and requires special techniques to urge it. Lord Moyun Cliff must have taught Yang Xu how to use it. No wonder he can survive the flame **** safely..."

"The idiot of the Red Spear King, powerful enough to fight the Dragon Seal Realm, did not find Yang Xu! Really **** waste!"

Yi Tianheng scolded and asked again:

"What about his cultivation?"

"Humph, it's still a big deal."

"Walling weight? Huh, Yang Xu has good luck, but he won't be so lucky. On Broken Edge Mountain, I will take off his head and pay tribute to my two younger brothers!"


The rune of the mirror in front of him dispersed.

Yi Tian was gloomy and unhappy.

And just at this time.

"It's just a little boy who's just a big one, how can you be so anxious?"

The figure flashed out, exactly like him.

It was actually another Yi Tianheng!

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