Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 459: Silly bird, you have been fooled again!

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Chapter 459 Silly Bird, You're Being Played Again!

Seeing that Kong Yizhi was about to be hit by a knife with a tens of millions of degrees.

Kong Yi's body was shocked, brush!

A seven-color light flashed out.


A violent explosion shattered the void.

Kong Yizhi's gimbal retreated three steps in a row, and his body shook slightly:

"How dare you count me like this! I will let you die the most painful!"

Being above 10,000 people under one person in Vientiane.

Even the prince had to pay respect to him.

Everyone praises the God of Kong Yi as a matchless man, and he has a lot of ideas.

But unexpectedly.

Only one face-to-face, he was fooled by Yang Xu!

This is a shame!

Kong Yi's violent breath rises like a seven-color magic cloud rising up like a tiger.

Kilometers away.

Several figures stared at Kong Yizhi's direction, his eyes worried:

"Alas, it's easy to turn opponents around, this Yang Xu is a good seedling. If you die here, it's a pity."

"Ambushing Yang Xu for the country of Vientiane, I wonder if our move is right or wrong."

"If Yang Xu's wizards are really killed by that miscellaneous hairy bird, shall we all become sinners of Hongtu Mainland?"

These strong men are all masters of Vientiane.

They had the strength of a warrior, when they received the order of the emperor of Vientiane to slay Yang Xu.

They all coincided and all refused.

But when Yang Xu was bullied by Kong Yi, they could not help.

One by one feels guilty.

Looking at Kong Yizhi's eyes, there was a trace of contempt:

"Huh, bullying the small, strong and weak, this flat peacock can really do it!"

"Look, he really shot!"

Behind Kong Yi, the seven-color magic light is entwined like a dragon and a tiger, and the murderous opportunity is pressing.

Suddenly, a red light brushed towards Yangxu.

The red light was dazzling, and the void was brushed with a crack.

Under great pressure, he came to Yangxu Town.

"Remnant fire too sword!"

Yang Xu swung out with a knife.

Kong Yizhi was caught off guard by him before.

The hurried response was almost a loss.

But this time, Kong Yizhi snorted, poof!

The red light brushed up suddenly rose tenfold.

It seemed like a red tornado swept over Xiang Yangxu.

"not good!"

Yang Xu snorted, but did not resist with any baby.

He knows deeply how powerful the peacocks are.

The great peacock **** in the legend of the gods, with a five-colored divine light, is nothing but brush and nothing.

Almost all the treasures of the gods and spirits Buddha were wiped away by his five-color divine light.

Yang Xu's use of thousands of swords and ten thousand robbery of Futu is also a risk of being forced to help.

Who knows that Kong Yizhi's seven-color divine light will also be used exclusively for human beings?


On the occasion of a great deal.

Yang Xu was able to dodge away.

Seeing the void behind him, poof.

An area of ​​100 meters in diameter is directly broken into pieces.

The terrifying energy fluctuations swept through a large amount of space debris, emitting red light.

"Hoo, fortunately hiding fast enough!"

Yang Xu gasped.

"Actually escaped! Yang Xu is so fast!"

Several strong men here exclaimed:

"This kid should have been preparing for Kong Yizhi's attack."

"Yes, Yang Xu has some contact with the Peacock King, and he should know how powerful the Peacock family is."

A flash of worry flashed in their eyes:

"I hope that Yang Xu can get away soon. The combat strength of Kong Yizhi is not under his brother Kong Can!"

"The longer it is dragged, the worse it will be for Yang Xu. Leave quickly!"

These strong men of Vientiane Kingdom, without exception, all stood on the side of Yang Xu.

If he is known by Kong Yizhi, I am afraid he will die.

"The kid hides very fast, but unfortunately you won't be able to hide anyway this time!"

Kong Yizhi sneered, hum!

Seven rays of light rose behind the sky, flashing seven colors of Shenxia.


It turned into a giant net, just like when Yang Xu used the **** character to confuse Kong Yi.


The big net covered the entire void, and came over to Yangxu.

Seeing it was covered in all directions.

Yang Xu had no escape.

The strong men here have changed their complexions:

"Not good! Kong Yizhi is too insidious, want to turn Yang Xu into the turtle in the urn, and slowly make it!"

"I'm afraid it's bad this time. Yang Xu has no escape... Hey, why hasn't Yang Xu responded a little bit? Is he scared?"

"Awake! You can't be dazed now, Yang Xu!"

These strong men of Vientiane Kingdom broke their hearts for Yang Xu.

Kong Yizhi's instinct felt something wrong.

But in an instant, he regarded it as an illusion:

The powerful people of the peacock family shot, and grabbed a little guy in the sky, didn't they get it?

His seven-color divine light has never made a mistake!


The seven-color brilliance flashed the void.

Not as expected.

Yang Xu was directly captured.

"I still want to escape my means, I want to unload you eight, in order to relieve my hatred!"

Kong Yi's remark came out.

"Kong Yizhi is really going to kill Yang Xu, hurry up and save Yang Xu!"

"Isn't this flat-haired peacock afraid of the revenge of the sword maniac!"

Several strong men just rushed to save Yang Xu.

"Slow! Not right!"

A thoughtful strongman suddenly said:

"Look at Yang Xu's expression..."

At first glance, the powerful people suddenly looked wonderful:


"My God, Kong Yizhi was played again?"

"Is that Yang Xu's kid a freak? Even the seven-color **** net of Peacock King can escape it?"

"Kong Yizhi is going to be mad! His seven-color **** net can even be captured by the Dragon Seal Realm Powerhouse. In the end, he was ran away by a kid in the Cave Realm..."

Kong Yizhi finally found something wrong;

Yang Xu, caught by his seven-color **** net, pouted.

Turned into a ball of flame energy.

Kong Yizhi was fooled again!

"Damn it! Yang Xu, I swear by Kong Yizhi, I will kill you!"

Seeing that Kong Yizhi was furious there.

The strong men here look at each other.

I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

Yang Xu fled, and Vientiane blocked his plan.

But somehow.

These strong men are not at all disheartened.

Facing the peak of Longyin Realm, the Peacock King, and his incomparable supernatural powers.

Ordinary cultivators have already accepted their fate.

But Yang Xu was able to tear open a mouth and escape easily.

Such an amazing mind and wisdom is simply amazing.

Such a good seedling, if folded here.

It is simply the loss of Hongtu mainland!

The strong guys gradually wanted to understand.

There was a smile on his face.

Deep in my heart, the evaluation of Yang Xu, but all brushed up, once again raised a level!

"Damn it! I wasted ten times to save the file, and I found a loophole in the seven-color **** net, which only escaped the catastrophe! Laozi lost a lot of money!"

All the powerful people marveled at Yang Xu's talents.

Even Yang Xu found a loophole in the Seven-color Godnet, and he is no longer afraid of this thing.

But he is still "happy".

"Lao Tzu has never had such a big loss."

Turned his head and looked at the direction of his eyes:

"Wait, silly bird! Lao Tzu’s loss today will soon be doubled with you!"

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