Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 460: Dragon Veins

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Chapter 460

Yang Xu said to double back.

Not casually.

Even Kong Yi's strength is far more powerful than Yang Xu.

But be aware that there are too many things Yang Xu can do for ten archive opportunities!

In these ten archives, Yang Xu has tried many schemes against Kong Yizhi.

Red Spear King, Blue Dragon, Lihuo Doppelganger, even the trumpet was used.

of course.

Various treasures, artifacts, three-legged two-eared tripods and so on.

He also used it all.

The effect is remarkable.

Yang Xu tried out a lot of information about Kong Yizhi.

About his exercises, about his character.

More importantly, it is about his fighting habits.

And these will become the strong capital of Yang Xu's strong counterattack and victory over Kong Yizhi!

"Silly Bird, you will be surprised when you fight next time."

one day later.

"Is the real location of Dragon Vessel actually here?"

Take the map delivered by Heifeng.

Yang Xu looked weird when he saw the location of the dragon vein.

The royal heart burial ground of the defeated God of War also happens to be in this position.

"It seems that I can do two things this time, just to get the golden heart."

Yang Xu made a decision.


He gave the powerful Beastmaster suit to Heifeng:

"The task is done well. You keep it. The Orcs may be attacked by Vientiane in the near future. You need to take care of yourself."

Hefeng took the Beastmaster suit with a shocked look.

You know, he has followed the Beastmaster for many years, and he has never touched the artifact once.

But it took Yang Xu a few days to do things, and I was rewarded!

This is an artifact set!

Sent it out easily?

Hefeng has a preliminary understanding of Yang Xu's generous shot.


Yang Xu with the help of the system props Phantom Qianji.

Became a tauren.

Unimpeded all the way, came to Manman Mountain.

Take out the golden heart burial diagram.


The burial map suddenly radiated a golden light.


It flew to a small hill pack.

A large number of shrubs and vines have covered this place.

Yang Xu thought, brush!

The ground was torn, and all shrubs and vines were floating.

A half-height stone door, uncovered by bushes, suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Duogu defeated naively will find a place, who can think of such a humble mountain bag, there are other mysteries."

Take out the golden key and insert it into the stone lock.

The stone door opened.

After Yang Xu entered, the land carrying shrubs fell down.

A green glow flashed.

Brush and pull!

These vine shrubs suddenly revived and grew wildly.

All traces were buried.

In the stone cave.

It was dark everywhere.

Switching to others may be slightly uncomfortable.

But Yang Xu has "The Origin of God's Eye".

Not only night vision is a small case.

The moment he came in, he even saw the structure of the entire treasure trove clearly.

Only the last stone gate.

There seems to be a special energy barrier.

Yang Xu couldn't see through.

If this is really a golden heart burial place.

All the treasures of the defeated God of War must be hidden behind the last stone gate.

Unblocked all the way.

Yang Xujing came to the last stone gate.


Above the stone gate, a rune flashed.

The rune is shaped like a golden lock.

Yang Xu brought the golden key to the stone gate.


The golden key turned into golden light and rushed into the clusters of runes on the stone gate.


The stone door opened.

When Yang Xu saw the display inside, he was completely shocked:

"Lying trough...!"

Orcish territory.

Kong Yizhi lingered in seven colors of divine light and stood in midair.

Hei Feng wore a beast king suit, holding the beast king gold mace, and stared at Kong Yizhi coldly:

"Don't move closer! Otherwise, don't blame me orcs!"

Kong Yizhi laughed out loud:

"District Orcs also want to threaten me Kong Yizhi? In a word, hand over Yang Xu, or say his whereabouts."

"Otherwise, the entire Orc must bury him!"

This remark came out.

The face of the entire Orc suddenly changed:

"Who is Yang Xu?"

"Humans? When did the orcs relate to a human?"

Brush brush.

All eyes gathered on the black front.

Hefeng giggled:

"Sure enough, everything was expected by Yang Xu."

He could not help but snorted:

"Kong Yizhi, you don't have to cover it up anymore. What are you looking for Yang Xu, you clearly came for the order of thousands of beasts!"


Orcs all, their pupils shrunk together:

"The Beast Order?"

"Isn't Ten Thousand Beast Orders in the hands of the Beastmaster? How could it be related to the Peacock and that human?"

"Is the Beastmaster killed by Yang Xu?"

"Impossible! I heard that Yang Xu was a human genius, but his cultivation base was Caidong Tianjing, and Master Beast Master had a Beast Order, which is not so easy to kill!"

Several confidants of Heifeng are hidden in the crowd with rhythm.

Yang Xu could not kill the Beastmaster.

Then the only one who can kill the beast king is...

Brush brush!

A lot of bad eyes fell on Kong Yi:

"This person is so powerful, should he be able to kill Beastmaster?"

Yang Xu's plan was successful!

Hefeng's eyes flashed, according to Yang Xu's instructions:

"Everyone! Now that I'm at this point, I won't hide it anymore! The Beastmaster's Order on the Beastmaster's hand is actually not complete, but a few pieces are missing."

"The missing pieces are in Yang Xu's hands. Rather than being obtained by him, it is better to say that Wan Xu Ling chose Yang Xu!"

"And this peacock guy, killing the beast king, taking the incomplete ten thousand beast order, can't control the whole beast at all, so he tried every means to kill Yang Xu, trying to get the remaining pieces, condensing into a complete The Beast Order!"

Heifeng made this remark.

The whole orc suddenly breathed a sigh of relief:

"God, Ten Thousand Beasts can command Thousand Beasts. If they are caught by an outsider, will they still be paid?

"This guy wants to slaughter our orcs!"

"Everyone protects Yang Xu, don't let this person get the fragments of the Beast Order!"

I don't know who took the lead.

The goals of the Orc people became clear at once:

Protect Yang Xu!

Stop Kong Yizhi from getting other beasts and order other fragments!

In Kong Yizhi's heart, it was called Qi:

Why are you threatening the orcs?

Originally I wanted to kill Yang Xu.

The result was calculated by the kid!

This is good, yellow mud fell into the crotch, not **** is shit!

The point is that Kong Yizhi can't explain it yet.

He yelled a few words to refute, this is Yang Xu's conspiracy.

Can anyone believe it?

You know, Heifeng is one of the most trusted men of Beastmaster!

His words, and the words of an outsider who was about to slaughter the orcs.

Who will the orcs believe?

The second contest with Yang Xu IQ.

Kong Yizhi defeated again!


In the distant sky, a dragon-shaped breath suddenly appeared.

Kong Yi's face changed:

"Who has disturbed the dragon veins, it will appear in the world!"

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