Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 467: Kill the peacock!

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Chapter 467 Killing Peacock!

Like a thunderous heartbeat, the instant of a second.

Kong Yizhi turned his head to see that Yang Xu's right leg, like a whip, was pulling hard at himself.


A vigorous force struck Kong Yizhi head-on.

He seemed to be hit by an ancient beast.

Fly straight out.

In the air, Kong Yi's blood flow accelerated, and his huge life was in danger, making his whole nerve tense:

Brush brush!

He not only made a handprint.

The handprint flashed a dragon-shaped light, flying towards the peacock crown in the air.

"Also want to control the dragon seal of Ruoshizi? Kill me!"

Yang Xu's heart jumped:

【Ding! ! 】

[Golden Heart is activated again! 】

[Strength + 1000%! 】

[Crit + 1000%! 】

[Speed ​​+ 1000%! 】


Yang Xu got a golden heart.

After the fusion of this golden heart, the benefits that Yang Xu received were huge.

The most intuitive is this terrifying data bonus!


Yang Xu left a residual image.

The next second has flashed in front of the peacock crown.

A thousand words are spoken, but everything is nothing more than a matter between electric light and flint.

When the powerful men discovered that Yang Xu not only survived the attack of the Peacock Crown.

It was suddenly flashing above the peacock crown.

All pupils shrink:

"What is he going to do?"

When Yang Xu's indifferent sentence "break me!" came to everyone's ears.

Everyone's look is changed greatly:

"He is going to destroy the peacock crown by the power of the flesh!"

"Is he stupid? Was he dreaming day by day?"

"Yang Xu has lost his way, and has lost his calmness!"

It is different from the strong captives such as Tianyong Kingdom and Shengzu Dynasty.

The strong men of Vientiane all were shocked.

There is even an idea in my heart:

"Maybe... Yang Xu can really succeed?"


The horror bonus brought by the golden heart was fully exerted by Yang Xu.

It was only a thousandth.

Yang Xu kicked a thousand times.

So much so that he did not use flame energy, but his right leg rubbed a layer of flame due to high-speed impact.

Only Yang Xu is a person whose physical body is so powerful that it is perverted, and has also merged with Lingming Shenshi.

In order to load such a horrible speed and force bombardment.

So much so that a moment of stunned spirit appeared in Kong Yi.


A soft sound.

In this suddenly silent space, spread to infinity.

The horrified glances fell on Yang Xu's calm face.

Then, all stared at the peacock crown in the air.

A harsh crack appeared on the crown.


The pupil shrank suddenly, and Kong Yizhi felt that he was almost fainting.

The seven-color **** net, which is not disadvantageous, was just broken by Yang Xu.


Will even his strongest attack method be destroyed by Yang Xu?


It seems to have a chain reaction.

On top of the gigantic mountain peacock crown, one after another there were a series of harsh cracks.

All people opened their eyes wide.

Kong Yizhi even dare not breathe.

Lest the sound be louder, it will increase the damage to the peacock crown.


Everything is late.

Yang Xu's will and Yang Xu's attack are not transferred with any foreign objects.


In mid-air, the peacock crown shattered and weighed ten thousand pieces at once!

! ! !

Everyone's breath tightened, and his heart suddenly skipped.

How terrifying Yang Xu attacked the Peacock Crown.

At this moment, the psychological impact on everyone is multiple!

So much so.

Even a person with a firm heart, such as Kong Yi, appeared for a moment.

And in a moment he was stunned.

"Do not kill you at this time, but when to stay!"

Yang Xu's eyes were cold:

"Brother Hulu, please kill this murderer for me!"


He was empty above his head, and an iron gourd floated up suddenly.

It is black lacquered all over, black and slick, as if cast from tungsten iron, and looks unremarkable.

But the moment the gourd cover snapped open.

A phantom of a fire gourd emerged from the iron gourd, wow!

Clusters of hot crimson flames erupted from the mouth of the fire gourd.

Seeing the red flames rolling and tumbling, turned into a bite of red fire Lotus.

Everyone present was attracted by the fire lotus.

When the lotus petals bloomed, I saw a golden mirror lying on the rosette, with golden light and thousands of beautiful colors.


Without warning, the golden treasure mirror suddenly shot a golden light.

This golden light, without falling into the sky, just nailed to Kong Yi's eyebrows.


Kong Yizhi was attracted by a series of changes in Yang Xu's fire gourd.

Not for a while.

Suddenly stared at by the golden light.

"Kong Yizhi, I gave you a chance, but unfortunately you are determined to kill me. In this case, I will send you on the road!"

Yang Xu smiled faintly, striking a killer.

Poor Kong Yizhi now, his eyebrows were nailed by the golden light, only to feel that the whole person was groggy.

As soon as his mental strength had condensed, he was immediately dissipated by the golden light of his heart.

So much so that he had no resistance at all!

All the powerful people around are stupid:

Yang Xu, what is this baby?

This is too ridiculous!

Can Kong Yizhi be easily restrained?

The strong people in Vientiane are even more suspicious:

"Yang Xu has such a baby, why not take it out early in the morning?"

Seeing that Yang Xu was about to slay the killer, he beheaded the ugly Kong Yizhi.


Void regeneration mutation.

Three terrifying energies suddenly tore the sky of Hongtu mainland.

Seeing the figures of the three women, misty, condensed in the void.

They were dressed in white and their coats fluttered like a fairy coming, and Yue E was in the dust.

Being a woman first is even more gorgeous and gorgeous.

She lingered around three hundred and sixty-five golden vortices, and within each vortex, there was an odd-shaped dragon seal, cruising around.

When all the strong men saw three people, their faces changed greatly:

"It's impossible! She has gathered so many dragon seals!"

"This is incredible!"

The horrified eyes fell on the three women.

One of the strong men suddenly exclaimed:

"They don't have entities, they are just a projection!"


Everyone took a deep breath:

A projection, there are even cultivation practices of Long Yinjing?

How powerful are the bodies of these three women?

"You can't kill him."

As the first woman, Chaoyang Xu said coldly, as if he took for granted:

"Release him."

In the tone, it is full of high above the air, the taste of irritability.

Kong Yizhi's drowsy spirit was a shock:

"Snow Fairy! Are you! I know you will respond to me! I will find the dragon vein you want, I..."


A golden light flashed.

Kong Yizhi's head flew into the air.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill Kongyong, the peak of Dragon Seal Nine Heavy Heavens! 】

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