Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 468: Overturned town fire tower!

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Chapter 468 Overturned Town Fire Tower!

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill Kongyong, the peak of Dragon Seal Nine Heavy Heavens! Reward experience value + 40000000! True power value + 4000000! Points + 400,000! 】

[Get Treasure: Seven-color God Feather x10! use or not? 】

[Get Treasure: Seven-color Bright Jade x1! Is it integrated? 】

[Get magical power: seven-color light cage x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Get the top grade spirit stone x100! Is it integrated? 】

[Obtain the light system crystal core (perfect) x300! Is it integrated? 】



"Contrary to the order of Moon Palace, you are looking for death!"

The projections of the three women glared sharply.

A huge murderous opportunity suddenly rushed to Yangxu.

Yang Xu's eyes suddenly turned sharp:

"Giving shameless things! I really think you are invincible!"

"Brother Hulu, please kill these three for me!"

The moment when Yang Xu's words didn't fall.

Puff puff!

Three golden lights completely collapsed the killings of the three women.

Next second.


The projections of the three women were directly frozen in midair, unable to move.

The look of all the strong men changed:

"This gourd is so powerful? Even Dragon Seal can easily be imprisoned?"

"My God, with this thing, wouldn't he be able to walk sideways on the Hongtu mainland?"

But maybe because of projection.

Even though the three women nailed their eyebrows, they could still speak.

The woman headed by that, 365 vortices around her body, a thousand rays of light, and a dragon seal flying.

She shouted sharply:

"Don't you want to be an enemy of my Moon Palace? Everywhere in Hongtu, a low-level plane, my Moon Palace crushes you like a chicken and dog!"

"Lunar Palace?"

Yang Xu raised a brow:

"One of Kong Yi's heart seeks the dragon vein, is it really you who like to be pleased? Gee, he has such a bad vision for this spare tire."

"Indiscriminate! Don't insult Sister Yue!"

"Bold! Do you want to die?"

Yang Xu snorted, "It's you who want to die now! Send you on the road!"

Three golden lights twirled.


The heads of three beautiful women flew into the air.


Directly exploded into three groups of energy.

The iron hoist sucked at the mouth, brush!

All energy is sucked clean by it.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the Dragon Seal Realm nineth heaven projection x3! Reward experience value + 30000000! True power value + 3000000! Points + 300,000! 】

[Obtain the light system crystal core (perfect) x300! Is it integrated? 】

"Nima, it was actually three poor ghost projections."

Yang Xu was not surprised.

Just a projection, you can't bring too many things.


The iron gourd transformed into a baby's fist and fell back into Yang Xu's hands.

The strong men all stared at this thing with their eyes shut.

The envy and jealousy in his eyes couldn't hide it.

This is really a sweet baby!

Yang Xu looked at this iron gourd, his eyes sparkling:

"The golden heart is really a good thing. With the golden magic liquid secreted by it, the iron gourd, fire gourd and golden treasure can be combined more perfectly!"

That's right.

Yang Xu combined the fire gourd sent to him by the owner of Moyun Cliff and the iron gourd that burst out into one.

Then merge with the golden treasure to become one!

The golden treasure is itself a Taoist.

After combining the two treasures of fire hoist and iron hoist, they are also infinitely close to the quality of Taoism.

Yang Xu tried to merge the three.


After the gold hoist and the fire hoist are refined, the golden treasure is refined.

Power surge!

Originally, it could only release a ray of light, nailing the Dantian Qihai.


It can instantly release thirty golden lights, pinning the eyebrows of thirty people, making them muddy, completely unable to control the body.


These thirty golden lights can easily cut the first level of the target as soon as they rotate.

Below the peak of the Dragon Seal Realm, there is no one to kill!

Power is not so powerful!

It is a pity that the consumption of such treasures is really huge.

The consumption of tens of millions of true power per second is an astronomical figure!

Yang Xu only used it twice.

The huge amount of true power accumulated for a long time is only a little left.


The reason why Yang Xu didn't use it at first.

It was because he knew that Kong Yi's victory over the dragon was not as simple as serving the Vientiane Kingdom.

Yang Xu wanted to test out the force behind Kong Yi.

did not expect.

It would actually be the Moon God Palace in the Destiny Continent!

"The people of Destiny Continent, their hands are really long!"

Yang Xu sneered.

But at this time.


The sky dome rumbled.

A black hole in space appeared.

Three figures emerged from the black hole.

It was three women in white, all of whom were extraordinary.

The present woman, lingering around 365 golden vortices, has a dragon mark in each vortex condensing and running.


All the strong players present took a deep breath:

"The three women who were killed!"

"Their body actually arrived in person!"

Like Kong Yizhi, these three women also sealed themselves.

Nowadays only Longyin Jiuzhongtian's cultivation practice.

Even so, Yang Xu can bear it.

Now he, the remaining true power value, can no longer urge the iron hoist.

Of the three women, just one came out, and it was enough for Yang Xu!

"Nima, isn't it just to cut your three projections, as for driving me on the body?"

Yang Xu was speechless for a while.

The headed woman, but snorted, not at all relieved:

"You cut off the projections of the three of us, ignoring the majesty of the Moon Palace, and intending to touch the Dragon Dragon Vessel that my Moon Palace is fancy.


Among the three hundred and sixty-five golden vortices in her body, there was a vortex, the Shenhua flashed, woo!

A dragon-shaped handprint rushed into the sky.

"Linglong Handprint!"

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a crystal clear energy big hand, with a huge diameter of 100 meters.

The whole body is like a glazed glass, wrapped in a horrifying killer, and came to Yangxu town.

"Want to kill me? You are not qualified!"

Yang Xu snorted coldly, bang!

The golden heart jumped in the body.

The whole body's blood veins stretch, and the turbulent energy flows like the Yangtze River in the body:


A golden remnant of Yang Xu left behind.


The space he was in was directly shattered into nothingness by the big crystal hand.

"Huh, thankfully I run fast."

Yang Xu gasped.

Unexpectedly, the killing of Kong Yizhi's miscellaneous pieces also caused such three perverted strong men.

"Fluid edge is like fire, swastika!"


Yang Xu cut a knife.

Thousands of millions of knives, wherever they pass, instantly evaporate.

A black mark of nothingness stretched in front of the exquisite handprint.


The large handprint of Linglong collapsed.

"Fire artifact? Huh, the fire tower in the sky! Kill me!"

The headed woman sneered.

Among the three hundred and sixty-five golden vortices around, swerved and brushed.

A little golden tower flew out.

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