Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 808: Exterminate the Buddha!

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Chapter 808 Exterminate Buddha!


Eight world portals above the head, flashing eight colors.

In a moment of thought, Suddenly turned into a brilliant world of eight gods.

Looked at the dark Buddha sitting on a cloud of Buddha formed by the power of the world:

"You stand on the strength of the world, I will use the power of the world to calm you down!"


The eight worlds grinded and rumbling, crushing the void.

Wherever he passed, all the black lotus flowers collapsed and countless evolving small worlds were annihilated into nothingness.

A trace of shock appeared on the face of Momituo Buddha:

"A strong world power! How is this possible? Its potential is not under the Buddha's six cycles!"

In the eyes of Momituo Buddha, greed burst out:

"Looting! Looting it over, it is possible for me to master this magical power!"

"Hahaha, with it, the date of returning to the Devil Realm is expected!"

This statement flashed Deyang Xu's eyes:

"Return to Demon Realm? Could you be abandoned by Demon Realm?"

Momituo Buddha's face suddenly changed.

Yang Xu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

Momituo Buddha seems to show a trace of heels.

"Innumerable Buddha eyes!"

Momitabha sipped, wow!

A breath of blood spouted.

The black blood violently burned as soon as it appeared in the air, turned into a burning black lotus, and flew to the dark Buddha's brow.


Black Lotus fell into the eyebrows of the dark Buddha.

Suddenly, the closed eyes of the dark Buddha opened.

A stream of bright red blood slipped down, and the dark Buddha's hideous face showed a trace of struggling and intolerable color.

Wow, wow, wow!

Behind the dark Buddha, the black magic energy surged, and eight black buddhas were drawn.

The palm of the Buddha's palm condenses a black Buddha's eye.

The Buddha's eyes exploded in immeasurable black light, and slammed heavily on the eight world grinding discs.

Yang Xu felt that the world was crumbling, and it seemed to be about to collapse soon.

"Innate gossip **** picture!"

Zhuge Kongming's snow-white goose feather fan waved.

With its plain and calm voice, above the black void, countless black lotus shattered out of thin air.

An invisible force absorbed the rolling black gas, and Taoist runes were imprinted on the void.

Intertwined with each other, turned into a gossip **** figure.

The innate gossip **** map happened to overshadow the eight worlds.


The infinite amount of black light emitted by the eyes of the eight buddha Buddhas, as long as they enter the range of the innate gossip **** figure.

Suddenly it seemed that the mud bull had entered the sea and all disappeared.

"Suppress me!"

The eight buddha hands of Momituo Buddha burst into fists, resembling eight black buddha hammers, and slammed into the eight worlds.


Thousands of golden Mars burst out of the world.

The eight-color divine light flashes and extinguishes, and seems to be about to disappear.


Kung fu in the blink of an eye.

Eight Buddha hands killed thousands of fists.


A crack appeared on the grinding wheel of the eight worlds.


Yang Xu's heart was hurt, and he spouted blood:

"System, are you **** done? I will use other means if there is no result!"

Yang Xu had a lot of quirks, and directly canceled the "Eight-phase World".

Seeing that the eight colors of light shattered.

The face of Momituo Buddha changed suddenly, and the violent fist hit him.


A huge black sword suddenly stopped in front of him.

"The Epee has no frontiers, it just doesn't work, kill!"

Dugu Sword Demon's indifferent eyes fixed on Momituo Buddha faintly.

Four sword demon, condensed four handleless sharp sword, slashed out.

There is no suspense, puff puff puff!

The four Buddha hands of the Dark Buddha were cut off directly.

Worthy of being a demon!

This is by far the heaviest injury to the dark Buddha!

But the sword demon killer did not dissipate.

Four swords, all beheaded to the head of the dark Buddha:


The dark Buddha's eyes suddenly glared:

In the eyes of the blood, a black industry fire was burning out.


The four-handed Excalibur instantly burned into nothingness.

It was at this time.

Eighty-eight Gods Air Combat! Palm of the Doomsday!


With Yang Xu's palm, a dark deity descended on the void.

He has the same aura as the Dark Buddha, wielding the giant palm to kill the Dark Buddha.

Wherever he passed, the void was countless annihilated.

One after another, black holes were born, and the order of time and space was out of balance.

A disastrous atmosphere of destruction came to this small plane of the Wutong world.

【Ding! 】

[System analysis is complete! The analysis results are as follows: the dark Buddha’s weakness has a 31% chance of infinite light; a 13% chance of bright light; 3.1% chance of infinite dark light...]

The series of data made De Yangxu's eyes bright:

"Infinite Buddha Light? Haha, there is nothing else, I know this thing!"

Seeing the palm of the end doom, it was already blasting with the dark Buddha.

Yang Xu blinked:

"Demon Buddha, Dark Buddha, your real end is coming!"

Bodhi Buddha Terrace!

Yang Xu waved his big hand:


Above the head, a light of Buddha flashes.

Countless **** characters lingering in the lotus platform, appeared in the air.

Wisps of buddha light, gleaming golden awns, hung down.

Directly enveloped that Demon Buddha.

"Ah... why do you have a Buddha stand?"

"This is impossible! There is no Buddha in this plane, how can there be a lotus platform?"

Artifact Bodhi Buddha, the first attribute is:

"The bodhi tree with supreme buddha nature is a fusion of a trace of bodhi buddha shadow, which contains a grand buddha nature!"

At the moment of its emergence, golden Buddha light spread all over.


The black air lingering around the body of the Momituo Buddha, the moment of interweaving with the golden light, directly solidified into a black stubborn stone.


Only a moment of effort.

Momituo Buddha directly became a stone man.


He planted directly from the sky and smashed a ten-meter-diameter sinkhole.

The dark Buddha was still in the air, lost control, blast!

Was blown into the dark sky by the doomsday god.

Swish swish!

Thousands of **** characters, raindrops are generally scattered down.

All are imprinted on the black stone body of Momituo Buddha.

Yang Xu laughed:

"Buddha light is indeed its nemesis! Momituo Buddha is so weak chicken, dare to talk about the nemesis of Buddha?"

Without any kind of politeness, he was condescending, holding a thunder sword and slashing towards the demon Buddha.

"Do not……"

Momituo Buddha roared unwillingly:

"Ben Buddha hasn't returned to Demon Realm, how can he die here? Ben Buddha... Pooh!"

The dark head of Momituo Buddha flew into the air.

This time, he didn't turn into evil spirit again.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the players, behead the Super Boss Demon Buddha! Reward experience value + 100 million points! True power value + 10 million! Points + 1 million! Mana + 100,000! Crazy value +100! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the perfect artifact: Darkness is infinite x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the perfect magic: "Dark Buddha" x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Dark Relic x1! use or not? 】

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