Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 809: The curse is finally broken!

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Chapter 809: The Curse Is Finally Destroyed!

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: dark infinite light x1! use or not? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the best dark crystal core x987! Is it integrated? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the extraordinary spirit stone x188! 】

In the ear of Yang Xu, a series of system prompts sounded.

Waiting to see what good things broke out.

【Ding! 】

[The player's madness value reaches the full value, is it turned on? 】

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, level up! Current level: Dan Yuanjing 9 heavy days! 】

Finally broke again!

The 9th day of Dan Yuan Realm, the problem of curse is finally solved!

Yang Xu's eyes lit up sharply.

The whole person feels relieved.


【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, complete the time-limited mission: break through to the 9th day of Danyuan Realm! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get Dao: Yuntai Dao x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, the second upgrade copy "Lost Buddha Kingdom" opens! 】

[Congratulations to the player, all exercises and skill levels + 1! 】

[Players have a 10% chance of breaking the secret of the mysterious green bronze! Do you want to start immediately? 】

[Players have a 20% chance to obtain the mysterious sword technique, and make the dragon grass and sword technique perfectly integrate! Do you want to start immediately? 】

[Players can perfectly refine the Twelve Capitals Blood Spell and perfectly control the power of the curse! Do you want to start? 】

[Players can erase all hidden dangers caused by too fast upgrades, so that the physical body can be perfectly integrated with cultivation and spiritual power! Do you want to start? 】

I am grass!

It burst!

It's going to burst out!

Yang Xu's smile almost squeezed a face.

So many rewards!

Tm cool!

Oh my god, it's a mission reward in exchange for a life crisis!

It's too rich!

Not to mention the magical artefacts exploded by Momitabha, perfect magic.

The value of this mission reward alone.

It is enough to match Yang Xu burst 10 super BOSS!

"Yang Xu, what's wrong with you, you just killed Momitabha, don't you be so happy?"

Unknown reached out and shook in front of Yang Xu.

Make De Yangxu wake up suddenly.

at this time.


Above the sky, the black sycamore tree has restored its golden color again.


There are large pieces of gold leaves that fall from the sky.


The old voice of the Sycamore Tree sounded:

"Thanks to you this time, it was you who saved Wutongjie."

Yang Xu smiled.

Just listen to the Wutong God Tree sighing:

"You can save the plane world, but how can you save the whole destiny continent?"

"My sins are serious, and I escaped into the devil during the retreat, and unexpectedly exposed the plane coordinates of the Destiny Continent to the Demon Race!"

"I am the sinner of the destiny continent..."

His voice was full of regret:


Du Zeyuan's face changed:

"Master God Tree!"

Although he gave himself a personal name.

But the **** tree is still used to calling him "child".

"Thank you for the moment of crisis, Yang Xu was called. If it were not for you, the entire Sycamore world would suffer."

"You are kind-hearted and don't like to fight with others, so you will follow Yang Xu in the future and study things on earth. I can't protect you anymore..."

Jie Ling Du Zeyuan's face suddenly changed, he heard the reluctance and decay in the tone of the **** tree:

"Master God Tree, what are you going to do? Don't leave me behind!"

The voice did not fall.


Jie Ling Du Zeyuan was blasted out.


He bumped against the crystal wall of the space of the Wutong world, and a ripple appeared on it.


He was thrown out of the plane world.

Runes flashed on the crystal walls of space, no matter how hard Du Zeyuan tried, he could not enter the Wutong world.

Yang Xu couldn't help blinking.

Anonymity reveals strange colors.

Zhuge Kongming and Dugu Jianmo glanced at each other, wow.

Dissipated one after another.

"Senior God Tree, what do you need me to do?"

When Yang Xu saw it, Shenshu seemed to have the idea of ​​leaving.

"Yangxu, I can't be the sinner of the Destiny Continent! Although the plane coordinates here are exposed to the Demon Race, I can confuse them with mystery and make them unable to detect the existence of the Destiny Continent."

"It's just that this method is at the expense of my life! Yang Xu, Wutong Realm will be handed over to you. The child of Jieling, also troubles you to spend more time..."

The words of the Sycamore Tree have not fallen.


In the Sycamore world, the light burst and the runes flickered.

The entire Sycamore world suddenly turned into a ball of light.

In the space where the Indus world was originally, a huge black hole appeared suddenly.


The light bulb of the Sycamore world flew into Yang Xu's hands:

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the world of Dongtian: Wutong Realm! Is it integrated? 】

"I will go!"

The Sycamore Tree shouted, hum!

The tall **** tree burst into a tremendous light.


The Sycamore Tree flies towards the void black hole.

The divine light turned into huge giant phoenix leaves, completely covering the void black hole.

A trace of destiny, nothingness, eternity, confusion.

Rush into the black hole.

In this way, you can completely confuse the Demon Race.

So that they can not find the specific location of the Destiny Continent!


Between heaven and earth, the golden light suddenly dissipated.

The blue sky appeared in front of Yang Xu.

"Do not……"

Jie Ling Du Zeyuan cried.

He rushed to the void of the void that was made up by the Wutong God Tree at the cost of life.

Burst into tears.

a long time.

Du Zeyuan stood up:

"Yang Xu, I'm sorry, I can't go with you."

Yang Xu's look slightly changed:

"Predecessor Shenshu asked me to take care of you, you..."

"Master God Tree is dead, isn't it?"

Du Zeyuan looked pale:

"Although he pleases you, I have my thoughts..."

He smiled bitterly:

"As a spirit of the world, I exist because of the Wutong world. My task is to maintain the Wutong world and serve Lord Shenshu."

"Now Lord Shenshu is gone. Without Lord Wushu of Lord Shenshu, it is no longer Wutong."

Seeing Du Zeyuan's eyes inexplicably staring at the void black hole that was about to be bridged.

Yang Xu's face suddenly changed:

"Du Zeyuan, do you want to..."

"Oh, Yang Xu, remember you told me the story of the sage Nuwa Niangbu Tian. Although I can't reach the height of the Nuwa Niangniang, the mistake made by Lord Shenshu is also the mistake I made. I want Make up with Lord Shenshu!"

"Although Lord Shenshu spent his life to make up for the mistakes he made, but his power was mostly eroded by the Demon Buddha. Only by adding my strength can the entire Destiny Continent completely make up for all hidden dangers!"


With a wave of Du Zeyuan's hand, two golden lights flew to Yang Xu:

"This is my thanks to you."

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: God Tree Fruit x1! use or not? 】

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Sycamore Tree Seed x1! use or not? 】

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