Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 810: Make up the sky!

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Chapter 810 Make up the sky!

Yang Xu's face changed, staring at Du Zeyuan:

"The Sycamore Realm is in my hands, you can continue to guard the Sycamore Realm, why do you want to..."

"I've said that without the Wutong Realm of Lord Shenshu, it is no longer the Wutong Realm!"

"With the seed of the **** tree, we can plant another **** tree..."

"Don't be silly." Du Zeyuan smiled slightly:

"You and I know that even if a **** tree is planted, it will no longer be a **** tree, right?"

Du Zeyuan looked up at the black void:

"Yangxu, you should go."

Before Yang Xu left, he quietly turned back.

The last picture I saw was the world spirit Du Zeyuan, resolutely transformed into a golden sycamore tree, following the **** tree, and making up for all hidden dangers.

"Yang Xu, is Jieling dead like this?"

Carrying the sarcophagus anonymously, he asked muffledly.

Yang Xu smiled:

"Nameless, the moment Du Zeyuan decided to sacrifice himself to make up the sky, he was no longer a spirit of the world." "He made his own choice and already had a truly independent personality, a real life!"

Yang Xu has always sneered at the stories of "the elders have been lonely, and the children will obediently follow others and remain unchanged for life".

You are a person, not a puppet.

Your dad told you to go with someone else, and once you dangled your braid, you really walked away with someone else?

A truly independent personality has its own ideas.

Just like Du Zeyuan, even if Shen Shu entrusted him to Yang Xu.

Du Zeyuan still chose not to accept the goodwill of God Tree.

Instead, he firmly followed God Tree to die.

"Let's go, nameless, don't you want to fight me? Now I am cultivated to reach the 9th level of Dan Yuan Realm, and the problem of curse is completely solved!"

Yang Xu smiled.

"Really? Then congratulations!"

Wuming is very happy for this friend:

"I must fight you well! To defeat you, I have to fight Duguo Jianmo!"

On the road.

Yang Xu returned to the solar region.

Read the harvest this time.

The most valuable thing has always been Taoist Yuntai Daoyin:

[Tao: Yuntai Daoyin

Grade: perfect

Power: SSS!

Description: Take an ancient spirit seal born in the ancient sea of ​​clouds as the bone, condensing a side seal, suppressing the world, and immortality!

Description 2: Crit + 100%!

Description 3: Qi Ling fell into a deep sleep for some reason, the method of awakening is unknown!

Description 4: Evolvable! 】

Looking at the boxy treasure seal in his hand.

That terrifying attribute made Deyang Xu a little bit coerced:


100% crit rate!

Every time this seal is smashed, it can critically strike every time!

I'm gone!

Yi Yangxu's current attack power is already surprisingly high.

Especially promoted to Dan Yuan realm 9 heavy days.

Whether it is combat power or explosive power, it is doubled.

Destiny Continent can take its own attack in the Eighth Classic, I am afraid there are really few.

If this is another 100% crit.

Haha, who else is the opponent?

If anyone disobeys, he will smash him with Yuntai Taoist seal!

In all directions, Baoguang's flashing Dao Yin gave Deyang Xu a feeling of holding Panlong Seal.

"There will be another weapon to smash people in the future!"

Yang Xu wore this Taoist excitedly.

Look at the second copy of the upgrade: Lost Buddha.

It is said that all of them are lost Buddhas.

Each has a strong cultivation base.

Kill one and get a lot of experience!

"Lost Buddha Kingdom, these two upgraded copies of Devil Spider Cave, I have to go!"

"Go every day!"

After arriving at Danyuan Realm.

These two copies, Yang Xu can enter once a day.

You can get a lot of experience points and quickly increase the level!

"Wait for me to finish two copies and upgrade to a few more levels, then use the opportunity given by the system to wipe out all hidden dangers caused by too fast upgrade!"

Yang Xu's eyes flickered with a gleam.

"10% chance to break the secret of the green copper piece? 20% chance to get the mysterious knife from it?"

Yang Xu smiled:

"Haha, this of course scores the possession, activate the lucky 99 points full value attribute and come again."

What makes Yang Xu more excited is.

The system also rewards him with all exercises and skill levels increased by 1 level!

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the players, "Tiger Roar Golden Bell" has reached the 12th level! Can break through to the next level, does it break through immediately? 】

Yang Xu nodded:

"Break through immediately!"

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the players, "Tiger Roar Golden Bell" advanced to "Golden Black God Bell"! Current level: Level 1! 】

[Divine Art: Golden Crow God Bell

Grade: perfect

Power: SSS!

Description: Refine the power of the Twelve Sun Golden Crows, turn it into a Divine Bell, condense the Divine Fire, burn all things, and defend the Xeon!

Description 2: The first 6 levels require smelting the sun's true fire and melting itself. After completing 1 level, you can instantly condense 10 layers of golden bell shields! Damage rebound +5%! Fire damage rebound +10%! 】

Description 3: The last 6 levels are divided into two stages: entry and Dacheng. You need to temper the Sun Jinwu with supreme mana. Every time you condense a sun golden black, the attack power +100%! Fire Attack +200%! Damage rebound +10%! Fire damage rebound +15%!

Description 4: Cultivation to the 12th level, the golden black **** bell jar is completed, can condense the **** bell jar body, immune to all fire attacks! 10% chance to ignore magic weapon attacks! 】

What the hell!

This "Golden Black God Bell" is also abnormal!

The damage rebounded by 5% and rose by 10%.

After 12 levels of training, is the damage rebound not 100%!

How to play that.

Standing there and letting you fight will also kill you!

And after the sixth level, the Divine Bell shield is directly immune to fire attacks.

With a 10% probability, you are completely protected from magic weapon attacks!

This skill, Niu Dafa!

With excitement, Yang Xu continued to look at the following:

"Can the Twelve Capitals' Blood Spell be perfectly refined, and control the power of the curse?"

"System, refine immediately!"

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, perfect refining the Twelve Capital Heavens Blood Spell, players understand the power of the curse! 】

[Divine Art: Power of Curse

Grade: None

Power: None

Description: Mysterious and mysterious, the power of curse. Involving the mysterious ability of fate. Can not cause direct damage to the enemy, but can affect their behavior.

Description 2: For every level up, you can comprehend a cursed aura, which is 100% effective against enemies no higher than your level! Above your enemies, the success rate decreases with the level difference!

Description 3: Advanced! 】

"Haha, this is to draw a circle to curse you! System, I can now understand the brain residual aura? If anyone refuses to accept, a brain residual halo will be put on!"

Yang Xu grinned.

【Ding! 】

[The player initially grasps the power of the curse, the current level is: lv0! Unable to condense the aura of curse! 】


You are sincere.

It's okay, use it a few times, and upgrading is sooner or later.

Brain aura, taunting aura, deceleration aura... Best to condense.

Think of the enemy's head, with a bunch of negative curses on the picture, it is very exciting!

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