Chapter 115

Xing Yi was quick, but only barely caught up with Ding Ming’s footsteps.

When Ding Ming suddenly turned around, he found that Xing Yi’s strength was actually chasing after him.

Regardless of the experience or inexperience, this kind of thing will not make much progress for a while, not to mention that Ding Ming finds that how he trains is not Xing Yi’s opponent.

Then practice a ball!

Xing Yi’s perverted hard power will soon catch up with him.

Even if the combat experience is not enough, even if the hard power doesn’t have Xing Yiqiang, he will simply be killed.

Ding Ming didn’t go to the training ground to practice anymore, and plunged into the dormitory to start cultivation. From morning to night, the meals were brought by others.

In this way, Ding Ming was also worried that Xing Yi would catch up.

A dignified qi Practitioner with fire attribute talent, now he is actually worried that his hard power will be overtaken by a physical Practitioner.

Who can believe this if it is spread out!

Other potential class members are no exception.

Seeing that Ding Ming has started training, although I don’t know the reason, he is the strongest among the group of personnel who came out of the potential class.

Ding Ming still has a very good lead.

Under Ding Ming’s leadership, except for Xing Yi to go out by himself, no students went out in the entire dormitory.

Li Zhan saw everything in his eyes.

The whole person is not good, and the purpose of pulling them here is to exercise their combat experience.

It’s better now, all of them have begun to cultivate.

If it’s cultivation, it’s better to stay in the potential class, and the resources there are comparable to here.

Li Zhan is one head and two big.

Li Zhan also understood the reason why they did not train.

It’s all because of the freak Xing Yi.

A Practitioner, Qi and blood increase even faster than those who have become Qi Practitioners.

Whoever puts this on can bear it.

The reason why no one chooses Practitioner is that the cultivation speed is too slow.

But what is the situation of Xing Yi now, completely outside of the conventional Practitioner.

Xing Yi’s situation has not been encountered by Li Zhan in so many years.

Even if it is claimed to be the strongest talent of the Practitioner, the Practitioner’s body, the White Emperor, he has come one step at a time.

The cultivation speed at the beginning was not so fast!


Li Zhan saw Xing Yi as if he saw the two figures of the White Emperor and the Dragon Emperor.

But just think about it.

Regardless of whether it is the White Emperor or the Dragon Emperor, the talent of either person is enough to make the world beaten to death.

If the two of them joined forces, Li Zhan couldn’t think of anyone who could defeat these two.

Needless to say, the White Emperor.

One person sits steadily in one city, Shenzhou’s strongest shield, and because of the White Emperor, there are so few poisons in the air on the land of Shenzhou, almost none.

As for the Dragon Emperor, it was even more exaggerated. He went directly to another world alone and grabbed a city from the hands of another world emperor, which is now the base of Shenzhou in another world continent.

The two emperors steadily protected the comfort of the Divine Land, Xiao Xiaozhi did not dare to mess around.

One of the most fanciful things of those people in another world is to seize the talents of the two emperors.

Shaking his head, Li Zhan shifted his own mind. The most urgent task now is to find a way to let them train, and they can’t let them continue to delay like this.

Li Zhan still chooses to find Xing Yi now.

I remember that Xing Yi came to his side to inquire about bone quenching three times, which shows that Xing Yi must have the idea of ​​bone quenching twice.

It stands to reason that Xing Yi’s strength cannot grow so fast, unless Xing Yi’s blood limit is really high, but this kind of thing needs to be tempered, and it is impossible for Xing Yi’s blood limit to be directly at the beginning. Harden your bones again.

That’s unrealistic.


Bone quenching twice!

Li Zhan suddenly thought of why Xing Yi was so loyal to the challenge of life and death.

I finally wanted to understand why Xing Yi was so keen to keep tempering himself.

Everything is due to the secondary hardening of bones.

Physical Practitioner is not like Qi Practitioner, the only way to ascension the upper limit of Qi and blood is to keep tempering yourself.

The best way is to be beaten.

With the increase of Xing Yi’s strength, the fake professional boxers on the training ground can no longer satisfy Xing Yi.

Xing Yi thinks about the Ascension own blood limit and can only go to the arena of life and death, this is the only place Xing Yi can Ascension own.

No wonder Xing Yi has to go to the life-and-death arena to play the game even if he struggles with the risk of dying in the arena.

This is the only way to quench the bone for the second time!

When the Bai Huang quenched his bones three times, he was on the brink of life and death almost every day.

Li Zhan came to the spectator stand and looked down just to see Xing Yi still in the arena.

There were more spectators off the court than before. The game hadn’t started yet, and the court was very lively.

This is not like a one-stage game, I am afraid it is impossible for there to be so many people in a second-stage game.

Li Zhan understood the reason when he heard the next sentence.

“The four fire fighters have not failed in half a month. This will be his tenth game!”

“I don’t know if the four fires can continue his winning streak and hold the ten consecutive victories in his hands.”

Xing Yi has played nine games and is still playing.

Almost all the audience off the court came to see Xing Yi.

Xing Yi’s current opponents almost all have the strength of nearly 100 cards, although Xing Yi can win.

But it couldn’t hold up the crowds, and even Xing Yi was exhausted even though Xing Yi’s resilience was amazing.

If it were not for the reward of ten consecutive victories, Xing Yi would not choose to continue.

In the end, Xing Yi won the game.

Winning is difficult and easy.

The difficulty was the time of the game, which was delayed by Xing Yi, and finally won the game with his strong talent.

The easy thing is that Xing Yi Xing Yi didn’t expose his own hole cards at all, and Xing Yi has never used his own card.

But Xing Yi’s Gugua has been overripe, and the uselessness shows that Xing Yi is not even in danger of being seriously injured.

The upper limit of qi and blood cannot be increased.

After so many days, Xing Yi was flabbergasted that his card did not rise.

Xing Yi now has to be cautious when playing a game, for fear that he will break through accidentally.

That’s right, Xing Yi was already on the verge of reaching the limit of blood and energy.

The strength of ninety-nine cards.

The system can no longer be used for adding points. Xing Yi has a hunch that as long as he chooses to add points, the more likely he is to accidentally break through.

Now breakthrough is the second time quenching the bone at most.

But Xing Yi wanted to quench the bone three times, and Xing Yi had to keep going anyway.

The biggest gain is money. Xing Yi has accumulated enough friendly value of dozens of calories for his Ascension all at once.

As long as Xing Yi is willing, Xing Yi can immediately overtake Ding Ming.

Enough money!

Xing Yi equipped to participate in the second stage of the competition.

Ten consecutive victories, this is where others are concerned, and Li Zhan’s focus is on the strength of Xing Yi’s 99 cards.

Xing Yi actually already has the strength of ninety-nine cards, and he can begin to quench his bones as soon as he breaks through!

When is it so easy to harden the bone twice?

Last year, the new Practitioner with secondary bone quenching produced in the whole world can be counted on both palms.

And they are all in their twenties. They all graduated from Wuhan University, but what about Xing Yi?

Wuhan University hasn’t been admitted yet!

too exaggerated.

Wouldn’t Xing Yi really have to quench his bones three times?

Li Zhan suddenly thought.

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