Chapter 116

It’s really possible.

Xing Yi now has the strength of nearly 100 calories.

How old is Xing Yi and how long he has cultivated qi and blood, he has such strength.

If Xing Yi hadn’t made a breakthrough in the Practitioner, it would be possible to achieve the limit of two hundred calories.

Even if you can’t do three-time hardening, it is definitely stronger than the general two-time hardening.

After Xing Yi played the game, he immediately started to add points to himself.

Friendly value: 51314 points

Blood value: 105 cards (up to 106 cards)

Spirit Power value: 30 cards (open 22 cyclones)

System space: 135 cubic meters (increases with strength)

Talent: balance body, Practitioner body, earth attribute talent

Balance body (to be extracted)

Unlock Talent: 50,000 friendly points

Unlock system: 10000 friendly points

The overall strength directly came to more than 130 cards.

The vitality has also come to one hundred and five cards. One-stage and one-stage matches will definitely not be able to go. If you go again, you can only choose the second-stage matches.

And the remaining friendly value is enough to re-Ascension ten card strength.

But Xing Yi didn’t dare to Ascension anymore. There was still one card away from the upper limit of his own vitality and blood, so Xing Yi didn’t dare to add any more.

The reason is because Xing Yi now feels that he is about to break through.

It’s all relying on yourself to force it, but this is not a long-term solution, you must find a way to increase the upper limit of own Qi and blood.

If this continues like this, even if Xing Yi can do two things with one heart, it won’t last long.

No wonder it’s so difficult and slow for ordinary people to temper the second time.

Generally speaking, as long as you can persist long enough, anyone can harden the bone a second time.

As long as you don’t make a breakthrough at the point, stick to it, and wait until Baika breaks through again, you will definitely be able to quench your bones a second time.

It’s just that the upper limit of vitality and blood Ascension will be slower.

The reason why the second-time bone-hardening body Practitioner is generally a talented Practitioner.

That’s because the Practitioner with talent, the upper limit of Ascension is faster, and the upper limit will definitely be higher than the Practitioner without talent.

Especially with the kind of talent that enhances Qi and blood, Qi and blood will increase faster. This is the reason why the second Bone Tempering Practitioner comes out of the soil attribute talent.

However, Xing Yi has two talents for enhancing Qi and blood at the same time, and it is quite easy to increase the upper limit of Qi and blood.

But now Xing Yi has come to the point where there are more than one hundred cards, even if he has so many talents, he has begun to lose strength.

Xing Yi plays so many games every day, but the upper limit has not been increased at all.

It is because Xing Yi has surpassed the limit of the human body.

The limit of the unfinished Practitioner is 100 calories, and the second hardening is the highest level of the body Practitioner.

To surpass a hundred cards is to surpass the physical limit of the average person, and every step is as difficult as reaching the sky.

Xing Yi wanted to climb to two hundred calories for three times to quench his bones, which was almost the same as dreaming.

Now Xing Yi can only hope that the second stage of the game can help him.

If the second paragraph does not work, go to the third paragraph.

Practitioner is originally a “dare” word, dare to do what ordinary people dare not dare.

Since it is possible to quench the bone three times, Xing Yi has to fight it.

The first stage and the second stage of the game.

The strength range is below two hundred cards.

Even if Xing Yi’s current strength is put up, it is nothing at all.

But Xing Yi still has forbidden techniques. Once the Five Seals of Ranjue are opened, his strength instantly doubles.

In other words, even in the second-tier competition, Xing Yi has the ability to protect himself.

He would definitely not be beheaded on the stage, and Xing Yi was able to temper himself with confidence because of the existence of the Five Seals.

Do your best and do everything possible to increase your own blood limit.

Xing Yi is now in a bottleneck state.

If you want to become stronger, you must increase the upper limit of your own Qi and blood.

In any case, you can’t become a Qi Practitioner before you become a body Practitioner, otherwise everything you do will be wasted.

With the guarantee, Xing Yi decisively chose to register for the first-stage and second-stage competition.

Ding Ming was stuck in the audience for a period of the game early the next morning. He hadn’t seen Xing Yi for so many days, and he didn’t know the strength of this little white face now.

I don’t know if I have surpassed myself, but it is impossible to think about it.

Xing Yi will definitely harden his bones a second time, and his cultivation speed will definitely not be too fast. It is estimated that he is now worrying about how to increase his blood limit to 100 calories!

Although I did not see Xing Yi, the reputation of the four fires is still very great.

This was also what Ding Ming learned when he came to the boxing gym. The four fires had become an existence that no one knew.

And his games are also the first in the morning, not so much the first in the morning, as it was in the morning.

Because the duration of a match of the four fires is very exaggerated, it is not possible to finish the game in one morning.

“Dammit, is Xing Yi so strong now!” Knowing that Xing Yi has achieved ten consecutive victories, Ding Ming was a little unhappy.

Although Ding Ming always looked down on Xing Yi every day, he thought that Xing Yi could not catch up with him.

But Ding Ming didn’t think so in his heart.

To be honest, Ding Ming admired Xing Yi a little.

Ding Ming has always been the strongest in the potential class, but even he has never dared to participate in any life-and-death competition.

But what about Xing Yi?

People directly use the competition as exercise and live in the boxing ring as their master.

It is false to say that you do not admire.

Especially after learning that Xing Yi has achieved ten consecutive victories, Ding Ming felt even more unhappy.

Even if he refused to admit defeat, Ding Ming understood the gap between himself and Xing Yi at this time.

It’s really hard to imagine that the Practitioner will have such a strong perversion.

Even if this kind of strength is compared to the original White Emperor, it is probably not bad!

Ding Ming thought.

That’s right, Ding Ming’s family is qualified to know the white emperor, and it is precisely because of the white emperor that they know that Practitioner is equally possible.


Game start.

“Damn! What the hell, what about Xing Yi?” It was disgusting to find that Xing Yi was not the one who came here early in the game.

Isn’t it said that the four fire matches are the first every day, those fighters are almost lining up to challenge the four fires.

But what about people now?

How could they be two complete strangers, completely unimpressed!

It is not only Ding Ming who is stunned, but there are also many loyal audiences who come here and the Four Fires.

It’s usually this time, how can there be no one.

Everyone looked dumbfounded, the mood of watching the game was gone, and the two people on the court were not paying attention at all.

Some people even shouted and questioned.

Why is the four-fire match gone.

Finally, the official stepped up to explain.

“The four fire players have no rivals in the first stage, and now he has signed up to participate in the second stage.

“There are stronger opponents, and a better environment. If you want to watch, you can go to the second tier match.”

The commentary is also boring. I originally came here for an internship, and finally came out a strong boxer.

I went to the second stage within a few days, and it is estimated that there will be no more consecutive victories in the future games.

“Damn, what the hell, has Xing Yi’s strength increased so quickly?”

“This is the second stage!”

Ding Ming shivered, and he could participate in the second stage of the game, but Ding Ming had never dared.

Having watched the game there, Ding Ming could be 100% sure that he was not even qualified to play soy sauce.

Going is definitely a spike.

But Xing Yi actually went, Ding Ming couldn’t believe that Xing Yi, who had been in the boxing gym for a long time, would not know the strength of the second dan.

In other words, Xing Yi has the confidence to challenge the second dan.

“F*ck, what kind of world! Physical Practitioner is faster than Qi Practitioner.”

After complaining about it, Ding Ming immediately went to the second section to watch the game.

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