Chapter 136:

The dirt was sealed by the dragon emperor with an artifact.

And the artifact now directly recognizes Xing Yi.

It’s okay when the artifact doesn’t recognize the master, the dirt can use its powerful strength, and it can also unlock the seal bit by bit through some tiny loopholes.

Although it is very slow, it is difficult to successfully solve it without thousands of years, but at least there is still hope.

But now it’s all right, the divine tool recognizes the master, unless this kid is willing, otherwise he will be controlled by him for the rest of his life.

There is another possibility, that is, own’s strength further surpasses its current strength, and can completely ignore the Dragon Emperor.

The seal is of course nothing to me.

But I have stopped here for nearly a thousand years, and there is no trace of breakthrough. Compared with the stronger strength, the dirt is still the reality of killing Xing Yi.

After all, there is no end to his lifespan, and this kid is just an ordinary human, and his lifespan is not long. Even if he breaks through and becomes a high-rank Practitioner, he will die sooner or later.

In other words, the dirt will be controlled by Xing Yi in the future.

A strength, as long as Xing Yi doesn’t want to, the dirt can’t be used anymore.

Unless Xing Yi died, the artifact once again entered a state of no ownership.

The dirt can unlock the own seal again little by little.

When I think of being subject to this ordinary human for so many years, the dirt on my scalp becomes numb.

As an ancient mythical beast, he was actually reduced to listening to an ordinary human.

If this is known by other spirit beasts, where will I put my Face.

Then you really become a dog!

In this way, I am also the Martial Emperor Realm, not to mention my spirit beast identity, I just say own Practitioner Realm, Martial Emperor!

The pinnacle of another world’s existence.

Now he is actually a dog for an ordinary human.

And this kid TM didn’t put himself in one’s eyes at all.

I saw Xing Yi holding the collar that was just put on Di Di’s neck, and in his hand, it changed its shape in a moment.

Knives, forks, swords and halberds, all kinds of weapons were changed in Xing Yi’s hands.

It’s too exaggerated. It’s just a collar. How much mass can it have, but it seems that there is no upper limit on the mass. Not only can it change shape, but even its size is not limited.

Xing Yi had a great time playing with the artifact, completely forgetting that there was dirt standing next to him.

“Ohhhhh, don’t play any special!” Chou Shi yelled.

“Huh?” Xing Yi only paid attention to the dog: “Why are you still not leaving? Didn’t I help you untie it?”

Hearing what Xing Yi said, the dirt almost didn’t cry.

Don’t you want to go? I want to go too!

But now it is not a matter of whether or not one can go, but that oneself is controlled by this kid, and wherever the artifact is, you must be there.

You must be within the seal range of the artifact.

“I’m still being sealed! You try to inject Spirit Power into the artifact.” Du Shi said, resisting the discomfort in his heart.

“This is an artifact?”

Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow God is at the same level as Cultivation Technique, and weapons are also divided into levels.

A handful of yellow-rank weapons are worth millions on the market, and mysterious-rank weapons are hard to find.

Few people in the entire Blue Star can possess low-level weapons.

Xing Yi has also seen false information on the Internet for weapons of the rank of heaven.

As for the artifact weapon, Xing Yi has never heard of this concept.


This is actually a weapon!

Xing Yi’s eyes immediately changed when he looked at the dirt.

A god-level weapon was actually used as a collar for this product, so what exactly is this product?

The artifact in Xing Yi’s hand changed unconsciously. It was blood-red, in the shape of a butcher knife, and the back of the knife was all spikes.

“Fuck, don’t get excited, I just want you to inject a little Spirit Power into the weapon.” The dirt was stunned in an instant.

Even though he was Martial Emperor Realm, Xing Yi couldn’t break his own defense at all, but what Xing Yi held in his hand was an artifact.

Even if I’m okay, it hurts!

The most feared thing about dirt is the pain.

Seeing Xing Yi’s imposing manner of doing everything he didn’t agree with, the dirt became a bit daunted.

Seeing the dirt so awkward, Xing Yi also let go of his guard a little bit.

The body of the Practitioner has already solved a little bit of poison, and Xing Yi can barely mobilize some Spirit Power onto the weapon.

The moment when Spirit Power touched the artifact.

The memory of knowledge came to Xing Yi’s mind.

With intense pain, Xing Yi almost died on the spot.

Xing Yi only knew what this weapon was called.

“Zero!” The world’s first artifact, the strongest and the weakest artifact, mainly depends on the person who uses it.

Zero this weapon does not have any attributes, it can also be said that it has all the attributes, or that sentence, it all depends on the person who uses it.

If the user is talented in metal, then this weapon is the strongest metal weapon, and multi-attribute is a multi-attribute weapon.

Without attributes, it is just a powerful weapon without any attributes.

The upper limit is high, and the lower limit is also low.

But now Xing Yi can’t use it at all. The weapon rank is too high and Xing Yi’s strength is too low. Xing Yi can only use Zero as a normal weapon at best.

A weapon that will not be damaged.

Similarly, Xing Yi also knew about the existence of dirt.

The role of zero was previously used to seal dirt.

It is the same now, Zero still has the mission of sealing dirt.

It’s just that it was a seal of unconsciousness in the past, and there was only one procedure, but now it’s all based on Xing Yi’s ideas.

As long as Xing Yi thinks, Xing Yi can unlock the seal of dirt.

However, Xing Yi’s current strength is not enough, and the full opening of Ran Jue’s Five Seals is estimated to unlock the seal of one second at most, and it is not the dirt of full strength.

The seal is too strong, I don’t know who arranged it. It’s too abnormal. There are five types of attribute seals. Even if Xing Yi’s strength catches up with the dirt, he can unlock at most two seals.

As for the previous thoughts of the dirt, wanting to forcefully open the seal with his own strength is almost a dream, not to mention the attribute seal.

The energy source of the artifact comes from the dirt itself, unless the dirt dies, otherwise zero will have a steady stream of energy to seal the dirt.

Xing Yi looked at this silly dog ​​with pitiful eyes, but with such a strong strength, he was played so badly.

Tu Gu shook his head stupidly. At this time, he was still thinking about how to kill Xing Yi, and Wu Zhu himself had a hope.

Little did he know that Xing Yi was dead, and he would never be able to unlock this seal for the rest of his life.

It is even inseparable from this eight acre land.

Because the dirt can’t be solved, the seal cannot be opened forever. Now with Xing Yi, Xing Yi can leave with Zero, and naturally the dirt can also follow.

It’s just that you can’t be too far away from yourself.

With the artifact, even if he can’t play his zero strength, Xing Yi’s current comprehensive strength is even higher.

A weapon that changes randomly, even if it doesn’t have its own attributes, is still invincible.

The most important thing is that the artifact can be integrated into the surface of the body after it recognizes the master, and can even turn into a layer of armor.

As long as Xing Yi is strong enough, Zero is Xing Yi’s strongest defense.

It is impossible for anyone to break the defense of the artifact with bare hands.

The Martial Emperor was no exception, but they didn’t have to break their defenses. With a slap, Xing Yi was shaken to death.

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