Chapter 137 The real trump card

Xing Yi tentatively mobilized his own energy and blood into the zero.

Found that it can also be used.

The color of the weapon also changed, from the original two-color to black and red.

The color of zero will change with Xing Yi’s thoughts. If Xing Yi didn’t think about it, the color of zero would change with the energy injected by Xing Yi.

Xing Yi’s blood is stronger than Spirit Power.

Open the system panel:

Friendly value: 1314 points

Blood value: 120 cards (up to 124 cards)

Spirit Power value: 46 cards (open 30 cyclones)

System space: 166 cubic meters (increases with strength)

Function: Probe (you can detect a Practitioner one level higher than yourself, and you can get all of the opponent’s talents and Practitioner strength, and ten friendly points at a time.)

Talent: Balanced Body, Practitioner Body, Earth Attribute Talent, Water Attribute Talent

Balance body (to be extracted)

Unlock Talent: 100,000 friendly points

Unlock function: 50,000 friendly points

Qi and blood are more than twice as high as Spirit Power, Spirit Power cannot be used, Qi and blood can.

Xing Yi raised his arm upward, and Ling quietly changed, completely covering Xing Yi’s hand, like a small cannon.

The black and red lines look very bluffing.

“What’s this?” The dog saw Xing Yi holding a weapon at him, but the weapon was not edged, and he didn’t persuade him.


Xing Yi’s qi and blood were injected directly into Zero. Following Xing Yi’s thoughts, the qi and blood gathered to a certain degree and rushed out directly.

The weapon was modified according to Xing Yi’s ideas. Xing Yi has read the manuscript of this small artillery, and there is no difficulty in transforming it.

It’s just that energy has turned into blood, and it should be able to succeed.


A qi and blood shot directly from Xing Yi’s hand.

The dirt dog hurriedly avoided, and looked back again to see that a dirt pit was blown out.

Xing Yi’s eyes also shined straight.

This is just about 10% of his own energy and blood, which has such a great power. If all the energy and blood are used, it is estimated that even a second-order Practitioner may not be able to hold it.

Although the power that the artifact should have cannot be displayed by itself, it is strong enough now.

Qi, blood and Spirit Power can be displayed, that is the privilege of the fourth-order Practitioner, and he can do it completely by relying on zero.

Although the energy consumption is a bit amazing, the power is also amazing.

It is too slow to accumulate energy, and it is impossible for others to give yourself this opportunity.

The dirt was just because he didn’t know what it was, and because of its weird appearance, he should be curious, so he allowed himself to accumulate energy until after launching it to avoid it.

It’s hard to say for others, not to mention when fighting.

Not to mention that there won’t be this opportunity, and the mobilization of energy will explode in an instant.

Why is the fire attribute so strong.

The strong is that their Meridians Xiantian is stronger than others, and the energy transfer is much faster than the average person. It is difficult for anyone to beat the fire attribute Practitioner in terms of outbreak.

The same is true for Xing Yi, the Practitioner’s body is also strengthened on Meridians, although it is not as direct as the fire attribute.

But it is much faster than the average person, but just now Xing Yi just gathered 10% of the blood and it took nearly a minute.

The greater the power, the longer the time, and Xing Yi did not expect to be able to use it in the ring.

Just treat it as own as a hole card.

The most important thing is that as long as Xing Yi understands the structure of weapons, Xing Yi’s zero is omnipotent.

Knives, forks, swords and halberds, pistols and guns.

As long as Xing Yi understands enough, the shortcomings of slow energy storage can also be solved.

For example, if you charge up in advance and replace the zero with a sniper rifle, a real gun is not impossible.

As long as his own energy and blood are enough, Xing Yi can always charge up, and send it directly to Zero when he doesn’t need it.

When it is used, treat it as a real hole card.

Staying here, Xing Yi was worried that his excess blood was useless.

The surrounding area is full of filthy poison, the body of the Practitioner is going on all the time, and the bone quenching is also going on, the qi and blood produced have long been exaggerated to a certain extent.

Fortunately, there is a balanced physical ability to help you balance, otherwise so much blood, three times the dream of quenching the bones would have long been ruined.

Balanced in one’s own body, although it can Ascension the growth rate of one’s own qi and blood, but now the upper limit of own qi and blood is placed there.

If the upper limit is not increased, it will be useless no matter how fast one’s energy and blood grows, Xing Yi is equally afraid to break through.

So now it’s time for Zero to come, and it perfectly solves his current problems.

“I don’t know, be careful!” The dirt roared wildly from the side.

Jumping up is like biting Xing Yi.

However, the seal of dirt is not only the Cultivation Base being sealed, but also the physical strength is restricted.

The dirt now is similar to an ordinary husky, at best it can talk.

The hand cannon in Xing Yi’s hand suddenly turned into a stick, swept it down with one stick, and the dirt was thrown away directly.

I have to say that although the Cultivation Base and the body are restricted, the ability to resist beating has not declined at all.

After Xing Yi’s stick, the dirt immediately squatted to the side aggrieved, and kept drawing circles on the ground.

Not afraid of Xing Yi, but the stick in Xing Yi’s hand.

Zero turned into a stick, and the dirt immediately thought of a person, the owner of the Five Elements stick.

At the beginning, I was sealed by him.

Soil dirt finally thought of who breathed in Xing Yi’s body, Dragon Emperor’s!

But Dragon Emperor is a serious Qi Practitioner, if Xing Yi is related to him, how could he be a Practitioner.

And this kid should have the body of a Practitioner, which is even more impossible.

Unless one is possible.

That is Xing Yi’s Practitioner body was later obtained through elemental spirits.

The original Xing Yi is likely to have other talents.

In other words, Xing Yi had already used elemental spirits once.

If this is the case, the operating space is too large.

A person can only use one elemental spirit at most. If Xing Yi has used it once, he only needs to give Xing Yi another talent, which is the elemental spirit.

Then Xing Yi must be cold.

A variety of talents are mixed, the lighter means no talent, and the more serious one means life is gone.

The body of the Practitioner is the king of talents, and it is almost impossible to allow the existence of another kind of talent. That is to say, as long as he gives Xing Yi an elemental spirit, Xing Yi will undoubtedly die.

When Xing Yi is dead, the artifact will no longer be in charge, which means he will be free.

The most important thing is that people in the Dragon Emperor’s world seem to have very special physiques.

Human Death’s Houtian Fu will drop into elemental spirits.

The elemental spirit that he took out not only won’t disappear, but he can also reap Xing Yi’s own talent.

Thinking about it this way, my mind is full of dirt on how to operate.

Although the elemental spirits are extremely precious, even if they live for so long, they don’t have much.

But when I thought that not only would I not lose money, but also earn one or even two elemental spirits by the way, the dirt immediately didn’t feel distressed.

But how to get it out is a problem.

The elemental spirit is in the own world, but he is now sealed, and the elemental spirit must not be taken out.

He had to recover to a certain strength before he could take out the own elemental spirit to Xing Yi.

The biggest problem now is whether Xing Yi knows the shortcomings of elemental spirits, one person can only use one, no one shouldn’t know it!

At the thought of this, the dirt began to frustrate again.

This kid is not stupid!

How could you not know the elemental spirit!

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