Chapter 147

Xing Yi didn’t bring dirt at all, but dirt still followed.

No way, the dirt was sealed by the artifact zero, and the artifact belonged to Xing Yi. If Xing Yi left, the dirt would stay here for the rest of his life.

“Slow down, why are you so anxious!” Looking at Xing Yi’s back in front of him, dirt now really wants to kick this guy to death.

Knowing that he was sealed and had no strength at all, how could it be possible to keep up with this kid’s speed.

Had it not been for my sharp nose, I would have lost it a long time ago.

Xing Yi ran forward regardless of his mission. He couldn’t run if he didn’t. When he first came, he walked for a week before seeing the dirt.

Xing Yi really didn’t know how big this place was. He was delayed and probably missed the college entrance examination.

Fortunately, the wall was high enough, and Xing Yi saw the wall only a few days after running away.

The dirt was completely thrown away by Xing Yi, and it is estimated that every day or two days, he would not be able to catch up with Xing Yi.

Xing Yi was excited, and suddenly a huge boulder flew over from a distance, and Xing Yi was almost not scared to death.

Looking at the pit on the ground, half a meter deep, Xing Yi swallowed his throat unconsciously.

Fortunately, I flashed fast enough, otherwise I would really die here without saying a word.

what’s the situation?

How could such a big stone fly over, all over the sky?

Xing Yi couldn’t understand how this stone came over.

There are weeds all around, there is nothing, even the ground is endless flat ground, not even a slope can be seen.

One meter in diameter, it can’t be man-made!

“It’s really man-made!” Xing Yi observed the surroundings but did not look above his head.

There are actually two people fighting on top of his head, fighting in the sky, Xing Yi can also be considered as an insight.

Immediately there was a burst of sound breaking through the air, and a continuous collision between the earth-colored light and the water-colored light.

From time to time, a rock like a meteorite fell, and Xing Yi sighed, it turned out that he had just hit Own which was the smaller one.

It is far incomparable with other fallen stones.

Xing Yi felt the Spirit Power fluctuations around him, and he probably knew something about these two people in his heart.

These two people are actually angry Practitioners.

What is the specific strength Xing Yi can’t imagine, but the Qi Practitioner fights in a place full of scumbags, are you crazy?

This is Xing Yi’s truest thought.

But Xing Yi couldn’t manage that much, so he quickly found a safe place to hide.

If this was accidentally injured by mistake, I would really confess it here. This is not a battle I can participate in at all.

Even if he took five steps on the cloud and jumped five steps in a row, he was far from reaching their feet. The height alone made Xing Yi stop in sight, not to mention the strength gap.

For this kind of gap, let alone the body of the Practitioner, give yourself ten, and Xing Yi can be sure that he has no chance to recover after being injured.

Li Zhan’s heart was even more disgusting, Xing Yi didn’t find it, let’s not say that he still met this guy here.

Guan Jiehua’s undercover agent in another world had an enemy with himself, but he ran away, but he didn’t expect this person to be in prison.

You can tell where the prisoner is by looking at its name. The place where the prisoner was held was originally used to seal dirt.

But later, as there were more and more filthy poisons inside, the environment became more and more suitable for those places where death was committed.

Dirt poison will slowly wear away their strength, they don’t need to worry about them at all, and there is no need to worry about them running out at all.

Even if the prison city does not have that seal, it is still a first-class prison. The death row prisoners of Qi Practitioner will only have one end when they are exiled here, that is, they will be slowly eroded by the poison.

Until their cyclone and Meridians were completely blocked.

Who could have imagined that a wanted prisoner was actually in jail, who could have imagined that he would come in without having to catch himself.

It was a good thing at first, but the bad thing is that Guan Jiehua saw him and started it directly.

Guan Jiehua is not much different from his own strength, and he is also a natural talent body, and he must be stronger than himself here.

That’s why Li Zhan put the fighting place in the air. The reason why he was not corroded by the poison is because he used Mental Energy to block the poison from the outside.

But it’s only a matter of time before it can’t hold on, let alone the accelerator of Jiehua, Li Zhan has all the voices of scolding his father.

If you put it in the usual way, you will feel so angry, although Guan Jiehua is the same Practitioner Realm as the Grand Great Master.

But with the bonus of burning five seals, he can easily kill him in seconds.

But in this, I don’t have such strength, and I can’t even display the five seals.

Because once I use the Five Seals of Burning Jue, although my strength Ascension goes up, I must be distracted to balance my sudden increase in Spirit Power.

Anyone who accidentally gets poisoned from the outside will enter his body, and then it will not be a question of whether he can find Xing Yi, whether he can leave alive is a question.

Guan Jiehua took this opportunity to launch a surprise attack on Li Zhan, but he didn’t succeed, and Li Zhan reacted too quickly.

Otherwise, Guan Jiehua didn’t want to fight Li Zhan either. After all, he was surrounded by poison, and if he didn’t pay attention, he might overturn the car.

But after finally encountering Li Zhan, if I really let Li Zhan go so easily, I might have to spend my whole life here.

“Let me go out, I will leave immediately, I will definitely not entangle you.” Guan Jiehua punched out and said to Li Zhan.

“You fart!”

The undercover agent of another world, how could he let it out? If the Realm of the Grand Great Master is really run out, I don’t know how much turmoil will be caused in the society.

The most real thoughts of their people in another world are elemental spirits and Martial Spirits, and they will fight for as many as possible.

If Guan Jiehua ran out, I don’t know how many young geniuses would be murdered.

Li Zhan greeted him with a punch, and the two energies touched together. With huge energy fluctuations, Xing Yi felt the terrible breath in the distance.

Xing Yi turned his head and watched carefully at the encounter between the two, thinking if he stood there, there would be no scum left.

Xing Yi watched them Martial Skill from below as if they didn’t need money, and desperately used it outside.

Xing Yi saw one of the Practitioners with his own eyes, and just reached out and pushed it, and Spirit Power instantly turned into a huge meteorite and smashed towards the other person.

And the other person was obviously not a vegetarian. In an instant, layers of water shields appeared in front of him to stop Guan Jiehua’s offensive.

Unstoppable, his body turned into a ball of water, easily avoiding the attack of that person.

The elementalization of Spirit Power and the physicalization of Spirit Power are both symbols of Practitioner’s strength.

“Since you don’t let me go out, then you die here!” Guan Jiehua suddenly condensed layers of earth-colored armor all over his body, and soon the whole person was armed.

Even people are merged into one.

A stone man just floated alive opposite Li Zhan, Li Zhan’s expression was a bit solemn.

Long-range attacks are of no use to him, and Guan Jiehua began to play hand-to-hand combat. He is definitely stronger than himself because of the earth attributes.

Compared to consumption, he was sure to win, but now Li Zhan began to worry.

The environment here is too restrictive.

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