Chapter 148

If it were normal, Li Zhanshui’s talent body would recover while fighting. How could Li Zhan be afraid of consuming it.

But it was different here. Li Zhan didn’t have a chance to recover in this city full of poisonous prisoners, and there was not much spar left in his possession.

It was impossible to win against Qu Chaofeng.

Qu Chaofeng also took the advantage of own to the apex, that is, fighting for consumption, even if he didn’t fight Li Zhan in the end.

He could beat Li Zhan by relying on his body alone. If unfortunately, he and Li Zhan were both blocked by the poison, the speed at which he cleaned the poison would definitely be faster than that of Li Zhan.

As long as Li Zhan doesn’t want to die in it, he must go out, and of course he has to take himself out.

Naturally, Xing Yi was not qualified to participate in the battle between the two sides, and Xing Yi did not understand the situation of the battle between the two sides.

In Xing Yi’s eyes, the two sides are evenly matched, and no one can help the other.

However, as the Spirit Power of Li Zhan and Qu Chaofeng became less and less, and the altitude of the flight became lower and lower, Xing Yi suddenly discovered that one of the two above was actually an own coach.

Li Zhan!

“Why is the coach here? Who is the man who is playing against him?”

Xing Yi hasn’t seen Li Zhan for too long. When Li Zhan brought himself here, he disappeared without saying a word.

I was so dizzy and turned around for a few months, and now suddenly seeing Li Zhan again, Xing Yi seemed to see hope.

The coach can bring himself in, and there must be a way to bring himself out.

In fact, the original Li Zhan brought in Xing Yi, just to let Xing Yi come in and fight a wave, and exercise Xing Yi’s killing intent.

Most of the prisoners here are death row prisoners, even if Xing Yi does not take the initiative to look for things, things will come to Xing Yi.

Li Zhan’s original idea was to use these death row prisoners to sharpen Xing Yi, and the effect is indeed the same.

The first person Xing Yi met almost killed Xing Yi directly, and Li Zhan was also watching.

Thinking that Xing Yi will definitely fight these death row prisoners for food and survival supplies by then, he can also take this opportunity to exercise Xing Yi.

But what Li Zhan didn’t expect was that Xing Yi walked directly inside. What was going on inside? Not only was there no food, but the dirt of a Martial Emperor Realm was sealed.

Whether Xing Yi can survive is a question. Li Zhan originally thought that Xing Yi would look back, but Xing Yi just walked forward as if he didn’t care about the food at all.

When Li Zhan rushed away, it was too late. Xing Yi had already touched the dirt. Before Li Zhan could take Xing Yi away, he was driven away by the dirt.

When he found Li Zhan, Xing Yi subconsciously wanted to run out and shout for Li Zhan, fearing that Li Zhan would leave by himself later, and he would give himself here, and that would be the end.

But as soon as he thought about Li Zhan’s current situation, Xing Yi stopped this idea, in case he went out by himself, and Li Zhan was distracted.

If the opponent catches the flaw, the problem will be big, and now Xing Yi can only give his hope to time.

“Okay, you can’t fight me, let me go, you should have a lot of poison on your body now!” Qu Chaofeng suddenly stopped attacking and said to Li Zhan.

“Dream! You’re still far away from me if you want to beat me.” Li Zhan dismissed it.

Even if own talent has great limitations here, Qu Chaofeng is the same, everyone is the same, especially in the skill match, Li Zhan usually controls Spirit Power much better than Qu Chaofeng.

At this time, Li Zhan has more Spirit Power reserves than Qu Chaofeng.

“That’s not necessarily!” Qu Chaofeng smiled suddenly, and immediately Mental Energy dragged a Practitioner over.

The poison in the prison city is getting thicker and thicker, and the life space of the prisoners originally held here is naturally getting smaller and smaller.

In the end, there is only a place around the wall that can be used as a place for them to survive.

Because the walls are covered with formation energy, the poison can’t be approached. Of course, Spirit Power can’t approach, which means that they are committing suicide.

The scope of activities is limited, so there is less food available, and people are extremely wicked people, and the indispensable thing is to fight and eat human flesh.

Of course, the most important thing is that people will have Martial Spirit stay behind after death. That is the best way to replenish their Spirit Power.

“What do you want to do?” The Practitioner who was dragged over was frightened and at a loss. Qu Chaofeng and the others knew it. They were so powerful that it would be no good to drag themselves over now.

A fourth-order Practitioner is no different from a doll in Qu Chaofeng’s hands.

“Haha!” Qu Chaofeng smiled, and reached out his hand in the air, the Practitioner who was immediately dragged over, the Spirit Power all over his body was gradually being absorbed by Qu Chaofeng.

“Spiritual absorption! You are a person of Huantianjiao!” Li Zhan’s expression changed drastically.

Spirit Absorption is a kind of Cultivation Technique that specializes in absorbing Practitioner Spirit Power, which is weaker than oneself.

There is no level of spiritual absorption, which is completely different from the general Cultivation Technique. The general Cultivation Technique uses the Cultivation Technique to clear the cyclone, and then uses the cyclone to absorb the surrounding Spirit Power to strengthen itself.

And what about spiritual absorption?

Spirit absorption is a secondary cultivation Cultivation Technique. There is no level of spiritual absorption. It can’t even count as a yellow-level Cultivation Technique. Naturally, a cyclone can’t get through it, let alone absorb the surrounding Spirit Power.

But the most perverted aspect of Spirit Absorption is that he can absorb Practitioner’s Spirit Power that is lower than his own and turn it into his own use.

Up to now, it can even absorb the lifespan of others to strengthen oneself. In short, this kind of Cultivation Technique has no ranks, no ranks, and its only function is to entrap other people and strengthen one’s own evil Cultivation Technique.

Sure enough, as the Spirit Power in that person’s body was absorbed cleanly, that person’s life span was almost visibly reduced.

Li Zhan didn’t have time to rest, so he hurriedly interrupted this guy. Li Zhan wasn’t trying to save the death row.

Those detained in the prison city, it is no shame that they died, and Li Zhan could not save them. It would be better if he died.

But now it’s different. If Li Zhan doesn’t save now, I guess he might really be involved in it.

However, Qu Chaofeng wouldn’t just give up so easily. Mental Energy dragged a Practitioner while playing against Li Zhan.

Really achieved the situation of recovering while fighting in the prison city.

In this way, Qu Chaofeng’s Spirit Power is constantly being added, and Li Zhan’s Spirit Power is declining visible to the naked eye. If this continues, Li Zhan probably has to explain it.

The person dragged by the dirt will change into one in a while. After the person’s Spirit Power is exhausted, it will start to consume life. The Martial Spirit that finally falls is also collected by Qu Chaofeng.

“Huh?” Qu Chaofeng suddenly saw a person hiding behind the stone. Although it was a little far away, Qu Chaofeng still felt it.

Immediately stretched out his hand to pull Xing Yi over.

It’s Xing Yi.

Li Zhan followed Qu Chaofeng’s eyes, and Mental Energy quietly arrived.

Xing Yi!

It turned out to be Xing Yi!

Xing Yi is not dead, but he is still alive.

“Run! Run inside!” Li Zhan yelled immediately. The purpose of coming in was Xing Yi, and it was okay to be here.

If Xing Yi were to be added, then things would be too bad.

Xing Yi ran away without saying a word, although he didn’t know why…

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