Chapter 152 Xiantian Elemental Spirit

What Li Zhan thought was that it was over. Xing Yi actually spoke out insulting dirt. If dirt goes crazy, both of them will have to stay here for the rest of their lives.

And what Tu Gu thought was that this kid actually met Xing Yi, isn’t it the end? Xing Yi’s talent is his own nemesis!

“Hurry up and apologize to the Tuhuang!” Li Zhan said to Xing Yi with a serious face.

He turned his head and said to Tumu again: “Don’t be angry, Lord Tuwang, he is a junior, and you don’t know how good you are. Your adults don’t remember the villain and let him go.”

Tu Gu was embarrassed and let him go. He thought, but would he have that chance.

The own seal is controlled by Xing Yi, and now the only housekeeping skill is still being killed by Xing Yi’s talent. It is better to let Xing Yi let him go instead of letting Xing Yi go.

“Apologize to him?” Xing Yi pointed his finger at the dirt. Is the dirt himself unfamiliar? That’s how he usually calls it. He looks like a husky, so he can’t call it by himself.

What Xing Yi didn’t understand was why Li Zhan was so afraid of this husky, even if he was strong before, but now he has been sealed.

The dirt now can’t even be beaten by himself, let alone Li Zhan. It is estimated that Li Zhan can sling the current dirt with just one finger.

As for fear of retaliation by dirt in the future, it is even more impossible. The seal of dirt is so thorough that it is impossible to untie it by itself.

But when he thinks of the talent of dirt and the coach is a Practitioner, Xing Yi understands the reason, Tianke!

But there is no need to be so exaggerated. In any case, the coach is a Grand Great Master. The strength is terrifying. It should be difficult for the poison to invade the coach’s body!

“Hurry up and apologize!” Li Zhan roared.

The dirt next to him was taken aback. What a joke made Xing Yi apologize to himself, so that he can untie the seal in the future.

Di Di quickly stopped Li Zhan from opening his mouth and said with a smile: “No need, I like the name Husky very much.”

That is, Li Zhan didn’t know Xing Yi’s talent, and Li Zhan just guessed Xing Yi’s talent. If Li Zhan wanted to know Xing Yi’s talent, he would probably understand the situation instantly.

After all, Li Zhan had seen the power of the Practitioner body.

Although I don’t know why the dirt is so kind, Li Zhan is still relieved to chase Xing Yi.

“Huh! Is that elemental spirit?” Xing Yi came to Li Zhan’s side, and suddenly saw a piece of earth-colored elemental spirit floating behind him.

“Well, that was the Lord Tuhuang’s, and the Tuhuang himself made the shot.” Li Zhan nodded and said.

An elemental spirit, although Li Zhan himself was greedy, but he could not kill Qu Chaofeng without dirt, and even if he killed Qu Chaofeng by himself.

Soil dirt was standing next to him, and it was estimated that he would still give it to him. After all, the emperor was watching it, and the meaning was obvious.

That’s what he wants too.

Xing Yi looked down at the corpse underground. This person should be the one who fought against the coach, and the elemental spirit should have been born from him.

As for why this person died, Xing Yi didn’t think about Eight Trigrams.

But just now the coach actually said that elemental spirits are dirt, that is to say, people are killed by dirt, or that the dirt also contributes to their efforts.

It is really hard for Xing Yi to imagine how this weak dirt can contribute. The dirt may come from an ordinary husky, and the dirt may not be able to beat it.

Lord Tuhuang!

Suddenly Xing Yi grasped the term that the coach had just kept, Tu Huang, which meant that this Husky was the strength of the Martial Emperor before it was sealed.

No wonder Li Zhan is so in awe and fear of Tumu. Xing Yi has never seen the highlight moment of Tumu, and he has never even heard of it.

But Li Zhan couldn’t understand the dirt. After all, the place where Blue Star connects with another world is full of dirt, which is where dirt usually lives.

I remember that when the wasteland was opened up, dirt suddenly appeared, just a loud roar, and almost all the Practitioners present changed from the Qi Practitioner to the Body Practitioner.

“Send you off!” The dirt said directly and generously to Xing Yi.

“Send me?” Xing Yi even suspected that he had heard it wrong. After spending so long with dirt, Xing Yi has almost understood what kind of person it is.

Stingy, stingy, fearful of pain, and irritability are the labels of dirt.

If the dirt did not want to kill its own life through the gold elemental spirit, it is estimated that the dirt will not even eat grass.

Now the dirt actually wants to give itself elemental spirits again. Elemental spirits are not Chinese cabbage, each one is extremely precious.

“Yes, I gave you it!” Tu Shi turned his head and said without even looking at Xing Yi.

The dirt is also heartache!

Earth-attribute elemental spirit, why did he want to kill Qu Chaofeng with all his heart? Isn’t it because he has a talent for earth-attribute.

But after success, the dirt was afraid to take it again, because this elemental spirit was not Xiantian’s, which meant that he was not conceived by nature itself, but was taken from others.

It’s not that dirt has a tendency to clean, but that dirt is afraid of being chopped off by the White Emperor in the future.

There are only three ways to obtain non-Xiantian elemental spirits. One is inheritance, which is what the Practitioner voluntarily leaves before the lamp runs out.

But this kind of situation is very rare, anyway, soil dirt has not been encountered.

The second is to obtain directly from others through the evil arts of some religions, which is also the most used one in another world’s competition for talent.

The third is to slaughter the talented Blue Stars, which is also the easiest and most convenient way.

Almost all the elemental spirits circulating in the market are those obtained through the third method.

The White Emperor once said in a showdown that if he encounters the elemental spirit obtained in the third way, he will die as long as he encounters it.

Moreover, the unique aura of the Blue Stars will survive even the elemental spirits after death, so the White Emperor can almost perfectly screen those who have hunted and killed the Blue Stars.

And the elemental spirits accumulated in the dirt world are all Xiantian wild, that is, the most effective elemental spirits.

If you get the elemental spirits from someone else, it is impossible for the dirt to survive so many years to survive so little.

This is not the main reason. The talent of the soil attribute is not necessary for soil dirt. As long as he doesn’t use it, he won’t be able to see it even if he meets the White Emperor.

Just put the elemental spirit into the own world, but the problem is here. Now that you are being sealed, you have the strength to open the own world and put the elemental spirit into it.

Anyway, the elemental spirit himself couldn’t stay, so it was just right to give it to Xing Yi, to save his personal affection.

Li Zhan was full of envy on the side, this is an elemental spirit, even if he is a little moved, even if it is not Xiantian, he can save a lot of money when he sells it.

But since the elemental soil dirt was given to Xing Yi, Li Zhan had no opinion, and was even mostly happy. After all, Xing Yi was also a student of own.

Xing Yi became stronger, and Li Zhan was also happy.

“Don’t use your hands!” Seeing that Xing Yi actually touched the elemental spirit with his hands, Li Zhan immediately yelled, his soul was almost scared out.

Xing Yi already had the talent of the earth attribute in his body, and it would be too wasteful to integrate this earth attribute body.

The most important thing is that this elemental spirit is not Xiantian’s!

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