Chapter 153

The talents of elemental spirits can be used again if the user already has them.

But the control of talents will not improve. The control of talents originally depends on their own strength. Even if the same elemental spirit is used more, it will increase your strength at most.

The elemental spirit still possesses the effects of the Martial Spirit. If the elemental spirit of the earth element is used by Xing Yi again, it will not increase Xing Yi’s control over the attributes of the earth.

But at least it can give Xing Yi a little more strength.

But Qu Chaofeng is a Qi Practitioner, even if Qu Chaofeng is a Grand Great Master Realm Practitioner, there will be no less Spirit Power in the elemental spirit, but even if Xing Yi uses the elemental spirit, Xing Yi can’t increase his strength. .

Although Xing Yi’s qi and blood can also absorb Spirit Power, but Grand Great Master Realm’s Spirit Power, how much Xing Yi’s qi and blood can absorb.

Xing Yi, who had no cyclone, could only watch the Spirit Power dissipate in his body in the end.

Just because Xing Yi was a Practitioner, this elemental spirit was used by Xing Yi, and that was the biggest waste.

Also, the elemental spirits were dropped from Qu Chaofeng, not Xiantian’s wild elemental spirits. Such elemental spirits bear the mark of the previous person.

If you want to use it, you must clear the mark left by the last term, otherwise it is very likely that the object will be the main one, and the body will be controlled by the elemental spirit.

At that time, the talent not only did not add to his own strength, but instead became an obstacle to his own strength Ascension.

If Xing Yi didn’t have the talent for soil attributes, it would not be so difficult to eliminate the imprint left by the elemental spirit. It would be no problem to spend more time to eliminate it while cultivating.

But Xing Yi is different. He already has the earth attribute talent. Once he uses the elemental spirit left by Qu Chaofeng, the two talents will immediately fight until the other party disappears completely.

Therefore, if Xing Yi uses the elemental spirits dropped by Qu Chaofeng, not only will his strength not increase much, there will be riots with his earth attribute talent.

Xing Yi’s use of such elemental spirits is simply harmful to no benefit.

The disadvantages far outweigh the advantages.

But Xing Yi had already touched the elemental spirit.

The elemental spirit disappeared instantly.

Xing Yi took it into the system space and went.

“Fused!” Li Zhan was stunned.

Elemental spirit, that is, even if it is not Xiantian’s elemental spirit, he is also invaluable, not to mention Xing Yi already has a talent for earth attributes.

Xing Yi only has much strength, Qu Chaofeng is the pinnacle of the seventh-order Practitioner, and the imprint left behind does not know how strong it is.

The riot was not terrible, but what was terrible was that it was not Xing Yi’s talent that remained in the end, that would be terrifying.

The earth attribute talent is physical to the Practitioner, that is, qi and blood, if in the end Xing Yi’s body is not the earth attribute talent he owns.

The result is that two types of qi and blood will appear in Xing Yi’s body in the future.

It is not bad at all, and what is even more terrifying is that it will grow, which means that Xing Yi has to spend “money” to raise a “white-eyed wolf”.

The kind that doesn’t work if you don’t support it.

“Don’t you know his talent?” Tu Gu looked at Li Zhan in surprise.

The body of the Practitioner, that’s it.

Even if Xing Yi really used the elemental spirit left by Qu Chaofeng, as long as it was unfavorable to Xing Yi’s body or development, the Practitioner body would automatically absorb it.

Don’t worry about the mark, let alone the mark of the Grand Great Master, as long as Xing Yi’s Practitioner body is given time, even if the mark of the Martial Emperor, Xing Yi will be able to eliminate it.

“What talent?” Li Zhan really didn’t know, he just had a bold guess about Xing Yi’s talent.

I only know that Xing Yi’s talents are likely to be many, but what does this have to do with Xing Yi’s use of another elemental spirit with the earth attribute.

“Okay.” Tumu didn’t say much. Since Xing Yi didn’t choose to tell Li Zhan, he would definitely not expose Xing Yi’s talent to him.

After putting the elemental spirit into the system space, Xing Yi lay directly on the ground decisively, originally he was here to see the situation, his own injury was not healed.

It was a miracle to be able to come over. If he hadn’t been able to help Xing Yi recover continuously if he had a body of Practitioner, according to Xing Yi’s tossing method, it is estimated that even if he did not die, he would have to be disabled for life.

Soil dirt didn’t speak much, but Li Zhan saw Xing Yi lying directly on the ground, thinking that the talent in Xing Yi’s body was rioting.

He hurriedly approached Xing Yi and stretched out his hand, almost not scaring Li Zhan to death.

“So much poison! How can this f*ck get out?”

Xing Yi’s body is full of poison, too much!

It was as if someone had grown up on Dudu, but when he turned his head to look at the dirt, Li Zhan probably knew the reason.

It is very likely that Xing Yi has been staying with dirt in the past few days. If this is the case, it is not surprising that Xing Yi has so many dirt in his body.

Li Zhan’s head is big, so much poison, even when he is at his peak, it will take at least a month to clean Xing Yi non-stop all day long.

But the key is that I am not at the peak now, and I can’t hold on for three months here.

“Go out, what do you mean?” Mu Shi suddenly said from the side.

Li Zhan was silent for a while and said: “The purpose of my coming in is to take Xing Yi out, and the big formation outside has already been opened. It is a big formation set up by multiple emperors.”

Li Zhan didn’t say it clearly, but the meaning is almost the same.

Who can let multiple emperors set up a big formation together, no one can do it except dirt.

Close to own big formation, Xing Yi can’t get out, which means that as long as there is poison in the body, there is no way to leave this ghost place.

“That group of old things really cares about me.” The dirt laughed at himself.

“Okay, get up, stay away, and leave it to me here.” The dirt waved his hand, and the dirt around him instantly disappeared without a trace.

“But Xing Yi!” Li Zhan was a little worried about Xing Yi’s situation. Xing Yi’s injuries were scary enough, and there was a talented riot in his body.

“I’ll help him solve it, get out.” The dirt said impatiently.

Li Zhan hurriedly stepped aside, and at the same time unloaded the own Mental Energy shield to restore it.

The pressure of staying with the dirt is too great, the poison is everywhere, and the density is terribly scary.

Fortunately, the dirt was cleaned up by the dirt, and Li Zhan had time to rest.

Although I don’t know why Duji wanted to help Xing Yi, in Li Zhan’s opinion, if Duji was really disadvantageous to Xing Yi, he didn’t need to adjust himself.

Just do it directly.

Up to now, Li Zhan still believes that Tumu’s strength has not been completely sealed, at least it is enough to deal with himself.

“Hey! Boy, don’t pretend to be dead, but I can see that you have “pocketed” the elemental outfit.” The dirt walked under Xing Yi and said.

Li Zhan didn’t see it clearly or said he didn’t understand it, but he saw the dirt clearly, and Xing Yi didn’t use elemental spirits at all.

“Yeah.” Xing Yi didn’t move, and he hummed softly to indicate that he would listen again.

“How about making a deal?” Di Mu said.

“you say.”

“I will let you out now, and you will find a way to let me out in the future.”

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