Chapter 159: A Weakened Version of Spiritual Rotation

“How do you get out?” Di Mu asked curiously.

Although Li Zhan Mental Energy is recovering well, Li Zhan’s Spirit Power is almost exhausted. Is there any way to replenish it.

It is not easy to take Xing Yi out from such a high place.

“Rely on it.” Li Zhan took out two rings and a white crystal ball from the Interspatial Ring.

Tumu’s eyes became hot immediately when he saw the ring, but then it became cold again, because he knew that even if he got the ring in Li Zhan’s hands, he couldn’t go out.

And Xing Yi’s focus was indeed on Li Zhan’s space. Li Zhan took out the food for Xing Yi in the past two days.

But they are all cold, which is completely different from the own system space. If the food in the own system space is hot, it will also be hot when it is taken out.

There will be no loss at all, Li Zhan’s space is different, and Li Zhan’s own things seem to be the same for a long time.

It’s similar to another situation in your own system space, that is, the kind that puts a mobile phone into it and still has a signal. When the food is put into it, it will consume calories, and even the food will deteriorate.

Xing Yi really wanted to ask about Li Zhan Space, but he couldn’t resist thinking about it.

The matter of owning the system space has never been exposed. Having lived with the dirt for so long, Li Zhan has always been the same in front of the dirt.

Eat grass roots, eat hay, and occasionally break up the food in the space and deliver it directly to your mouth when you are away from dirt.

This dirt still doubts Xing Yi from time to time.

“At the moment the crystal ball breaks, the outside large array will take the person carrying the empty ring away, but the premise is that the person carrying the body can’t have the poison.

If there is scum on your clothes, you may be naked when you go out. If you have scum in your body, the end may be a bit bloody. “Li Zhan put an empty ring on Xing Yi’s finger and said.

“Bloody, what do you mean?” Xing Yi asked curiously.

“The meaning is that the Dazhen will forcibly detain and strip the poison, and it is very likely that the poison will stay here with the flesh and blood of people.

If there is poison on your hands, then you may lose your hands when you go out. If the heart or something inside your body is infected with poison, it may be a corpse or an incomplete corpse. “Li Zhan explained.

“Fuck!” Xing Yi couldn’t help but let out a foul language.

In his own situation, it is estimated that he can be taken out by the big formation only a little bit of flesh and blood, after all, his whole body is full of dirt and poison.

No wonder the coach is so anxious and panic trying to help himself get rid of the poison from his body.

What is ridiculous is that in order to recover and control the origin of the poison, he has been creating poison.

What is even more terrifying is the own talent, Poisonous Body, and the same talent as Soil Dirt, but it is not as high as his talent level.

He couldn’t get out, how could he get out.

Li Zhan was still looking at Dushi with anxiety. Since Dushi said to help Xing Yi out, he wouldn’t help if he wanted to. It’s just that why Duji would help himself to take Xing Yi out for no reason. Li Zhan couldn’t understand. .

It stands to reason that Tu Gu was sealed here, and he should hate the person who sealed him here, even if he and the Dragon Emperor are just the same race in the eyes of Tu Gu.

But after being detained for so long, how could he not resent or be irritable in his heart, and seeing another person staying here shouldn’t be a matter of trying to keep him.

How could it be possible to help Xing Yi out with a kindness.

There must be some special secret in this that I don’t know.

It can be seen from Tuji’s attitude towards Xing Yi that Tuji always looks polite to Xing Yi, as if he is particularly afraid of Xing Yi’s anger.

Whose dirt is, even if he is sealed, he is still a spirit beast Martial Emperor, and Xing Yi is no more than a breakthrough Practitioner.

What qualifications does Xing Yi have to treat dirt like this?

Even if Xing Yi is talented, but whether he can become a Martial Emperor, it’s not worth it or worthy to be so polite.

Unless Xing Yi can help the dirt, or can help the dirt get out of here or unlock the seal.

But think about it carefully, how could Xing Yi have such an ability, the seal was under the Dragon Emperor, and the big formation was set by many Martial Emperors together. No matter how talented Xing Yi is, no matter how fast he grows, he wants to save the dirt. It is also impossible.

“I’ll help him!” The dirt in Xing Yi’s body was pulled away with a wave of dirt.

Xing Yi also tried to use his own body of poison to block this trend, but it didn’t work at all.

Gu Du quickly left Xing Yi’s body.

But for a while, the poison in Xing Yi’s body was completely consumed.

There was no more poison in the body, and even the poison in his body was completely discharged by the dirt.

“Hey, that kid, I want to say a few words to this kid alone, you go over there.” He said that the dirt reached out his hand to control the dirt and flew directly towards Li Zhan.

There was no room for Li Zhan to speak or refute at all. He stretched out his hand and directly forced Li Zhan to the place designated by the dirt.

Seeing Li Zhan go far away, Xing Yi immediately said angrily: “The body of poisonous poison, you did it on purpose!”

Locking the city, the SLR can’t go out with a bit of poison, how can it be possible to go out with the body of poison now.

After hearing Li Zhan’s explanation of the effects and consequences of the empty ring, Xing Yi’s heart was almost cold. He has a body of poison, but his body is covered with poison, even if the poison is gone, he has become a special thing now. A filthy poison.

“Don’t worry, even if you don’t want to go out, I still want to go out!” Tumu explained: “The source of the poisonous poison I gave you is only part of my talent. He is not a real poisonous body at all.”

“So?” Xing Yi said loudly, even if it wasn’t a complete body of poison, what about, he still couldn’t get out, so he was really miserable by this husky.

“The origin that I gave you is not poisonous, at best it is a talent for transformation, that is, to transform Spirit Power into poison, and at most you can control the poison.” Soil dirt gave it again. Xing Yi explained it carefully.

“You mean, my Poisonous Body will not be intercepted by the Great Array?” Xing Yi confirmed again.

“Soul Poison Body!” Tumu smiled and said, “It’s not considered as Sull Poison Body, it can be said to be a weakened version of Spirit Rotation!”

“What kind of talent is the spirit turning?” Xing Yi asked curiously.

The body of own dirty poison has been able to completely control the dirty poison, but it can only be regarded as a weakened version of the spirit turn.

What kind of talent is that spirit turning, and how strong it will be.

“Spirit turning is also a talent that only came out recently, that is, it can transform all the attributes of time, Spirit Power and energy!” Tu Gu shook his head and smiled.

“So strong, how terrible it is to have such a talent.” Xing Yi thought for a while, anyway, it’s okay to hang himself.

The spirit rotation seems to be extremely overbearing, and just converting the five spirit poisons can make people scared, not to mention the countless attribute changes.

I think that young man must have grown up, I think I helped him understand the origin of the poison at the beginning, and I can be regarded as having Karma.

Moreover, the talent of the spirit turning itself is probably more unwelcome than their spirit beasts. The five spirit beasts have only mastered a kind of spiritual poison, and that kid has indeed mastered all the spiritual poisons in the world.

He would definitely clash with the world where the Dragon Emperor was located, and maybe he could really do the Dragon Emperor and rescue him by the way.

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