Chapter 160 The Dragon King Appears

Later, Tu Gu went on to explain to Xing Yi the function and effect of Xing Yi’s incomplete version of Du Du’s body.

The most important thing is to make Xing Yi feel at ease, Xing Yi will definitely not be intercepted by the big array.

In the end, Xing Yi could only give it a go, even if the dirt was cheating own, after he had the body of dirt, he would definitely be intercepted by the big formation.

If he fails, he will be stopped at most, because Xing Yi himself is already considered as filthy poison. Xing Yi still knows this, and empty ring is most likely to fail directly.

And Xing Yi can’t ask Li Zhan about this kind of thing, because although the body of own dirty poison is not as heaven-defying as dirt, he can only control the dirty poison through the transformation of his Spirit Power, and he can only control his surroundings. The dirt poison.

But dirty poison is dirty poison, how could Blue Star never allow such a talent to exist.

If I really talked to Li Zhan, I guess the biggest possibility is that Li Zhan gave up on himself and sealed himself with dirt.

What kind of person Li Zhan is? For the sake of Shenzhou, he can even give his life out. It has been fully verified a few days ago. Li Zhan is desperate and will not let go.

And Qu Chaofeng was just a member of the Heavenly Fantasy Sect, and the body of Dirty Poison was far more terrifying than a Heavenly Fantasy Sect.

Tu Gu’s gift to himself is equivalent to tying himself and him on the same front. If his talent is exposed, it will definitely end up worse than Tu Gu.

Soil dirt is the real body of dirt poison. As long as the dirt poison still exists, the dirt will never die. Even if the dirt here is cleaned up and then the dirt is dealt with, there will only be one consequence.

That is, dirt is reborn in other places, and there are too many places of dirt and poison in this world.

But the source of the poisonous poison will not die out, and eventually the dirt will return here.

Therefore, the dirt can be regarded as a handle that pinched Xing Yi.

As long as the dirt is released, Xing Yi has the body of own dirt, and even if Xing Yi is believed to be again, he will be personally inspected by the Martial Emperor.

By then, Xing Yi’s fate can be imagined.

Unless Xing Yi’s strength has become a Realm, or Xing Yi can hide his talent, otherwise this handle is destined to be grasped by dirt.

At that time, Xing Yi thought that he was also afraid for a while, and what the dirt did was not at all the IQ that his appearance husky should have.

Too much scheming!

So Xing Yi can only give it a go.

If you go out, you will really go out. If you can’t go out, you may really have to be sealed here all the time.

The dirt talent is so terrifying, and the infinite expansion of strength is not the same as being pressed here to death.

“Okay, come here!” Tumu shouted at Li Zhan.

After Li Zhan came back, he didn’t say much, just glanced at Xing Yi with a little profound meaning.

Suddenly a voice rang in Xing Yi’s mind.

It was a warning from Li Zhan: “No matter what the dirt says to you and what benefits you have allowed, this dog is far more terrifying than you think. Don’t be fooled by his appearance.”

Xing Yi smiled bitterly.

The coach’s warning came too late, and he was already on the thief ship, so he could only find a way to disembark in the future.

Xing Yi looked at this husky with a silly appearance, but he was really scheming to do things.

Then Li Zhan carefully checked the poison residue on Xing Yi’s body and confirmed that it was correct.

Decisively crushed the crystal ball in his hand, and the empty ring in Xing Yi’s hand immediately included Xing Yi’s body.

The white opalescence, like a giant balloon, covered Xing Yi in the blink of an eye.

The same was true for Li Zhan. At the same time that the outside formation was loosened, two beams of light directly attacked the two of them.

Li Zhan disappeared in the same place in an instant, but Xing Yi still stopped in the same place.

Seeing this, Di Shi’s heart froze, feeling that his own plan was about to end.

There is indeed no poison left in the talent that soil dirt has given to Xing Yi, and Xing Yi will not be disturbed at all.

And worrying about dirt is indeed another thing.

A thing that truly possesses all the origins of its own filthy poison.

Immediately, Xing Yi also disappeared in place, and the dirt rose from the ground excitedly, jumped up directly, and was free.

Never stay in this place where birds don’t shit anymore.

Of course, dirt is not stupid, just waiting for Xing Yi to save himself.

Even if he holds Xing Yi’s handle, Xing Yi will really come to save himself.

But can Xing Yi really grow up? The dirt can’t guarantee that even if Xing Yi’s talent is strong, there are too many factors to really grow up.

Even if Xing Yi can grow up, how long will he have to wait until Xing Yi comes to save himself.

a thousand years?

Of course the dirt has a back hand, and the back hand is Xing Yi’s artifact zero.

Oneself was sealed in Divine Tool Zero by the Dragon Emperor, so naturally own origin will also be in Divine Tool.

The artifact recognizes the master Xing Yi, and of course Xing Yi will go out with the artifact.

So as long as the body of own dies, he will be reborn immediately, and the place of rebirth is naturally the place where the artifact is located, which is beside Xing Yi.

Whether the artifact can take the origin of its own dirt and poison, dirt can’t guarantee it.

After all, the artifact is strong and strong, and the artifact is a world of its own, but it is still a problem whether the formation set by so many Martial Emperors can be detected.

But now it seems that I have succeeded. The formation of that group of idiots Martial Emperor is not an opponent of the Dragon Emperor artifact.

Worthy of being an artifact maintained by the Dragon Emperor himself, the effect is good.

It’s just that I have to endure the pain of being sealed by Divine Tool Zero.

But at least he is free, better than staying here, and in any case, Xing Yi is also considered a person with a body of poisonous body, and a person on the united front with him.

Xing Yi didn’t dare to take what he did to him.

It’s just that you can’t release the poison at will after you go out, it’s a bit uncomfortable, after all, that is the source of your own happiness.

The dirt still knows about being locked up there, Blue Star Shenzhou Dadi.

It was the hometown of the Dragon Emperor, the Dragon Emperor didn’t mention it, it would be the most terrifying if you met the White Emperor.

So after speaking out, the dirt must dare not release the poison.

Although it releases the evil poison and turns the world into a world full of evil poison, in which kind of world, he is the real emperor.

Moreover, when he releases filthy poison, his own strength will not be weakened, but will continue to increase.

The more poisonous dirt in this world, the stronger the power of dirt, so there is nothing that dirt likes most than “changing the world”.

And Xing Yi disappeared and did not directly come to the outside world, but stagnated in the air, Xing Yi floating in the milky white bubbles.

“What the hell, I was stopped!” It was not stopped by the Suocheng Array.

But another kind of power.

Xing Yi had a kind and familiar feeling for this kind of power.

Suddenly a beam of light rushed out of his body.

When the next Dijiu was proud, Divine Tool Zero turned into a collar and put it around Diji’s neck.

The dirt’s laughter stopped abruptly.

There was a sound, how familiar and hating the dirt was.

“Silly dog, what are you thinking about!”

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