Chapter 177

“Come and I teach you, relax.” Zhang Fu instantly mobilized own Mental Energy to reach out to Xing Yi and Wang Kai directly.

If you want to learn, you must use Mental Energy to engrave the Cultivation Technique in the learner’s mind.

The pain in this is not something ordinary people can tolerate. Once people can’t stand it, even if the Great Master teaches you step by step, you won’t be able to learn the Earth-level Cultivation Technique.

Even if he persisted, he just engraved the Cultivation Technique. If you want to learn it, you still need to work hard.

The same is true of learning.

Zhang Fu didn’t think that Xing Yi and Wang Kai could learn to transfer spiritual skills within a week. Although it was a prefecture-level Cultivation Technique, it was only a beginner’s guide.

If you really count it, the difficulty of the Cultivation Technique of Spirit Absorption is probably not much worse than that of the legendary God-level Cultivation Technique.

It is impossible to learn in a week.

I have obtained Cultivation Technique for more than a month, and I haven’t learned it now.

The strength of his peak Grand Great Master, what is the strength of these two talents, Xing Yi, a first-order Practitioner.

Want to fart.

Seeing the two people’s faces unchanged, Zhang Fu nodded in his heart, as expected to be the two most prominent people in his Body Tempering class.

The pain of spiritual engraving can be endured.

But what can I do if I endure it.

Within an hour, both Xing Yi and Wang Kai slowly opened their eyes.

The first thing you open your eyes is digestion.

The spiritual transformation has been completely engraved in the minds of two people, and the specific effects of the spiritual transformation have been known to the two people.

Spiritual transformation is indeed abnormal. As long as you learn the first level, you no longer have to worry about the troubles of your body’s qi and blood.

Ordinary Qi Practitioner, the most worrying thing, except for spiritual poison, is probably Qi and blood.

The qi and blood produced by oneself will constantly devour own Spirit Power. If it is not handled properly, it will cause a two-way development situation.

But in the end, I can only turn into a body Practitioner by asking for everything. It is undoubtedly a nightmare for the Qi Practitioner who does not want to become a body Practitioner.

But the first layer of Zhuan Linggong can solve this problem perfectly.

A one-way channel can solve this problem.

As for the second layer is a two-way channel, the third layer is directly turned several times, five common attribute channels.

But the conversion of the third layer is more troublesome, and a most basic energy foundation must be fixed, and conversion can only be carried out through this most primitive energy.

For example, after the third layer, the blood is set, and the five attributes can be converted at will, but you want the Spirit Power of the water attribute to be converted into the Spirit Power of the fire attribute.

It needs to be transformed into qi and blood before going.

If you want to convert at will, you must reach the fourth level, and the fifth level is the real thousands of attributes, which can be converted at will.

Xing Yi just fluttered his eyes, and after getting a general idea, he didn’t pay much attention to it.

Spirit Power conversion, I don’t need it at all, I am a Qi Practitioner, and it’s a big deal when I don’t need Qi and blood.

And Wang Kai watched Zhuan Linggong over and over again. Now Wang Kai is 100% sure. This Zhuan Linggong is a weakened version of Ling Zhuan. It is said that Martial Skill is more like a secondary Cultivation Technique.

The learning of Zhuan Gong is actually just opening up a few channels in the body.

At the end of the training, it was about a lot compared to Ling Zhuan.

But that’s only the case, Ling Zhuan Jue is not only the own transformation in the body, as long as Wang Kai is willing, Wang Kai can even control the transformation of all things.

A planet full of Spirit Power, as long as Wang Kai is strong enough, Wang Kai can completely transform this planet.

For example, a planet full of blood.

It’s not just the own attribute Spirit Power that is transferred, but it is that Wang Kai’s strength is not good.

If Wang Kai really grows up and the Poison King advances to the Poison King, he will truly be regarded as destroying every move.

“You have to remember that you only have one week, so you don’t have to go if you can practice.” Zhang Fu felt that it was necessary to explain clearly to these two people first.

The remaining two people don’t take the same thing, even if they can’t practice, it’s good to learn Martial Skill more.

“Oh, I see.” Xing Yi nodded and said: “But coach, you should teach me transformation art first. I think that is better.”

“You’d better practice transforming spiritual skills first, it’s far more difficult than you think. Whether you can go or not is not certain!” Zhang Fuqi laughed.

Although knowing that Xing Yi has a good talent, forbidden techniques like Ran Jue Five Seals can learn the third level.

But turning spiritual skills is not that simple Martial Skill, let alone Xing Yi only has one week.

“Just this rubbish Cultivation Technique still has to learn!” Wang Kai saw Zhang Fu’s tone of disdain, and immediately started mocking.

“Trash Martial Skill?” Zhang Fu even turned his head to look at Wang Kai, even suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

Spiritual transfer is a rubbish Martial Skill, so is there a Martial Skill that can be used in this world?

“Wang Kai, you…” I was about to educate Wang Kai.

I saw the Spirit Power in Wang Kai’s body burst out after a simple operation twice, and although it was weak, Zhang Fu still felt it.

But after a while, all Wang Kai’s vitality and blood was transformed into Spirit Power.

That’s all, Wang Kai opened up a channel in light of the memory in his mind, and he succeeded at one time.

There is no difficulty, for Wang Kai, who is turning spirit, it can’t be too simple.

Besides, Ling Zhuan Jue Wang Kai will do, let alone a low-level version of Ling Zhuan Gong.

Zhang Fu was stunned in place, with eyes full of disbelief. As soon as Cultivation Technique was handed over to Wang Kai, Wang Kai turned his head and learned it.

Is this joking with yourself?

Wang Kai’s talent is higher than Xing Yi?


After the reaction, Zhang Fu became anxious again: “Don’t don’t don’t, Wang Kai, don’t digest the Spirit Power transformed by qi and blood.”

Zhang Fu never thought that the two of them would be able to practice spiritual skills, and Zhang Fu didn’t mention the matters needing attention.

Qi and blood can be converted into Spirit Power, but the prerequisite for the conversion is to clear the cyclone first.

Otherwise, when the Spirit Power is exhausted, not only will the Spirit Power disappear, but the vitality and blood will disappear.

It is equivalent to re-cultivation and becoming a Practitioner.

“No, I’m okay with Cyclone, I can get through, you don’t have to worry.” Wang Kai waved his hand, the most expert in energy conversion, looking at Zhang Fu’s expression, he probably guessed what Zhang Fu wanted to say.

“What level of Cultivation Technique are you cultivating? Do you want me to teach you another one?” Hearing Wang Kai said that he had learned Cultivation Technique and passed the cyclone, although he was shocked, he was relieved.

“Grade level! Enough.” Wang Kai said lightly, falling in Zhang Fu’s ears, like a thunder, shaking Wang Kai unable to calm down for a long time.

Wang Kaiti The talent of the Practitioner is so strong, but at the same time, the cultivation skill is still the prefecture-level Cultivation Technique, Zhang Fu is really convinced.

A first-order little Practitioner, Zhang Fu has really taken it up to now. He has cultivated but is also an Earth-level Cultivation Technique, but he hasn’t learned Zhungong until now.

People are more popular than others!

“When will I go to the potential class?” Wang Kai walked out with his hands in his pockets, and suddenly turned around to ask.

“I will inform you in two days.” After hearing Zhang Fu’s words, Wang Kai strode out and walked out.

Zhang Fu watched Wang Kai leave, this kid has a boundless future!

“That coach, when will you teach me transformation art?” Although Xing Yi also shocked Wang Kai’s speed in learning transformation art, it was obvious that transformation art was more temptation for Xing Yi.

“Let’s talk about Zhuan Linggong first!” Zhang Fu said perfunctorily. Zhang Fu had no intention of teaching Xing Yi any more transformation art.

Now he must think about himself.

“Look, coach.” Xing Yi stretched out a hand full of Spirit Power.

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