Chapter 178: Familiar Wang Kai

With two hands, full of the power of Geng Jin, unlike Wang Kai, Wang Kai’s Spirit Power is only in his body, and Zhang Fu felt Wang Kai’s Spirit Power through Mental Energy.

Xing Yi’s Spirit Power directly covers the surface, and the golden Spirit Power is particularly dazzling.

Spirit Power performance that belongs exclusively to the metallic talent.

The first-order Practitioner relies on his metallic talents, Xing Yi can cover the Spirit Power on the surface of the body.

Zhang Fu was stunned and stuck in his mouth, not knowing what to say.

When did the pre-level Cultivation Technique be so good for cultivation?

How long has it taken to get the Martial Skill, and there is no opportunity to try cultivation at all.

However, the Spirit Power on Xing Yi really exists. Even if Zhang Fu doubts, but the facts are in front of him, Zhang Fu can’t help but question.

Zhang Fu Yika’s blood directly separated from the body, and instantly collided with Xing Yi’s skin.

The sound of “Boom!”, the sound of metal collision, is that Spirit Power is right.

“Stop, stop talking, I’ll teach you!” Zhang Fu clutched his chest, feeling heartache.

Seeing Xing Yi eagerly behave like own, Zhang Fu no longer wants to talk to this kid anymore.

Mom sells batches, and the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward waves.

“Transformation art, the mysterious Cultivation Technique is not so easy to learn…” A sentence stuck in Zhang Fu’s mouth, and he couldn’t catch the second half alive.

Profound level Cultivation Technique, it is not easy to learn.

TMD, a local-level Cultivation Technique, can do it in seconds. Zhang Fu really can’t figure out how Xing Yi might get stuck in transformation art.

“Wait here.” Zhang Fu controlled Mental Energy and wrote on a piece of paper bit by bit.

The mysterious level Cultivation Technique does not need to be engraved with Mental Energy, it only needs someone to guide you to learn it.

But wanting to come to Xing Yi’s talent, Zhang Fu just wrote the transformation art on paper and sent Xing Yi back.

After Xing Yi left, Zhang Fu instantly became quiet.

The situation he encountered today can be said to be the hardest hit in Zhang Fu’s life.

Even the former classmates and teammates are top powerhouses like Dragon Emperor and White Emperor.

But Zhang Fu has never been hit by a Martial Skill twice in a row like he is today.

The most important thing is that the cultivation of Xing Yi and Wang Kai is too fast, which is simply not in line with common sense.

Is it really that easy to get through a channel from blood to Spirit Power?

And there are also cyclones.

Suddenly Zhang Fu thought of Xing Yi as if he was able to break the cyclone by himself, right?

I was so confused, such an important thing was forgotten.

Mental Energy quickly went to check Xing Yi’s situation, but Zhang Fu immediately saw an unexpected scene.

As soon as Xing Yi left, Wang Kai immediately blocked him.

Dammit, although Yaxing was disturbed by Zhang Fu, they are all out now.

Xing Yi must be taught a lesson and let him know who has the bigger fist now.

Don’t just be stunned when it’s okay. Mom sells the critics, and the poisonous king of your own dignified past. When you come here, you have to bow your head if you don’t have any strength.

He is Xing Yi, not as strong as his own, and dare to pull it like this. When he sees himself, he doesn’t say hello, he has to kneel and kowtow!

That’s right, actually Wang Kai simply wanted to have a good meal with Xing Yi.

“Dammit, Xing Yi stop, who the hell told you to take your left foot first, do you want to die!” Xing Yi went out, and Wang Kai who had been waiting for a long time shouted immediately.

Xing Yi:? ? ?

“look for a job?”

“Fuck, you dare to speak so arrogantly, it seems you want to die.”

Wang Kai immediately mobilized the Spirit Power of his whole body, and he rushed towards Xing Yi with the talent of the upper soil attribute.

Compared with qi and blood, Wang Kai has more control over Spirit Power, especially the talented Spirit Power.

Earth Spirit Power is enough to sling Xing Yi by himself.

Wang Kai has this confidence.

Upon seeing this, Xing Yi also understood what Wang Kai wanted to do.

Just look for something.

However, I am not afraid of him now. Compared with Qi and blood, who has no talent for blessing, Qi Practitioner is stronger.

The golden Spirit Power immediately covered the whole body, and a layer of golden armor was instantly put on Xing Yi’s body.

The ability of the first-order Practitioner to play the second-order Practitioner is easy for Xing Yi, who has a talent for metal.

With a layer of golden armor, Wang Kai was shocked instantly.

You must know that even if Wang Kai didn’t show his full strength, Wang Kai still had more than 700 cards.

Such a punch didn’t do anything to Xing Yi, no wonder, when Jiang Yipao made a breakthrough in the Practitioner when he was on assignment, he created an unstoppable situation.

The current Xing Yi didn’t even have the Five Seals of Burning Jue. It was just the strength of the physical body and a layer of armor that blocked Wang Kai’s blow.

Although there are other gifts of talent, in Wang Kai’s eyes, Xing Yi blocked his own punch by relying on the Golden Spirit Power.

And when did Xing Yi become a Qi Practitioner?

Wang Kai was no less shocked than Zhang Fu.

Is there anything special about Zhuan Linggong so easy to practice?

There is also when Xing Yi had the talent for metal, when f*ck was playing against Yuan Ye.

Xing Yi was beaten to his body and never saw Xing Yi’s talent for metal.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be beaten so badly.

And Xing Yi also asked himself how to cultivate his natural talent.

But these things are not important now, the important thing is that Xing Yi hasn’t used the forbidden technique.

The most important thing for the own soil attribute talent is fleshness and defense, but the metallic talent can be said to be no less than the soil attribute talent in the early stage.

And the metallic offensive strength is much stronger than the soil attribute.

For Practitioner, the talent with the greatest increase in strength in the early stage, the metallic talent can definitely rank in the forefront.

Can’t beat it!

“Brother Big Brother, Brother Xing, Brother Yi, I was wrong, I was wrong.” It’s still a familiar recipe and a familiar taste.

When Wang Kai met Xing Yi who couldn’t beat him, he came back.

“Teach me to learn how to master the talent.” Xing Yi said concisely and clearly stated his position. If you teach me, it’s easy to talk. If you don’t teach me, I will learn by myself.

Zhang Fu looked like he was always ready, and Zhang Fu was a little guilty.

“You really think I can’t beat you!” Zhang Fu stiffened again.

Isn’t it the metallic Spirit Power? Who is afraid of who.

When it was really fighting, Wang Kai definitely didn’t persuade him.

Now that Xing Yi has become a Qi Practitioner, the spirit poison is destined to be a point Xing Yi is afraid of.

Now, although I can’t transform into a body of scumbag, but it is still possible to convert Spirit Power into scumbag or other sacred poison through Spiritual Transition.

Even if you want to hide, but the power gap lies here, will you be afraid of fighting forbidden?

The reason why he didn’t fight was because Wang Kai didn’t feel it was worth it, but it was different now. He really had to teach Xing Yi how to control his talent.

So Xing Yi won’t be able to ride on his head every day and shit.

Although I have done this kind of life before, but now Wang Kai absolutely does not want to go back to the original days and be like that.

“Forbidden technique!” In a word, Wang Kai was ready to sacrifice for a while, in any case he couldn’t show Xing Yi’s appearance.

“Forget it.” After speaking, Xing Yi left.

In this time-consuming, Xing Yi is more willing to study transformation art.

After all, this is the top priority, and I haven’t learned how to turn spiritual skills, so go back and study hard.

Now that Wang Kai doesn’t teach himself, he will also have opportunities in the future, so he is not in a hurry at this time.

After Xing Yi left, Wang Kai was also stupid. He thought he was going to beat Xing Yi.

Unexpectedly, it ended hastily.

Looking at Xing Yi’s back, Wang Kai also fell into deep thought.

The talent is too strong.

Zhang Fu also breathed a sigh of relief, and Xing Yi cleared the cyclone, but then fell into contemplation.

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