Chapter 179: Xing Da, Wang Er

After the Zhuan Linggong practice session, Xing Yi and Wang Kai never went to the Lingpressure Pagoda again.

Although the two of them are not afraid of poisoning, they are already Qi Practitioners on the surface after all.

Qi Practitioner is afraid of dirt and poison, this is a common problem.

Wang Kai also took advantage of this time to sprint his own strength, and Xing Yi went all out to break the transformation art.

Mysterious Martial Skill, Xing Yi doesn’t have the ability to know the second, and he is far-fetched when studying.

Mysterious Martial Skill had to be instructed by someone, and the details were countless.

After all, Xing Yi was just a talented person, and Xing Yi had to go through all the trial and error step by step.

When Xing Yi was learning to run the five seals, the reason he was fast was because Li Zhan directly engraved Martial Skill and the learning process in his mind.

In fact, it’s almost the same as being instructed by the side.

But now, Xing Yi is struggling to read Zhang Fu’s handwriting, not to mention how difficult it is to practice.

Zhang Fu has clearly notified.

A week later, in the potential class competition, Xing Yi and Wang Kai represented Xing Yi’s hometown, the potential class in Changying City.

The identity cannot be revealed yet, if it is revealed, it is not that Xing Yi’s identity cannot be revealed.

It’s that Xing Yi’s Cultivation Technique cannot be exposed. Not only Xing Yi can’t bear the consequences of exposure, but even Zhang Fu can’t bear it.

Such a strong Martial Skill should have been promoted early, but the Ministry of Education has suppressed it for so long and has not made it public.

The interest relationship involved is very involved, even Zhang Fu secretly used it to practice, if Xing Yi really exposed.

Zhang Fu just said a word to Xing Yi, and he will never get to Wuhan University for a lifetime.

Missing from Wuhan University means breaking the pace of the Practitioner’s advancement. Whether it is qi or body training, it is not just qi and qi and blood that can be completed.

There are too many taboos in the enchantment.

If you can’t get those things, even Wang Kai will have to endure it now, otherwise Wang Kai will run away early.

After studying with great concentration for a week, Xing Yi said that even though transformation art did not learn the essence, he could easily change his appearance.

At the end of transformation art practice, even the size of the reminder can be changed at will.

The transformation art in the early stage is blunt, which means that the Practitioner can master the things that the third-order Practitioner can do in advance.

The third-order Practitioner, tempers the skin, and the tempered skin is not only more defensive, but can also be easily changed by changing the posture at will.

It is not difficult for Xing Yi.

Within a week, Xing Yi not only mastered the basic operations of transformation art, but also gained great strength.

Open the system interface:

Friendly value: 56314 points

Blood value: 285 calories

Spirit Power value: 360 cards

System space: 645 cubic meters (increases with strength)

Function: Probe (you can detect a Practitioner one level higher than yourself, and you can get all of the opponent’s talents and Practitioner strength, and ten friendly points at a time.)

Talent: balance body, Practitioner body, earth attribute talent body, water attribute talent body, metallic talent body, poisonous body (incomplete)

Balance body (to be extracted)

Unlock Talent: 100,000 friendly points

Unlock function: 100,000 friendly points

Within a week, Xing Yi’s strength had reached a level of nearly 500 calories, and the cyclone and Meridians had all been repaired.

Now against the original Wang Kai, Xing Yi is confident that he can compete with his metallic talent without using forbidden techniques.

As for the plan to go out, Xing Yi is also ready. A Qi Practitioner with metallic talent is his new identity to go to the potential class.

“Hey, kid, who the fuck asked you to sit here, did you want to die?” Wang Kai didn’t see Xing Yi when he came over, but saw a guy who was uglier than himself sitting in the assembly place.

“Okay, he is Xing Yi.” Zhang Fu patted Wang Kai and walked over with Wang Kai.

“It’s a bit ugly!” Zhang Fu blurted out when he saw Xing Yi the first time.

In fact, this face of Xing Yi is not too ugly, it is an ordinary face, but Xing Yi always feels handsome and compelling.

Suddenly changed a face like this, even if it looks ordinary, it is indeed a bit ugly compared to Xing Yi’s previous appearance.

“It’s okay.” Xing Yi touched Own’s face and said.

“Okay, your uncle, this is so ugly.” Wang Kai couldn’t help laughing.

Zhang Funeng used Mental Energy to distinguish Xing Yi’s breath, but Wang Kai couldn’t. To tell the truth, Xing Yi’s face was really ugly compared to before.

“I’ll press your entire face!” Wang Kai has been ridiculing all the time, and Xing Yi couldn’t help but speak back.

“I f*ck…” Wang Kai was speechless for a while.

Zhang Fuzuo looked and looked again, and the two of them carefully compared them, let alone a bit alike.

Wang Kai is not ugly, and a little handsome, Xing Yi just forced Wang Kai’s personal characteristics to magnify his face.

Asymmetry seems so weird.

“Fuck you uncle, Xing Yi.” Wang Kai directly mobilized his own Spirit Power.

Spirit Power covered, Wang Kai Chika Spirit Power!

Xing Yi directly probed and threw it up.

Name: Wang Kai

Identity: Qi Practitioner

Strength: 1108 cards

Talent: soil attribute talent body

With 1000-calorie strength, so many Ascension in a week, Zhang Fu became a Qi Practitioner, and Xing Yi didn’t feel strange.

However, Xing Yi was not afraid of the strength of a thousand calories, and Jin Spirit Power immediately covered his entire body.

He can still play even if he is less than one thousand calories.

It was a thousand calories, and Zhang Fu also looked at Zhang Fu in surprise: “Okay, it’s time to set off.”

A word of scolding, Wang Kai and Xing Yi’s momentum suddenly disappeared.

After getting in the car, Zhang Fu began to explain again: “Remember your current names?”

“Xing Yi.”

“Wang Er!” Although he was extremely reluctant, Wang Kai spoke out.

It’s so stupid, I don’t know the name of which stupid reported, let me know, and kill him a little bit.

It saves trouble, why don’t you be called Zhang San Li Si.

Name daddy Wang Er.

Wang Kai felt that this precipice was an insult to own. If you don’t avenge this grudge, then bear with it for a while.

The name was handwritten by Zhang Fu.

“Just know it. Let’s go directly to the potential class headquarters in Zhongyuan City. The competition will be held there. Remember the place you represent, Changying City. Don’t make a mistake at that time.” Zhang Fu continued to exhort.

“Also, don’t be careless after you arrive. You may not have an opponent in the Body Tempering class, but you are still far behind in the potential class.


Zhang Fuxu talked about it for a long time, but Xing Yi never listened.

Xing Yi fell into deep thought in Zhang Fu’s first sentence.

Bai Yiling should also come to the potential class.

I just don’t know how his current strength is, how strong he is, he shouldn’t be better than himself!

Thinking about the speed of my progress, it is a bit mysterious compared to the Qi Practitioner.

Zhongyuan City is the point agreed upon by herself and her. You can come after the college entrance examination. Now you should be familiar with the environment.

Shuang Qian Yi should be there too.

I could see his name in the Wu Kao.

Want to come to his cultivation Cultivation Technique, the strength at the beginning is so strong, then it is estimated that it is stronger now.

It is estimated that the little kid who had been hiding behind him for protection at the beginning can now jump to his front to call for the wind and rain.

I’ve been a champion in the martial arts exam once, so how could his strength be poor?

God level Cultivation Technique is not vegetarian either.

Wang Kai also peeked at Xing Yi on the way in the car.

As a god-level Cultivation Technique of cultivation, Wang Kai could feel that kind of breath in Xing Yi.

In the past, Xing Yi’s body Practitioner was not obvious, but now that Xing Yi has turned to Practitioner, this feeling is even stronger.

But thinking about the rarity of the god-level Cultivation Technique, Xing Yi’s cultivation technique is definitely not, but Xing Yi’s Cultivation Technique is definitely not simple.

When he thought of this, Wang Kai wondered, why did Xing Yi go for physical exercises? Isn’t Qi training more suitable for him?

Don’t understand?

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