#187-Chapter 187

On the second day, the representatives of the national potential classes, including the coaches, gathered together under the Lingya Tower.

That is, China Wuhan University is big enough.

A team of more than two thousand people stood under the Ling Pagoda, not crowded at all.

There are more than two thousand Practitioners, and the lowest is the first-order Practitioner, and the cohesive momentum makes people tremble.

Even the coaches of the teams dare not go to the front to meet this momentum.

Standing in it, Xing Yi looked left and right, using the probe function time and time again, he wanted to know what the strength of the people here might be.

The first place is not so easy to take. If you don’t know the Practitioner, you have already found a lot of Practitioners with more than kilocalories.

The kilocalories are the first-order limit, and upwards are the second-order Practitioners, but that is the limit for ordinary Practitioners.

Twenty cyclones are one thousand calories, and forty cyclones are four thousand calories.

Like Xing Yi and Wang Kai, both are at the limit of five kcal.

For the students who can come to the potential class, the lowest level of cultivation is the Cultivation Technique, which means that most of the people here are at the limit of two thousand calories.

So there are almost no second-order Practitioners, and Xing Yi hasn’t seen any of them anyway.

Suddenly, a figure fell on the front stage, which instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

And Xing Yi recognized the person who landed on the front ring at a glance.

It was Li Zhan, but it was so different from the Li Zhan I saw.

The aura on his body suddenly exploded, and the students standing below, without exception, all froze for a moment, and their bodies suddenly bent downward.

Immediately, they lay down one by one, and most of them couldn’t hold on.

Li Zhan’s momentum is too strong, and the blood in Xing Yi’s body has already begun to boil just under the pressure.

Xing Yi watched the people around him fall one by one.

Even Wang Kai persisted in a cold sweat.

“Dammit dammit, Huluo Pingyang was bullied by a dog!” Now is Wang Kai’s true thoughts.

Being overwhelmed by the aura of a Grand Great Master, Wang Kai felt shameful enough, and now Li Zhan actually wanted everyone to get down.

All of Wang Kai’s Spirit Power ran wildly, and the Earth-based Spirit Power tried his best to resist, and thoroughly used his talent to the extreme.

And Xing Yi was unwilling to pull down, and the five seals of Ran Jue had already been opened.

But for a minute, there were very few people still standing.

Li Zhan smiled and shook his head. This year’s students are pretty good.

Suddenly, an aura broke out. Together with the coach, all of them were not left behind, and all were retreated 100 meters away.

After retreating, the pressure on his body has dropped sharply, and it can be said that it is directly gone.

When the crowd looked at each other, they didn’t know what the head coach was doing, but most of them didn’t know Li Zhan.

I only know that the person in front of me is very strong, but strong in sight.

“Listen, everyone, from now on, you have a total of six hundred and six teams, and you have drawn six hundred and sixty six areas on the ground.

“Corresponding to your knockout results, you can go up now, as for where you go, you can figure it out.

“If the knockout is over and the ranking is higher than your estimate, it will be calculated according to the estimate, but the reward can be doubled, if it is lower, it will be eliminated directly.” Li Zhan roughly talked about the rules.

After the people below were silent for a while, the discussion began with a sound of “Weng!”

Xing Yi also listened to the rules introduced by Li Zhan.

This means that you can now choose the ranking based on your own strength. If you reach it, you will get double rewards. If you don’t reach it, you will be eliminated directly.

This is a challenge to one’s courage and self-confidence. If you think you are strong enough, you are sure to get that place.

You can go ahead and choose.

But if the strength is not enough, then there is really no way, or if the strength is strong but you don’t have confidence in yourself, then it won’t be too much gain.

The first place is a hundred spar, while the second to tenth only have 30, the eleventh to the hundredth only have ten, and the next to the 200th has only one spar.

As for the remaining people, all are eliminated.

In other words, before two hundred, the lower the ranking, the better.

Now they are all standing on the same starting line, and later Li Zhan’s shouts will begin, which is the time for everyone to make a difference.

The game can be said to have started from now on.

Li Zhan gave an order, and the students in the potential class rushed up in an instant.

The 200th place is directly full, and at most ten people can stand at the same time in a position.

First come first served, followed by one hundred and ninety-nine, ninety-eight…

Anyway, the farther back, the stronger the competition.

No way. One hundred and one hundred and two hundred are the same rewards, but choosing two hundred is obviously less stressful.

And no one will go to the position after 200, because once you choose, you will definitely be eliminated.

After the 200th place, no matter whether you can reach that place in the end, the result will be eliminated.

Choose 201, even if you win the first place in the end, you are counted as the 201st one and eliminated directly.

It can be seen from the size of the ranking given by Li Zhan.

In the first two hundred places, ten people on the stand are not crowded at all, but from the 200th to the two thousand, I am afraid that it will take a lot of effort to stand alone.

Before the start, Liu Shengzhao had always instilled in Xing Yi and Wang Kai’s philosophy is to focus on stability, strive to grab the 200th, and move forward if you can’t grab it.

Xing Yi and Wang Kai also fully agreed.

However, when Li Zhan gave an order, Xing Yi and Wang Kai didn’t grab it at all.

Xing Yi was not in a hurry, Liu Shengzhao was anxious, and watched as the second-hundred position was snatched away.

Then they were robbed one by one. Looking at Xing Yi and Wang Kai, Liu Shengzhao almost didn’t rush in to beat both of them.

Walking slowly, it’s not good to say that the speed of the eighty-year-old lady is faster than the two of them.

The back positions were almost completely robbed, and Xing Yi and Wang Kai only walked a dozen meters away.

Liu Shengzhao can see it, these two people are here to play, “Take a horse!”

No matter how good Liu Shengzhao’s temper is, he can’t help but scold him at this time.

Their ranking is related to the funding of their class next year.

These two people walked so leisurely, laughing while walking.

You laughed at your uncle!

Liu Shengzhao is angry when he sees it.

Sending these two related households to cheat, and friendly and seriously injured his teammates before the start of the game, they are really good people.

The person who grabs the position naturally smiles, but the one who does not grab the position suffers.

They can only be forced to retreat, weeping, because they know what is waiting for them, weed out!

Everyone scrambled for the last one hundred, but there were almost a handful of people in the first one hundred.

No one is interested in the top ten.

Suddenly someone chose the tenth place, and everyone’s eyes focused on this in an instant.

Admiration, ridicule, and admiration all converged on that person.

Even Xing Yi stopped and glanced at him.

“Fuck your uncle Xing Yiyi, where are you standing!” Wang Kai scolded.

Xing Yiting’s position is impressively number one.

I came here to grab the first place, or else why?

Seeing that Xing Yi was one step faster, Wang Kai had to sit in the second position, and at the same time he kept verbalizing Xing Yi for not being creditworthy.

Liu Shengzhao watched the two standing in first and second places respectively, and he was silent for a moment.

He wants to kill!

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