Chapter 188 News of Xing Yi

If it were not for the coach to cross the red line to interfere with the students’ choices, Liu Shengzhao now wants to run directly to kick Xing Yi and Wang Kai out.

Where do you go to daddy!

To put in one’s eyes, to put in one’s eyes

This is really about how much money I can spend next year to run potential classes.

The two of them treated the game as a trifle.

“Zhang Fu!” Liu Shengzhao said Zhang Fu’s name completely through his teeth.

This person is completely cheating on himself. Zhang Fu is estimated to be on Liu Shengzhao’s blacklist for the rest of his life.

As for Xing Yi and Wang Kai, don’t let yourself find a chance, otherwise you must finish the game for both of you.

If you dare to make a joke about own’s future, don’t blame yourself for making jokes about their destiny.

Turning his head to look at Li Junyang, physically disabled and strong, not bad, and grabbed a 150th place.

Compared to those two related households, it’s so worrying.

In order to show the limelight and treat the game as a joke, Liu Shengzhao believes that even if he doesn’t intervene, the two of them won’t have much success.

The facts are indeed the same as Liu Shengzhao thought.

Xing Yi and Wang Kai occupied the first and second places respectively, and almost everyone’s eyes were on Xing Yi and Wang Kai.

Students, coaches, and everyone on the podium.

Dare to occupy the first and second places, at least you need some strength in your hands.

In the sight of thousands of people, Xing Yi seemed indifferent, and he was still observing other people.

And Wang Kai was not calm, because Wang Kai had already noticed that several Mental Energy had been swept away from him.

Judging from his momentum, he was even stronger than his original self. Although Wang Kai was confident of his own Cultivation Technique and talent, he was still a little worried about being recognized.

After all, his current strength is too weak.

Li Zhan stood on the stage and looked at Xing Yi and Wang Kai. He only felt that the guy standing in the first place was a bit familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

But his strength was too weak. Li Zhan felt the Spirit Power fluctuations on Xing Yi with his big eyes. To be honest, Li Zhan didn’t know where the courage came from.

A talented person who can’t be eaten as a meal, and he doesn’t know what he can do.

Maybe it was just to come up with the limelight, but the guy who stood in the second place looked nervous, but his strength and talent were okay.

not bad.

And Bai Yiling, who was still behind, saw that the first place was suddenly occupied, and his eyes were suddenly locked.

At the first glance, Shuang Qianyi felt familiar. Then there was a burst of excitement, but then he calmed down.

It can’t be Xing Yi, Xing Yi is a Practitioner, it is impossible to appear here, and Xing Yi is not so ugly.

Hundreds of years have such a beautiful back, so much like Xing Yi.

Bai Yiling also only glanced a few times, and just found a place where no one was there and stood there.

Without talking about Bai Yiling’s strength, it is impossible to be eliminated by relying on her father.

Li Zhan didn’t dare to weed out Bai Yiling, and the temper of the white emperor was hard to say.

Moreover, Bai Yiling is also confident in own strength. Except for the first few positions, Bai Yiling is still very sure about the other positions.

Shuang Qianyi followed after seeing Bai Yiling.

“There’s news about Xing Yi.” After walking over, Shuang Qianyi said Xing Yi.

Li Zhan’s potential class and Ding Ming’s potential class are the same class.

After returning, Shuang Qianyi immediately approached Ding Ming and asked about Xing Yi’s news.

At first, Ding Ming wondered why the perversion of Shuang Qianyi would recognize another perversion.

It came to light later when they learned that they were from the same place.

Then Ding Ming told Shuang Qianyi about Xing Yi’s situation.

At the very beginning, even he couldn’t succeed in taking down Xing Yi, and later he was even suppressed by Xing Yi’s Practitioner for a while.

The actual combat frenzy was also led by Xing Yi.

It can be said that Xing Yi is definitely the most abnormal and strongest Practitioner Ding Ming has ever seen.

After learning the truth, Shuang Qianyi was silent for a while, and it was true that Brother Yi was still that Brother Yi.

So after coming here today, Shuang Qianyi immediately asked Bai Yiling to share this matter, letting him know that Xing Yi is not weak and strong.

Even if the body is refining, it is the strongest one.

Sure enough, after Bai Yiling knew Xing Yi’s specific situation, he couldn’t hide his joy in his face.

For this reason, Shuang Qianyi also specially pulled Ding Ming over and gave Bai Yiling a good talk.

“What a joke, when I first met Xing Yi with the Chinese score line, his strength was much more than that. It is estimated that he has at least more than a hundred cards now.” Knowing Bai Yiling’s concerns, Ding Ming ranked first. The reaction is to joke with yourself again.

Do you need to worry about the big score in Chinese for a pervert like Xing Yi?

“Didn’t it mean that you will only be sent out if you don’t perform well in the Body Tempering class?” Bai Yiling asked, he was also misled by the news.

“It seems to be true. Those people from the Body Tempering class are also strong in Xing Yi, and after they come, the speed of strength growth is even faster. I even doubt whether he is a Practitioner.” Ding Ming thought of Xing. Yi’s performance exclaimed.

“It may be a special arrangement!” Ding Ming explained casually.

Bai Yiling recalled carefully, Xing Yi’s performance, Xing Yi was the first in the exam when he was in school!

Even if you go to the Body Tempering class, it shouldn’t be the countdown. Who are the people who go to the Body Tempering class? How many people can concentrate on studying and cultivate hard?

So everything is taken for granted.

Xing Yi is still that Xing Yi, the strongest Xing Yi.

The strength of Qi and blood of more than 100 calories is far more difficult than the difficulty of Qi Practitioner cultivation to 1,000 calories.

After learning about Xing Yi’s situation, Bai Yiling’s mental arithmetic was completely put down.

“Go, Shuang Qianyi, you still plan to stay here!” Ding Ming glanced at the underground ranking, 88, to be honest.

Shuang Qianyi should go to fight where Xing Yi is standing now.

“Okay.” Shuang Qianyi doesn’t care about the ranking, but the coach cares. If you really stay here, the coach might cry.

The goal set by the coach for himself is actually the top three, while the goal set by Shuangqianyi is only the top ten.

Fortunately, the coach also let himself hold a point and choose a tenth place.

“Then you go first, I will stay here.” Bai Yiling said directly.

Bai Yiling doesn’t care about these things at all. When the coach comes, he tells her “just be happy, don’t have pressure.”

After all, Bai Yiling is not the main force, and the head coach of Bai Yiling’s class is not an ordinary person.

Nodded, Shuang Qianyi strode directly to the tenth place.

Ding Ming directly locked in the fifth place. After Ding Ming and Shuang Qianyi appeared in Xing Yi’s field of vision, Xing Yi’s line of sight never left the two of them.

Ding Ming knew him well, after all, he had trained for a lot of time together, and Shuang Qianyi Xing Yi almost rushed to greet each other.

I haven’t found it after searching for so long before, but I didn’t expect to see Shuang Qianyi here.

Can only wait until the game is over.

After a while, the top ten were also full of people.

There is no way, there are so many places, you have to come if you don’t want to come, you can’t stand directly after 200!

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