Chapter 189 Spirit Pressure Room Cannot Cultivation

“Very well, since we are all in position, then I will say a little more.” Li Zhan’s voice echoed in everyone’s ears again.

“The pressure tower has ninety-nine floors. There are 2,000 rooms open. Each room can only have one person, and the rooms will automatically close 200 rooms every hour until the end of the elimination game.” Li Zhan just gave a general introduction. rule.

Xing Yi was still waiting for what Li Zhan would say next. As a result, Li Zhan Mental Energy broke out in an instant.

Two thousand people were directly pushed into the Spiritual Pressure Tower, and there was no room for resistance at all.

When I came in, the pre-match watch on my hand also started to activate.

When everyone looked left and right, Li Zhan’s voice came again when they were a little overwhelmed.

“The game has started, there are surprises in the room, hurry up and take it!”

Immediately after that, a machine-synthesized sound was back-shifted in the entire aura.

First, introduce the rules.

The panicked crowd gradually calmed down.

“A person who keeps occupying the room for 20 minutes is considered as successful. At the last second of each hour, those who do not occupy the room are automatically eliminated.”

“During the occupation process, if someone enters the same room, the occupation time will stop, and the calculation will continue after the person leaves. If two people occupy the same room, both will be eliminated.”

“The injury was detected and sent out by the pressure tower and eliminated.”

At the same time as the system’s voice fell, nearly two thousand people were still congested just now.

But after a while, there were not a few people left in the hall of the Spirit Pressure Tower.

Du Qu has already begun to occupy the Rei-Press room.

The rules are very simple and cruel. It only takes one person to stay in a reiki room for twenty minutes to advance to the next round.

Xing Yi lifted his watch and looked at the countdown on it. In one hour, the countdown to elimination has already begun.

Trainee: Xing Yi

Countdown: 59 minutes and 02 seconds

Occupation: None

This is the interface of the watch.

Turning to look at Wang Kai again, I didn’t know where to go.

Xing Yi had no choice but to find a pressure room first. In Xing Yi’s opinion, no one would be eliminated in the first round of the knockout.

Two thousand spiritual pressure rooms are open, one for each person and two extra.

Unless someone does it, but the game has just started, no one is familiar with it. In the first hour, it is estimated that no one will take the lead.

Randomly found a room, no matter whether there was anyone in it, Xing Yi walked in directly.

The structure is almost the same as that of the Body Tempering Class Spirit Pressure Tower, a layer of emptiness Spirit Power door, you can enter and exit at will.

As soon as Xing Yi entered the door, the pressure inside came, but what Xing Yi felt was not pressure, but a steady stream of Spirit Power.

It’s too strong, and the pressure is too different from the Body Tempering class.

The pressure in the Body Tempering class’s pressure chamber, dirt, Spirit Power, Spiritual Qi, and a mess of various pressure combinations.

However, the pressure in the spiritual pressure room of the potential class is actually Spirit Power, which is heaven to Xing Yi.

It is also heaven for those who are stronger. As long as they can resist the pressure in the spiritual pressure chamber and proceed to cultivation, the speed can be imagined.

The room Xing Yi entered, but there were people in it.

The moment the person saw Xing Yi coming in, the occupation neutral on the watch stopped immediately.

Somewhat nervously looked at Xing Yi: “What do you want to do, this is just the beginning.”

This means that there are still a lot of pressure rooms, so there is no need to grab everyone.

“It’s okay, just come in and have a look, or you go out first.” Jindu came in, and Xing Yi didn’t bother to go out and look for it again.

Xing Yi immediately threw up a probing function.

Name: He Yifeng

Occupation: First-order Qi Practitioner

Strength: One thousand calories Spirit Power

Is it so strong?

Xing Yi regretted it a little bit. He didn’t expect to enter a room casually, and the people inside would be so strong.

This luck is no one.

With a strength of 1,000 calories, to be honest, Xing Yi really didn’t want to fight this guy right now.

Sure enough, after hearing Xing Yi’s words, He Yifeng’s eyes immediately changed when he saw Xing Yi.

The momentum on his body broke out in an instant, and the strength of a thousand calories was still a bit strong, and Xing Yi wouldn’t necessarily be able to beat him without burning the five seals.

But now it’s too late to regret, and the words have been released.

“Huh~ just leave!” He Yifeng flicked his arm and walked out directly.

Xing Yi didn’t know He Yifeng, but He Yifeng had an impression of Xing Yi. From the very beginning, Xing Yi dared to occupy the first place. He Yifeng didn’t believe him if he was very good at strength.

Naturally, He Yifeng is not afraid of Xing Yi, but he also has the same concerns as Xing Yi, that is, it is not worth it to start a big fight now.

The game has just begun.

“Uh…” Looking at He Yifeng who left without looking back, Xing Yi was also stunned, but after thinking about it, he understood.

The game has just begun.

After He Yifeng left, the occupation time on Xing Yi’s watch was directly recorded.

And Xing Yi also sat down directly, Xing Yi had never really cultivated seriously at all, and most of the Spirit Power absorbed by the cyclone was transferred to make a dowry for the body refinement.

But now it is different. The Spirit Power here is strong enough, and the speed of self-absorption is fast enough. Compared with the power of the Ascension body Practitioner, it is better to speed up the power of the Ascension body Practitioner.

After all, the strength of Qi Practitioner Ascension is gone, and more resources will be provided to the martial arts.

As soon as I sat cross-legged on the ground and my hand vibrated, a message popped up on the watch.

It is a warning.

Warning: Cultivation is forbidden in the spiritual pressure room!

Everyone is still too weak. Don’t cultivate in the state of spiritual pressure. Once the pressure is unstable, it is likely to cause the cyclone to break, or even the Meridians.

Don’t covet whether the Spirit Power in it is rich, it’s fundamental to become stronger with confidence. Don’t be too greedy.

The warning was issued by a coach in the monitoring room, because the coach actually saw someone wanting to cultivate in the Reiki Room.

I really want to become stronger. The Reiki Room is a place for Practitioner training, not a place for cultivation.

How big is the pressure gun inside, you can realize the moment you enter, how strong the spirit is overwhelming.

Even if you don’t pay attention, you will be hurt by the powerful spiritual pressure, let alone cultivation, it is enough to stay in the same rank spiritual pressure room for a period of time.

Those who wish to cultivate in it have paid a great price.

Once someone tried to cultivate in the spiritual pressure room, the cyclone was abolished all over, Meridians were completely cut off, and it is still very difficult for the body to move.

Xing Yi is still wondering why he can’t cultivate, even if others can’t breathe, but it’s okay to cultivate.

Just resist the pressure.

But the reality soon taught Xing Yi a lesson, the pressure from the beginning of the whole body coverage, instantly turned into a direction.

A gravitational force caused Xing Yi to be pushed a few meters away on the spot. Before he stood up, the direction of pressure began to change again.

After a while, the pressure began to calm down again, putting pressure on Xing Yi from all directions, not one direction, Xing Yi felt much more friendly.

“Spirit pressure will change and will attack!” Xing Yi knew what the warning meant.

Normally, it’s okay for the spirit to be overwhelming, and it can be cultivated by resisting it, but that kind of pressure in one direction, or even a little bit of pressure, is a bit scary.

There is no difference between the usual opponents’ offenses. When you are cultivating, if you are suddenly attacked, the consequences must be serious.

With the passage of time, the attack of the Reiki Chamber became more and more frequent, and the power was not strong, but the rhythm was too fast.

What a damn in Wang Kai’s heart at this time.

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