Chapter 195

Name: Ding Ming

Occupation: First-order Qi Practitioner

Strength: 1562 cards Spirit Power

Talent: Fire attribute talent body

The strength of more than 1,500 cards is worthy of a talented Practitioner, who did not catch up with Ding Ming when he was in the boxing field.

I thought I didn’t talk about catching up after breakthrough Practitioner, but at least I could get a little distance.

But I didn’t expect that after so much difference, his Spirit Power plus Qi and blood were not as much as his.

Xing Yi just wanted to go up to say hello, but suddenly remembered that his current identity was Xing Yi instead of Xing Yi.

Now everyone is a competitor. If you really want to get close to Ding Ming rashly, maybe that guy will just hit himself on the ground.

He wasn’t necessarily Ding Ming’s opponent now, and the difference in strength was too great.

And Ding Ming is also a talented Practitioner.

Suddenly Xing Yi thought that Ding Ming seemed to have a strong control over fire attributes, and that Spirit Power exploded too quickly.

And the previous Yuan Ye, when he was playing against him, he relied on his metallic talent, and he did not lose much on his talent.

But why does the metallic talent become useless to oneself? Putting it on oneself is as if one has the privilege of using the second-order Practitioner in advance.

And he has to pay a lot of Spirit Power to maintain the Spirit Power coverage.

When I was fighting Yuan Ye, I didn’t see his blood covering his body. Yuan Ye himself was a tough group at the beginning.

It can be seen that I am too weak in control of my talents. There are so many talents on the way, and they have accumulated to me, and they have not played any role.

There must be some skills that you don’t know, if you can discover or master the main points.

Ascension is definitely not the slightest to one’s own strength.

Wang Kai must know, but that guy would definitely not teach himself. When he thought of this, Xing Yi couldn’t help but want to teach Wang Kai a lesson.

However, he is not necessarily Wang Kai’s opponent now.

The weak and temperamental Wang Kai back then is gone forever!

After hesitating for a moment, Xing Yi decided to ask Ding Ming, even if he didn’t know who he is now, a fight would be enough.

“Hey! That kid.” Xing Yi shouted directly at Ding Ming.

“What’s the matter? Something?” Ding Ming had an impression of the person in front of him, but he was quite ugly, but he was very courageous and dared to be the first to run to occupy the first position.

However, the first position is really Xing Yi’s.

There is no other reason. To stay in the spiritual pressure room is torture for other players, but for Xing Yi, it is a cultivation place with accelerators on.

Xing Yi can’t wait to stay in it and never come out, so Xing Yi’s first place is normal.

“I have something, I want to ask you a question, do you have the talent of fire attribute!” Xing Yi nodded and asked knowingly.

“Yes, what’s the matter?” Ding Ming didn’t conceal it. Most people in the potential class knew about his fire attribute talent, and it was not a secret.

“Then you should know how to cultivate talent, I will give you five bottles of Spirit Power water, how about telling me?” Xing Yi stretched out his hand and took out five bottles of Spirit Power water directly from the system space.

“Uh…” Ding Ming was silent for a while, looking at Xing Yi like a fool.

This is also called a matter?

Does he have no coach? Isn’t there anyone who has talent to teach them?

Ding Ming has never seen a Practitioner with talents, and can’t use his talents.

On the contrary, Ding Ming has seen a lot of his talents. The most impressive is the body Practitioner Xing Yi he encountered in the boxing field.

The talent of the earth attribute is simply the person I have seen the most resistant to beatings. It is estimated that the integration of the talent of the earth attribute has been integrated to the extreme.

Otherwise it wouldn’t be so strong.

Everyone knows that Ding Ming’s impressive body Practitioner is trying to learn how to cultivate talent from him!

Whether it is Li Zhan or the coach of the Body Tempering class, Xing Yi’s strength far exceeds his own hard power.

I never thought that Xing Yi could not cultivate talent, how could he have such a strong combat ability.

Xing Yi never knew that talent also had a cultivation method, and Xing Yi never asked anyone at all, that is to say, he was shocked by Wang Kai’s talent of soil attributes last time.

At other times, Xing Yi didn’t think about it at all. That is to say, seeing Ding Ming again today, Xing Yi thought about it and came to ask.

As for whether to look at Ding Ming’s own eyes, Xing Yi probably already knows a result.

Sure enough, it was his own sand coin, so there was no talent for cultivation, but fortunately, it wasn’t his own face that I lost.

Just as he was about to take it back, Ding Ming took five bottles of Spirit Power water.

If it’s good, don’t let it go for nothing. No matter what you want to do, five bottles of Spirit Power water are in front of you. Ding Ming doesn’t make sense to let it go.

Some basic knowledge is nothing, there is nothing I don’t know.

“You really don’t know how to cultivate talent?” After receiving the Spirit Power water, Ding Ming couldn’t help but ask.

“Talents can really be cultivated!” Xing Yi looked shocked. He thought that cultivation talent was hopeless, and Ding Ming pulled Xing Yi back with a single sentence.

“Okay!” Ding Ming shook his head and smiled. It seems that this guy really doesn’t know.

Maybe he has no talent, don’t know it!

“Talents are cultivated, such as the talents of soil attributes. The first thing after becoming a Practitioner is to change the attributes of cyclones. From now on, the spirit power cultivated belongs to the spirit power of soil attributes.

“But talent is much more than that. We all know that the most intuitive impression of earth attribute talent is the ability to resist, a batch of flesh.

“Only relying on the soil attribute Spirit Power, but it can’t get the flesh at all, the main thing is to integrate the own talent into the flesh.

“Only by integrating the soil attribute Spirit Power into the body can the real increase brought by the soil attribute talent can be achieved.

“Actually, it should be the same as the physical Practitioner tempering the body, but it should be much easier. After all, it is the advantage brought by the talent. After the integration, the effect can be comparable to the physical Practitioner tempering.”

Ding Ming spoke seriously, and Xing Yi listened carefully.

Ding Ming carefully talked about the method of cultivation talent, and Xing Yi also suddenly understood.

“I have seen a pervert, that is, a talent of soil attributes, or a physical Practitioner. It is estimated that his integration of talents of soil attributes has reached a very strong point.” Ding Ming said with an admiring expression on his face.

Xing Yi looked at Ding Ming’s expression of admiration when he mentioned that person.

It is estimated that the strength of the Practitioner should be extraordinary, and the talent of the Practitioner is not bad.

Damn, that person won’t be Wang Kai!

If you think about it carefully, it’s really possible. Wang Kai is strong and didn’t run. Xing Yi wanted to learn the first time he saw the use of his earth attribute talent.

It must be Wang Kai!

“Oh, I know that person, he is just rubbish!” Xing Yi said.

“You…” Ding Ming suffocated in his mouth and looked at the Spirit Power water in his hand, but he recalled the days when he and Xing Yi lived together to learn from each other.

“Fuck you uncle, you are really rubbish! The cultivation method daddy told you, now get out!” Ding Ming directly cursed.

What kind of thing is he, even the cultivation method of talent has to come to him to ask, so he dare to say that Xing Yi is a rubbish.

“Originally, it is not rubbish, but also a silly critic!” Speaking of Wang Kai, Xing Yi was naturally out of anger.

But seeing that Ding Ming was about to run away, he quickly slipped away. Anyway, he learned something.

Walking on the road, Xing Yi still whispered: “It’s just a silly critic!” At the same time, he was still thinking, when did Wang Kai become so popular?

Just his temper, the way he looked like the boss.

And how did Ding Ming know Wang Kai?

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